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Ok so I have poison ivy and cant seem to get rid of it....I cant go to the docs bc no health ins. I was just wondering if anyone had pregnezone (dont know how to spell) its a pill for all types of poison ivy , or oak. Its making me crazy if someone has anything please let me know :(
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Sorry, do not have any, but I have a good way to get rid of it.


If it is just on your feet or lower legs, get into an empty bath tub, scratch it until it bleeds and pour clorox bleach on it. Will hurt like hell, but kills it then, will heal up pretty quickly afterward.

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Sorry, do not have any, but I have a good way to get rid of it.


If it is just on your feet or lower legs, get into an empty bath tub, scratch it until it bleeds and pour clorox bleach on it. Will hurt like hell, but kills it then, will heal up pretty quickly afterward.




Why don't you have health ins? Get that ASAP! Anyways, I think camilla (sp?) lotion should help, its like a tan/light reddish bottle at cvs or something, but i would go to any pharmecy and ask what they have to treat poison ivy, I'm sure there is an over the counter solution.


good luck

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Guest No_Speed4_You
Sorry, do not have any, but I have a good way to get rid of it.


If it is just on your feet or lower legs, get into an empty bath tub, scratch it until it bleeds and pour clorox bleach on it. Will hurt like hell, but kills it then, will heal up pretty quickly afterward.



Yep, that's how I get of mine. Burns but works.

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So i didnt have clorox but i scratched it and then used alcohol on it and it burned like a bitch then i threw salt over that.......hope that does the trick....thanks guys for the info :) ill try clorox tomorrow .....oh and i dont have health ins. bc its fucking expensive and i just bought a house and that takes all my money :( ontop of all the other expenses.
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So i didnt have clorox but i scratched it and then used alcohol on it and it burned like a bitch then i threw salt over that.......hope that does the trick....thanks guys for the info :) ill try clorox tomorrow .....oh and i dont have health ins. bc its fucking expensive and i just bought a house and that takes all my money :( ontop of all the other expenses.


That should have killed it.

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Last time I had it, I cleaned it w/ Peroxide, and used the pink stuff at home, and the clear stuff out in public. Worked pretty well (the pink stuff seems to dry it out a bit better).


On stuff where there's puss, pricking it open w/ a needle and pouring on the bleach helps.

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Ok so I have poison ivy and cant seem to get rid of it....I cant go to the docs bc no health ins. I was just wondering if anyone had pregnezone (dont know how to spell) its a pill for all types of poison ivy , or oak. Its making me crazy if someone has anything please let me know :(




The medication you're asking about is called prednisone or methylprednisilone. It's a steroid. Anti-inflammatory properties as well. It has many, many, many uses. Take it. It will get rid of your pioson ivy. You're probably on a 3 day taper, right??? Prednisone is relatively cheap...been around for years and years. You won't have the usually side effects most people get since it's for such a short period of time. If you want u can also use some OTC cortisone (topical steroid) or calamine lotion for the itching. Try not to scratch the areas. If it gets too bad u may have to go to an urgent care and get an injection of a steroid. This is much cheaper that the ED for people who don't have insurance. That sucks. I will be in the same boat as u for about 2 months shortly. =) Hope this helps.

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Bettina, by the way...don't listen to this other advice. It's scary what people will come up with. DO NOT SCRATCH those areas. Use the medication and it will subside on its own. Especially don't listen to the advice about the bleach. If u have questions about my medical advice ask any medical professional. They will all the u the same thing.
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Oatmeal bath. Seriously. Works for chicken pox too. Get one of the big containers of oatmeal, pour the whole thing in the tub, run a bath. Soak in it for however long. I always ended up falling asleep because finally it didn't itch. When you're done, just shower off. The oatmeal pulls the puss, poison, and other crap out and clears it up. Cheap, and easy. Doctors recommended it to me. Stops the itch almost immediately.
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Oatmeal bath. Seriously. Works for chicken pox too. Get one of the big containers of oatmeal, pour the whole thing in the tub, run a bath. Soak in it for however long. I always ended up falling asleep because finally it didn't itch. When you're done, just shower off. The oatmeal pulls the puss, poison, and other crap out and clears it up. Cheap, and easy. Doctors recommended it to me. Stops the itch almost immediately.



It's called aveeno.

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Ive put concrete on my like the quickcrete stuff...mix it up really soupy and put it on and let it dry, then wash it off...Itll dry your skin out to beat hell but the poison gets out pretty quick that way....and it wont burn like bleach gas or brake cleaner.....
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Ive put concrete on my like the quickcrete stuff...mix it up really soupy and put it on and let it dry, then wash it off...Itll dry your skin out to beat hell but the poison gets out pretty quick that way....and it wont burn like bleach gas or brake cleaner.....


It is the lime in concrete. Serious injury can come from this. Lime burns hurt a hell of alot worse than any poison ivy.

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