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Got pulled over today


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So I'm 71 North by Polaris in the RX 7. I came around the bend and he hits me doing 73mph. My laser detector goes off and I see him get into his car. I knew he had me, I just didn't think my speed was that bad. So I pulled over in front of him about 600 meters. Shut the car off and had the window's down with my info in hand when he came to the window. He was nice about everything and said he knew I was speeding and going faster then the 73 he clocked me at, but was not pulling me over for that. He said that I was not displaying a front plate. I told him there is no place to display it on the car, but I have it right here, as I show him. I told him I have been looking for a way to display one though. He was a little frustrated, but very cool about things. He said normally I give a $100 ticket for for no plate and next time if you don't have one, I will give you a ticket. I said that I understand and appreciate his understanding. I told him I was just trying to make things easy for him and knew I was going over 65. He said the reason I was only getting a warning was because he didn't have to get out in traffic and that I was so cooperative. Very cool and understanding guy and never said a thing about any mods on the car. That was a big worry for me, this being the first time pulled over with the car modded.


Side note: this is the second time I have pulled over in front of the cop, knowing I was speeding and have been let go. First time was 92 in a 65.

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Nice, Joe. :cool:


I got a ticket on Thanksgiving day for doing 77 in a 60 in the Benz. It was on 33 on the southeast side between Groveport and Canal. A sheriff's deputy got me on laser - right about where they always sit. I should have known better. Oh well, I considered myself a little lucky for not getting additional tickets for tint and no front plate. No way I was getting out the speeding ticket though - in fact, I didn't even try to work that angle. :)

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I was pulled over awhile ago for not displaying a front plate in my DSM. I was passing him going the opposite way, going atleast 10 mph over the limit. I saw him do a U-turn and thought for sure i was going to get nailed. No front plate, speeding, and tinted windows. luckily for me, i got off with a warning. I was pulled over more in a beat to hell cavalier than in the dsm. but i digress....
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Nice, Joe. :cool:


I got a ticket on Thanksgiving day for doing 77 in a 60 in the Benz. It was on 33 on the southeast side between Groveport and Canal. A sheriff's deputy got me on laser - right about where they always sit. I should have known better. Oh well, I considered myself a little lucky for not getting additional tickets for tint and no front plate. No way I was getting out the speeding ticket though - in fact, I didn't even try to work that angle. :)


Thanks for giving to the fund. :) What good is money if you can't spend it. Maybe there will be 2 less pot holes this winter.

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Nice, Joe. :cool:


I got a ticket on Thanksgiving day for doing 77 in a 60 in the Benz. It was on 33 on the southeast side between Groveport and Canal. A sheriff's deputy got me on laser - right about where they always sit. I should have known better. Oh well, I considered myself a little lucky for not getting additional tickets for tint and no front plate. No way I was getting out the speeding ticket though - in fact, I didn't even try to work that angle. :)


I take any ticket I get, while not racing or driving at excessive speed, as balance. I got a ticket about 6 weeks ago for $105, for doing 69 in a 60. I went through an area where the speed limit changed for a short distance and he got me. Sure it was a shitty ticket, but I was speeding. It was in the Subaru, so those I don't get worried about. Seeing cop's while I'm driving the RX 7, no joke, scares the crap out of me.

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69 in a 60....pushing it but still crap if you ask me.....like they can't do a better job than busting someone on the line. No wonder why folks fly around at 80+ mph.....cops are too busy busting folks for front plates and 9mph over the limit :rolleyes:


I got a ticket about 6 weeks ago for $105, for doing 69 in a 60. I went through an area where the speed limit changed for a short distance and he got me. Sure it was a shitty ticket, but I was speeding. It was in the Subaru, so those I don't get worried about. Seeing cop's while I'm driving the RX 7, no joke, scares the crap out of me.

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69 in a 60....pushing it but still crap if you ask me.....like they can't do a better job than busting someone on the line. No wonder why folks fly around at 80+ mph.....cops are too busy busting folks for front plates and 9mph over the limit :rolleyes:



It's not crap I got a ticket for speeding, I was. I'm fine with that. It's that they drop the speed from 65 to 60 for a short distance of open road and then tell you about it as they write you up. Still my fault.

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Joe 0-


What color is your RX7? I saw a very nice black RX7 a couple of times on Polaris on Wednesday or Friday (can't remember which). It looked like there was a nice WRX following.


Anytime I see a nice car out and running around I always wonder if they are on here.

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Casey, that was me. The WRX is on here too. His name is Gotboost. Cool guy. I asked him to go 23N so we could get a run. We caught a light and went from there on green. He owned the launch and I made it up later. He knew he had 4 people in the car and his friends were just enjoying eye fucking the car. I would have liked to of gotten a run with you and the WS6. Thanks for liking the look of the car.
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Crazy. I was damn flying thanksgiving eve and thanksgiving. I don't normally, but everyone else was. Drove down to Cincy wednesday for a concert, then to cleveland for turkey day to eat. My brother's average speed though was like 90mph. I didn't see a single cop. :shrug:
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Crazy. I was damn flying thanksgiving eve and thanksgiving. I don't normally, but everyone else was. Drove down to Cincy wednesday for a concert, then to cleveland for turkey day to eat. My brother's average speed though was like 90mph. I didn't see a single cop. :shrug:



You didn't see any cop's because they have been around me all weekend. Everything I did last night, there was a cop right there. He got the guy I was racing and not me. I made a wrong turn from the car I was following, turned around and caught up. A cop had pulled him pulled over. I would have been out in front trying to catch the others we were behind. A couple others I won't mention. After todays weather, I think I'm good with putting the car up for the season. We'll see.

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I saw 0 cops thanksgiving morning, but after we left my g/fs grandparents that night (tamarack/morse) we saw about 6 between tamarack and 270. we watched this old truck think he was slick, burn his tires, huge cloud of smoke, went across 161, turned left onto a service road and head toward a gas station. as soon as the light turned green, cop, first in line at the light got onto the service road, hauled ass more than any cop car ive EVER seen, and pulled him over at this gas station...he was walkin up real careful with his gun ready to go. i laughed, as well as my girlfriends parents who were behind us the whole time
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