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Do you look down on male nurses?


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The reason I ask, is that I'm considering becoming one.


Here's the story:


My mother, who is an RN, and currently works as a care facility inspector for the Ohio Department of Health, wants me to go this direction in college. I've been in college for 2 years now, using up all my basic classes and piddling around, but now it's time to actually pick a path and go with it. Nothing in particular really interests me, so I don't have any idea where I want to go with this college thing. She comes up with a new idea every week of something that I should pursue. But she mostly falls back on this nursing thing.


Being that she is in the industry, I feel that she's fairly knowledgable about the workings, and demand of it. She's been fairly sucessful with the whole nursing thing. She claims that there is an extremely high need for nurses in general. Specifically, she wants me to pursue becoming a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist). So, since I'm not really interested in much of any career, I'd like to go with one that brings in some decent money. After doing a little bit of research, I've come to realise that CRNA's bring in close to $100k/year, right out of grad school, and it just goes up from there. Every once in awhile, she'll read an article outloud (to try to pursuade me) stating that some places are offering up to $300k/year. I personally find this to be awesome, and very inspiring. I don't believe it would be extremely hard work, compared to the construction type environment that I'm in now.


I'm not really a big people person. If you asked my family, they'd say I'm pretty much an introvert. I'm not sure if this would affect my feelings on thise career or not, being that you are dealing with people all day long. On the other hand, I deal with asshole construction contractors all day, now, and that doesn't seem to be that big of a problem. I am not, however, one of those people that says, "All I want to do is help people when I grow up!!" I generally could give a shit less about anybody else.


My only hold up on doing this, is that I feel it's one of those careers that men shouldn't be in. Maybe it's a stereotype thing. I keep thinking back to 'Meet the Parents.' I think, though, that for $100k+/year, I could deal with the stereotyping.


What do you guys think? Should I go for it? Would you consider it a bad career for a guy to get into? Thanks for the opinions. :woowoo:

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Yes, huge shortage of nurses. Only expected to get worse in coming years.


Dont forget the cost of rising malpractice insurance.


If I could deal with any body/medical stuff, I would really look at dermatology. No malpractice, can bring in 200k a year on a 3 day work week.

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If I could deal with any body/medical stuff, I would really look at dermatology. No malpractice, can bring in 200k a year on a 3 day work week.


Incorrect on the malpractice statement. Dermatologists prescribe medications such as tetracyclene which could harm someone with specific allergies, or have other side effects from prolonged use. They absolutely must carry malpractice insurance.


I have a few friends that are nurses and he is correct about the shortage. Hospitals and Care facilities are paying HUGE sign-on bonuses in trying to secure nurses from other facilities. Job security in the nursing industry is unbelievable.

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I don't look down on male nurses... my one question to you is, why do you care if anyone looks down on you for a profession? Obviously if they do their head is shoved so far up their ass that it doesn't matter anyways.


Agreed. My sister and brother in law are both RN's and doing quite well for themselves. The baby boomers ain't getting any younger and a person with nursing experience is invaluable. Yeah they put up with a lot of shit, but if you can bring in 100k a year, it would be real easy to forget everything that bitch said as you shift into fifth in your porsche, mercedes, bmw or Z06

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just remember the pay might be high but malpractice insurance is getting to be more and more expensive. I've heard of severe problems with that. specially if u are doing anesthesia, people can die from that shit.



just remember if it has a high salary like that right out of the box with no experience there has to be some sort of risk involved.

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Becoming a nurse has crossed my mind before, mainly because of the $$$. The title "Nurse" does seem a bit feminine, but in this day and age nobody thinks twice about whether a nurse is a man or woman. The pay is great, and I promise you will have no problem getting young attractive coworkers to go out for a drink after shift ;)
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My wife will graduate in June from the nursing Program at CSCC. She says for the first few years you will only make 35-40K. But after that you can expect to make 50-80k if you are good. The bonus to being a nurse is you basically can live anywhere in the country and get a job and negotiate your salary.


I say go for it. It would be cool to pick where you want to live, and your salary.

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My Fiancie' is a RN at a local hopspital and works with a couple male nurse's she works with and graduated with and has no problem with them. so my answer would be no doing something to help people is very rewarding mentally and financially. I've even concidered going myself.


She also said that becoming a CRNA is'nt something you become right after getting your bachelors degree, you have to be a RN in the ICU for at least 2 years before being able to even apply for this particular grad school and they have very stricked requirements to get in that class....

