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Hey, you! In the big truck.


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Help me out here. What would make someone think driving their super deluxe extended double quad crew cab duelly rig/truck threw down town traffic is a smart idea? The other night the arena area was full of them. None of them knew how to make a turn. I missed 3 lights because the drivers of these trucks can't figure out how to flow with traffic. The worst part about it to me is, I'll almost guarantee half of them have never been to a farm or off road. These city cowboy wanna bee's are a fucking joke. I've seen them in Lancaster too. It's hip to have the big truck. Well fine, learn how to drive it then. I know you have a 1982 escort at home you could have drove. Maybe you wouldn't be all pissed off because you can't find a place to park if you didn't need to take the rig everywhere. You have a truck payment that is more than your rent or mortgage probably. And I don't even need to go into the fuel cost. Yet you still manage to drive it 35,000 miles a year towing nothing and hauling nothing.

So when you go to downtown Columbus for your big night out, please take it into consideration that you are going to be in confined spaces. Maybe maneuvering 23' of Detroit diesel through Blue Jackets traffic isn't that great an idea.


This observation is from someone licensed with both 53' tailors and 44 passenger buses.



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I agree if your gonna own it. Use it for something other than Mall cruising and if you only do that with it please realise you gotta think a little.

What I really like is the people that drive them and try to pull head in into parking spaces. That just doesn't work well. Trucks are designed with those nice side mirrors for a reason. They can back you up on a dime if you know how to use them.



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Those guys: 4-dr extended bed dually giganto trucks with ABS, AC, traction control, crazy transfer case and auto transmission


Me: 1959 Chevy Apache longbed, no power steering, 4 on the floor original transmission, RWD, drum brakes and a maximum speed of (unverified: broken speedometer) 70mph. And I still manage to control the thing more than those crazy fuckers in downtown traffic.

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I really hate the ones that do the 48" tires with 0 suspension flex and think they can roll up to a 4x4 meet and get on our ramp to measure there flex. Most stock rigs score in the 300's, nice trail rigs score 500 to 1000 and those big piles usually get less than 100.



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Blah blah blah :--) ... I love my truck to haul with but it sucks more than anything to drive around in crowded traffic. If you dont need one I dont see the point in having one though. If you use it for what they are made for then yes great.
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Guest zerograde1
Yeah I live in an area where 70% of the population drives jacked up trucks. Thats all and good but when they use their truck to drive like assholes over sidewalks to cut through traffic then something needs to be done. Problem is the cops let them do whatever they want because they themselves are glorified hicks and do the same thing in their recreational time.
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I don't know what to say. I drive a 26 foot 89 Chevy 1 ton dually crew that's been through a conversion van shop. All the interior, seats, running boards lights and other crap done to it. As far as taking it down on campus, fuck that. Maybe down the main drag, but not up those back fucking streets. I agree there is a time and a place, and down in that mess ain't it. My next step down is a Dodge Durango and its' only as long as the nose and the cab, and then a Geo Tracker that's the length of the bed.


But out on the freeway, damn that thing rides nice.

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What if I told you I could drive it just as good as you? Is it a 16 gear 20 ton?


Do I smell a challenge?? I don't doubt you on it, though I'd venture I have more recent experience and have driven 8,10,12,and 13 speeds some of which having the stupid reversed 3-4,7-8 gears.

My truck is just an 8 speed and weighs 14 tons, the newer trucks are geared quite well as not to need 50 gears.

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Joe, did the truck collaboration happen this past Saturday? I think there was one of those "Monster Truck Jams" or something at Nationwide going on then - that may explain the influx of trucks into the downtown area.


Anyway, I completely agree with the spirit of your post. I've said for years now that I'd be thrilled to see a study conducted to determine - based on truck owners nationwide - the percentage of time devoted to things actually being in the bed of a truck or being hauled by a truck. I'd be willing to bet that number would be remarkably low.

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