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Are you on MySpace pt 2


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Yes Chris, you and your boyfriend are fags. I'm glad you've come to this realization. Thanks for sharing it with the group.


ERROR: We're sorry, but your insult cannot be processed at this time for the following reason(s):


Heterosexual male has exceeded the legal quota of myspace accounts by '3'


Please reduce your myspace accounts by '3' in order to process your insult.

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ERROR: We're sorry, but your insult cannot be processed at this time for the following reason(s):


Heterosexual male has exceeded the legal quota of myspace accounts by '3'


Please reduce your myspace accounts by '3' in order to process your insult.



I don't have three accounts. I have one account. CR has one account. And the OSU Drinking Team has an account. Douchebag. Lick my taint already. You coming tonight?

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I don't have three accounts. I have one account. CR has one account. And the OSU Drinking Team has an account. Douchebag. Lick my taint already. You coming tonight?


The real question is...if he comes, will he be coming alone??


Chris, I wanna meet her :cool:


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Oh Snap, Chris found someone to take his hands place?


Yep. Still with the girl from the SM section post. :)


Marc, one day. :p I wasn't feeling getting drunk off my ass last night. Been working too much lately.

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what's myspace?

A trifle bit more retarded than, Facebook, it is an area of the internet where emo kids go to e-cry on one another's myspace accounts, attempt to have the most alternative title, and attempt to be friends with the most bands no one likes or has heard of. That, and creepy old guys that solicit sex as 16/m/cali from girls who don't know better.


Basically its the ugliest circlejerk you never want to see.

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A trifle bit more retarded than, Facebook, it is an area of the internet where emo kids go to e-cry on one another's myspace accounts, attempt to have the most alternative title, and attempt to be friends with the most bands no one likes or has heard of. That, and creepy old guys that solicit sex as 16/m/cali from girls who don't know better.


Basically its the ugliest circlejerk you never want to see.



And you are the resident expert on circle jerks...

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