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I tell more people who don't know what to do in college or military, to go into the medical field. It's a goldmine right now. My company (I'm kinda part owner now, me and a couple of other guys with this startup I've been at for the past 5 months) writes and sells some medical software and we make a killing with it. The medical field is where it's at, even if you are not a doctor or nurse. I say more power to you, go for it... :)
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-A nurse doesnt carry insurance themselves. The hospital itself has this insurance. It is only a concern if you are starting your own private practice. Nurses dont do that. ;)


-The stereotype is bound to change. With the amount of demand in the industry, enough smart people will eventually begin to capitalize on it. Money can make people overlook any kind of negative perception.


-The biggest thing you should be questioning is if this path will be satisfying to you. You can make all the money in the world, but if you hate your life and what you do, it isnt going to make you love it. The desire to help people falls in line with that which would be satisfied with this job.


-I would definitely consider it if I wasnt engrossed in my career already.

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-A nurse doesnt carry insurance themselves. The hospital itself has this insurance. It is only a concern if you are starting your own private practice. Nurses dont do that. ;)


Insurance is not a requirement but anyone in the medical field should have it. The hospital will only cover the Dr/nurse if everything in question was by the books if not its the Dr/Nurse's fault and falls on their personal insurance

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Like others have said don't worry about what other's think. Make sure whatever career you choose it will be something you enjoy, going to school to change career paths because you hate your job while working full time suck ass. I am taking masters courses right now and it's rough with working full time.


My cousin is in college to be a nurse right now up in CT and he likes it a lot, he seems to be doing ok moneywise and he does have a lot of women in his classes that are cute.



Probably none of my business but how in the hell can you be in college and work construction and have a ZO6? I make good money don't have a lot of debt and even I can't afford one of those at this time in my life. Man I got hosed Tommy I got hosed!

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im was and looking to be again an E.R.Tech here at a hospitals in columbus...and the oppertunities that mainstream hospitals offer for rn and bsn programs are astounding. im at cscc doing fire/ems sciences degree after i spent 2yrs at osu in a physical therapy major, and nursing is next.

ive looked into various careers, and travle nursing seems to coinside with a fire/medic career i have planed for myself right now.

ive looked into RN, bsn, cnras, perfusionists, surgery tech, and PA's. PA's are only going to get more responsibilities as docs realize the potential of their utilization and thus more bank w/o the insurance. Perfusionists are going to get replaced by machines in the next 20yrs, , and with surgery techs there is a HUGE oppertunity to sell for surgical companies. as a surg tech you obviously work with the docs in surgery and see what they like and dont like and what they wish you had...selling surgical equipemt is a multi billion dollar business, considering single hospital contracts start in the 7-8 figgure range. and they not only pay for your input, but if you can sell worth a damn, and have been in the business for long enough konw what you are talkign about they will hire you on. talk about 300k plus a year easy. knowing all this the only reason im sticking with RN is medflight looks like a blast later on in life and travel nursing in the near future is not only lucrative, but, well im paid to travel where i want to...



and as far as being a male nures and how youare viewed, fuck it...have you seen the girls graduating from Mt Carmel's school of nursing, or any other nursing program in columbus? ...and try and let some sophomoric tool try 'n shit on you when youve got a great paying, mentaly stimulaing, secure job where you make a difference every day, as you drive off in your vet with an arm around the hottest nurse in the city. money!



(shit with a pitch like that for nursing, i should be in marketing)

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I tell more people who don't know what to do in college or military, to go into the medical field. It's a goldmine right now. My company (I'm kinda part owner now, me and a couple of other guys with this startup I've been at for the past 5 months) writes and sells some medical software and we make a killing with it. The medical field is where it's at, even if you are not a doctor or nurse. I say more power to you, go for it... :)


So that's why you don't talk to a brother anymore :p

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Go for it!


Might go this route yet, as I will be working for the branch chief of the medical comand for the ohio NG.

BTW, ever thought about doing the military? Get school paid for and the retetion bonuses for medical personel are retarded. Shoot me a Pm if you want me to find out more for you.

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Probably none of my business but how in the hell can you be in college and work construction and have a ZO6?


I live with my mother (nurse) who pays for my college (most college credits were bought throughout my childhood). My only responsibilities are: to go to school, work at a heavy equipment rental company, and pay for the vette. Money is tight, but I manage just fine.


Lust. I've thought about the military route. But with all of my college already paid for, I wouldn't have any real need to do it. Thanks for the offer though.


I appreciate everyone's opinions. I got a better response than I thought. Looks like I might head this direction then.

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