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what to do about appt complex


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so ive been staying at this appartment since may. since ive been in there, the shower head in both bathrooms drips at the wall. about mid june, it started to form a little mold on the wall. usually i would just wipe it away, but it keeps coming back. drip continues. so early july, i called the rental office, they called me back the next day, i told them what was going on. they said they would send someone out, asked me if they could come in if i wasnt there, said yes, thats fine.


fast forward to a couple weeks ago...still no one has been out, and the mold is getting worse, AND i start to notice it around shin level of the tub. so i go back to the rental office last monday (like the 31st), told them again...she asked me "have you tried cleaning it with bleach water?"...um, no, bleach water wont stop the shower heads from leaking...she said theyve been backed up, but would put another work order in. a week and a half later, there is still mold, and still 2 leaky shower heads, and no one has been over yet...the water has dripped through what looks to be about 3 layers of paint, and down to bare drywall


i dont have any other problems with this place, they are nice appartments, but showering every day and having mold all over is disgusting.


so what should i/can i do?

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hire someone to fix it and send them the bill.


what complex is it?



I would call the rental office and tell ythem since they still have not fixed the leaks you are going to hire someone to come and and fix the problems and you will send them the bill for the repair or they can deduct the bill from your rent. That should get them off thier asses.

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I would call the rental office and tell ythem since they still have not fixed the leaks you are going to hire someone to come and and fix the problems and you will send them the bill for the repair or they can deduct the bill from your rent. That should get them off thier asses.


That has worked for me before. The turn around is normally pretty quick.

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Just tell them you will give them 24 hours or you will call the Attorney Generals office. If they call your bluff, call the Ag's office. You will be asked to file a report, they used to mail it but I bet you do it online now. Then someone from the AG will call them or send a notice of the complaint and your problem will be fixed asap. Then if you renew your lease they will probably raise your rent.
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i dont want to let it get worse, i want the leak stopped.


i WANT to put a new shower head in, because whats on there is a shitty .99 cent appt complex shower head, and i would like to put my own on...i would like to get the problem fixed BEFORE i do that so they dont try to come in, see the shower head, and blame me on the leak.


telling them ill hire someone and sending them the bill sounds like a good idea

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Actually you need to write them a letter. Give them 48 hours to fix it or you will be forced to pay your rent into an escrow account that can be collected once it is repaired.


This is a perfectly legal way to go and really pisses them off.


Or, dig thru your contract and see what repairs are contracted.

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Actually you need to write them a letter. Give them 48 hours to fix it or you will be forced to pay your rent into an escrow account that can be collected once it is repaired.


This is a perfectly legal way to go and really pisses them off.


Or, dig thru your contract and see what repairs are contracted.


HAHAHAHA..I like the escrow account. That kinda worked for me here at my place when they gave me trouble.

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Actually you need to write them a letter. Give them 48 hours to fix it or you will be forced to pay your rent into an escrow account that can be collected once it is repaired.


This is a perfectly legal way to go and really pisses them off.


Or, dig thru your contract and see what repairs are contracted.


I thought for an escrow account, there has to be a court order. Then the escrow account will be set up by the court. Someone else had this problem months ago, and I posted ohios laws for dealing with this type of stuff.

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Be careful with what repairs you threaten to take them to the escrow acount route over (or even sending them a bill). We were going through this when we first moved in and contemplating that.


There was a bunch of little shit that needed fixed in our apt. but they were taking a long timet to fix it. One thing that they told us they would fix but then didn't was a pretty big cigarette burn on a counter, very visible right next to the stove. Please keep in mind during this that we live in an apt. across from the Best Buy at Tuttle and pay $915/month.


Everything that Ben (Satan on here) was reading said it had to be something that could possible effect your health or living conditions, such as a heater. Anything else and they don't 'have' to legally fix it. I would say minor amounts of mold might be borderline, but just tell them you are allergic (I actually am and could get medical records to prove so). But if you threaten them they will probably act. Especially since most people who work in rental offices are dumb as a rock from my expierence.


Basiclly I feeling like punching the woman in the face that told us they would fix that cigarette burn (she was a fucking cunt too), but we don't have a legal leg to stand on to make them fix it.

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I would say keep complaining higher up on the ladder. Find out what company it is and go to the corporate office and let them know what is happening. Because A: they hate being bothered by stuff that should be taken care of and B: if they want business they will usually try to keep customers happy.
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Be careful with what repairs you threaten to take them to the escrow acount route over (or even sending them a bill). We were going through this when we first moved in and contemplating that.


There was a bunch of little shit that needed fixed in our apt. but they were taking a long timet to fix it. One thing that they told us they would fix but then didn't was a pretty big cigarette burn on a counter, very visible right next to the stove. Please keep in mind during this that we live in an apt. across from the Best Buy at Tuttle and pay $915/month.


Everything that Ben (Satan on here) was reading said it had to be something that could possible effect your health or living conditions, such as a heater. Anything else and they don't 'have' to legally fix it. I would say minor amounts of mold might be borderline, but just tell them you are allergic (I actually am and could get medical records to prove so). But if you threaten them they will probably act. Especially since most people who work in rental offices are dumb as a rock from my expierence.


Basiclly I feeling like punching the woman in the face that told us they would fix that cigarette burn (she was a fucking cunt too), but we don't have a legal leg to stand on to make them fix it.


Actually Mold is considered a health hazard for anyone , so they technicly do need to fix it. I know this because the peopel who owned our house before us had a mold issues and had to fix them before selling the house and had to give us certification that the house was fixed of the problem. It was a minor mold issue too, nothing like black mold or anything.


TAKE PICTURES!!! (and video of it leaking, if you can)


and do the escrow thing.

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Acutally, if you haven't put in a WRITTEN work order as of yet, there is absolutely nothing you can do. If you feel that the mold is a health hazard for you, you need to put in a WRITTEN work order. Until then you can do nothing....


( I am a property manager BTW)

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its not just the mold, or the leak, its leaked thru and taken paint off the wall, which will cost me more money to fix. if it wasnt a problem since i moved in, id fix it, but it has always leaked


as for the work order, i called in and the woman called me back, and said she would put one in...the 2nd time, i went in and she wrote it down and said she would turn it in.


as soon as i can get to a computer w/ a printer, im going to type up a letter and give it to them

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