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Those with kids - how old were you...


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I was 29 when we had our first child and 30 when we had our second. It is true that priorities change. I loved my hobbies and love my family. I still have some time for my hobbies but not as much. I cherish the time with my family. The kids are only small once. We assist in school and I even coach/assist in their sports. My wife and I wanted to have children in our late 20's. The reason was we both wanted to finish college and in her case, law school and get a start on our career path. We were blessed with having our daughter quickly after our son was born(15 months apart). I agree with others, I didnt want to be one of those parents that we near 60 at the kids high school graduation.
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I am 32, I have a 5 year old and an 8 month old.


The answer is, no one can tell you the right age for you. You decide that, when you are ready you will have your children and love them. You cannot find anything so worthwhile in this life, than to love your kids and make them the best people possible. My boys are my life, but I still run away with the wife now and then (thanks to my mother-in-law, the best person in the world).


Being married is very fulfilling, being married with children is awesome.


When both of my sons were born I thought, "how can I love you this much, when we have only just met".


If you want to see some photos of my kids go to


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