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What's the Point?!??!


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More limitations should be put on the younger drivers. I dont think raising the age limit is necessary. Maybe no driving after 9pm. More time in car training and state sponsored driving road courses. Also grades I think I heard were in affect or a possibility whereas they need to be in school and having a passing gpa.
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I had a brand new 1997 civic when I was 17 and raced any willing vehicle.. I'm a firm believer in raising the licensing age limit to at least 21 because teenagers are fucking stupid.

When I was 17 I bought my first car, 95 v8 tbird, same thing. 130 mph through dowtown? yes please. Running from the cops? Umm friend of a freind, yeah. :rolleyes:



21 year old solo liscense, yes. But they should begin driving at 16. It's experience that makes them better, not age.

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When I was 17 I bought my first car, 95 v8 tbird, same thing. 130 mph through dowtown? yes please. Running from the cops? Umm friend of a freind, yeah. :rolleyes:



21 year old solo liscense, yes. But they should begin driving at 16. It's experience that makes them better, not age.


Sounds familiar, only I was 16, and my bird was a 93. :)


I don't think I drive the speed limit now, normally 5-10 under. I don't think a raised age limit would help, I would have been just that much more eager to drive like a moron.

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my .02 cents / when you look at the huge increase in drivers on the road today, states should consider locking down the new young drivers!

* longer & mandatory drivers ed, enforcing the driver ed schools to TEACH these young people how to really drive, not just putting in the hours

* between the ages of 16 & 17, NO DRIVING after 10:00 pm. Yeah they can drive to school & work, but no time to assclown around & race their Isuzu on a Friday or Saturday nite. Come to think about it I wonder if this would slow down some of the crap that goes on at our meeting places? Oh no it wouldn't - too late for some of them, they just need recycled in some serious drivers ed!!! Haaaaaaaaaa

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my .02 cents / when you look at the huge increase in drivers on the road today, states should consider locking down the new young drivers!

* longer & mandatory drivers ed, enforcing the driver ed schools to TEACH these young people how to really drive, not just putting in the hours

* between the ages of 16 & 17, NO DRIVING after 10:00 pm. Yeah they can drive to school & work, but no time to assclown around & race their Isuzu on a Friday or Saturday nite. Come to think about it I wonder if this would slow down some of the crap that goes on at our meeting places? Oh no it wouldn't - too late for some of them, they just need recycled in some serious drivers ed!!! Haaaaaaaaaa


Amen, Tom


So you are saying that the American Cities driving school should not have hired the guy they did to teach me how to drive? I remember going to McDonalds and some music shop to look at guitars during one of my formal in car sessions! LOL



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Alright heres my veiw. Im 16 years old and I believe that any idiot with half a brain could of passed the drivers test. I think they should of created more indept driving classes so that you learn how to drive on snow and rain and other situations such as speeding. But then again I dont take out my talon and go flying down city roads at 100+. And giving teenagers a curfew of 10pm will do nothing.
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And giving teenagers a curfew of 10pm will do nothing.



Not sure I agree. I would venture a guess that most street racing happens after the sun goes down and during the summer months.



On the other hand. I still believe the majority of teenagers respect the road and others. Unfortunately, there is a very LOUD minority screwing it up for the rest.

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I'm with OSU GT & Lustalbert all the way - &&&&& if parents said to their kids / HEY THE LAW IS YOU'RE HOME WITH THAT CAR AT 10:00, NOT HERE KISS WHEELS GOODBYE. Ohhh & that speed limiter idea (like some 18 wheelers have) would work. Like OSU GT just posted, it's not ALL the 16 & 17 yr olds, but the violaters are loud enough to screw it up for everyone!!!!

Soon I believe we'll hear from some of the CR 16 & 17 yr olds that indeed will post in here making comments that will validate what we've said. Yes THERE ARE some good drivers in that age group, unfortunately not enuff of them -

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So you are saying that the American Cities driving school should not have hired the guy they did to teach me how to drive? I remember going to McDonalds and some music shop to look at guitars during one of my formal in car sessions! LOL


"lets cruise by this junior high school to check out all the hot chicks...."


i shit you not my in car teacher said this to me.

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I personally think the driving age should be 18 with a harder test. They should make you actually have to steer out of skids and do other complicated things in the test.


So you wish you didn't have the ability to drive right now?


I don't think it has anything to do with age. I have seen stupid teenagers, adults, etc. Fuck...I will take a dumbass trying to race me over a stupid bitch on her cell phone, putting on lipstick, and changing the station any day. They are usually 40 years old too. Limiting the age won't solve shit. Making a harder test won't solve shit either. Knowing what a sign looks like doesn't make you a better driver. Knowing the rules of the road cannot teach instinct and common sense.


If you raise the age, all you will do is delay the dumbasses from doing dumb things. They will still do them, eventually.


How much do you want to bet the dumbass that drifted and hit a pole the other night was older than me? I would put my money on it.

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I'm surprised I've not seen anybody complaining about the other end of the spectrum... the old farts who are freaking blind, drive 20mph slower than everyone else, and cut you off because they've forgotten where the gas pedal is. Last week, I had to slam my brakes three days in a row because of old fucks making a left turn onto Riverside from Powell Rd just north of the zoo. Anybody know if there's laws on the books to force revocation of their license without having to plow through their trunks first and filing a lawsuit for negligent operation?
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My dipshit son got a ticket for 76 in a 55 (in a Geo Tracker) I did tell the judge I didn't doubt that he was doing something, but not 76. At any rate, he got his license pulled for 21 days and a 35 dollar fine.


Now I got something for his ass, the Geo is getting a MSD6AL put on it with a limiter at 3500 RPM, which is 58 MPH in fifth, no more speeding tickets, hot rodding the tracker or any of that shit.

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My dipshit son got a ticket for 76 in a 55 (in a Geo Tracker) I did tell the judge I didn't doubt that he was doing something, but not 76. At any rate, he got his license pulled for 21 days and a 35 dollar fine.


Now I got something for his ass, the Geo is getting a MSD6AL put on it with a limiter at 3500 RPM, which is 58 MPH in fifth, no more speeding tickets, hot rodding the tracker or any of that shit.

Remember to inspect it on a regular basis. Also, a tamper evident device on the rpm pill. May the cat and mouse game begin.

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