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I hope you've all sold your Chametz.


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Chametz is any food product derived of wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt or its derivative.


During Passover there is a Biblical obligation to get rid of chametz: "You shall eat nothing leavened, in all your settlements you shall eat unleavened bread." (Ex. 12:20) Another place mentioned in the Torah implies communal responsibility for the destruction of chametz: "Throughout the seven days [of Passover] no leavened bread shall be found with you, and no leaven shall be found in all your territory." (Ex. 13:7)


The prohibition extends throughout all eight days of Passover (seven in Israel) and matzah is used as a replacement.

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"You shall eat nothing leavened, in all your settlements you shall eat unleavened bread."

basicaly, for those not hip, this means you eat bad tasting stuff, as if you were, say, lost in a dfesert for an extended period of time. Thats this idea anyways.


I have a very offensive joke to share with you all, might even get me a strike, but you'll laugh, unless you've got no sense of humor:


I hope you've all sold your Chametz.

Sold? Why not give it away? Oh, forgot, Jewish holiday. ;)


Keep in mind, I love everyone, there's a demon in my head that spits this stuff out. :)

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Guest FrancesTheMute
Silly Jews, God hates you. You killed his son.




Oh...wow, that gave me a good laugh.


Sold? Why not give it away? Oh, forgot, Jewish holiday. ;)


That one brought a tear to my eye, took me a minute to get it though :D

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