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Your Columbus property taxes in action!


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So I'm looking for a new house. I decide to stay in Columbus for the relatively lower property taxes compared to the 'burbs. I'm checking out prospective houses on the Franklin County Auditor's website. Two prospects are offered way under their appraised value. Call the Auditor's help line - got a prompt LIVE person to answer who is quite helpful (+1 for the auditor). She informs me I can petition the auditor to lower the property taxes based on the purchase price and comparables. No problems. I then ask what happens if I buy a house that is priced higher than the appraised value, would this show up on the next assessment? Here's where I get irritated:

She tells me our Columbus School Board has a person (people) on staff who monitor all home sales in their tax district. If a home sells above it's appraised value - they immediatly petition the auditor to raise the appraised value (hence taxes).

This is a particularly sore subject with me as I already pay for my kids to go to parochial school (my choice-I know). But as much money as I see the Columbus public schools get AND PISS AWAY - It amazed me that they can afford staff to be sure they extract every last cent from the taxpayers. Maybe I'm too naive and want to believe that people would be above this. I'm sure they've done a cost/benefit analysis and this person (people?) probably more than pay for themselves (per their numbers), but I think it just sucks.

I would invite anyone who lives in Franklin county to check out the auditors website: http://www.co.franklin.oh.us/auditor/

Look up your property, and similar houses near you - if the appraised value looks out of line with the true market value (actual sale prices) of homes in your area, you have until March 31st to petition to have your taxes lowered. Forms for this are also on the site. I've got mine for the new house and plan to file, I plan to be the "official" owner before the end of March. Good Luck!

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