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What would you pick for a get away car?


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I'm going to go with the bank robbery.

  MegamanEXE said:
Unrealistically: Subaru WRX WRC Car or Mitsu Evo WRC Car, that would destroy anything behind or in front of it, and you have the area where the backseat used to be for supplies or...god forbid...children. Trunk too.


  Mojoe said:
We are thinking the same.

These guys are the only two in this thread not dying or going to jail... Oh yeah, and who ever said sportbike, them too. Though really, you may want a dual sport with balls. Better be stealing with something small. Really, you should go with a wingless WRX with STi guts.


I dont want to imply that my advice on this subject is the result of anything but speculation and fictional experience gleaned from elaborate dreams. I once had Thunderbird, and with it I did, bar none, the dumbest and most regretable things I've ever done in my life, a few still give me chills.


When planning a getaway, you need to choose based on neccesity.

Priority 1: get away.

-This is where motorcycle logic prevails. Your cash is no good in prison, and the mob cares nothing for boot space. To get away, you must run untill they cannot see you, then hide where they will not find you. Bikes are small and dual sports go everywhere.

-Brian, you're vehicle is bad ass, but it's not getting away from anything. So it can mow over a pair of cruisers and lay-to-waste gangstas with anti-personnel...but guess what, there's more where that came from. You will run out of fuel, and I will douse you with a steady flow of burning gasoline until you bake. I'm the world, I've got all day.

-Corvettes, and supercars et al: You are going to die. These cars are built around a ragged edge, and offer no margin of error. You are not the Transporter, you will be nervous and often panicked. These lead to deadly mistakes in supercars. Also, back to the hide part. Run away in a Veyron? We'll find you. Blast down 270 in your vette? Hotlines, people saw you, we'll find you. If you run in such a vehicle, don't stop until you're in tiajuana. These are also cars that empty their tank after 5mins of WOT. You wont get far on the highway.

-Trucks: Are you kidding? "It can go off road!". Don't know if you noticed, but there aren't any great swaths of off roadness 'round here. You go off road, and you'll be busted as soon as you get back on the road, which wont be long. You will need on-road performance, and I'll elaborate on that later.

-M5s, AMGs, S8s etc etc. These cars have great power and great engineering behind them...but. You're going to break them. At best, you're 4000+lb car will eat its tires after 10 mins of 100% driving. But first, you'll boil your break fluid. These cars were built for short stints of skilless spirited driving; Investment bankers that push the go-pedal to the floor for 5 seconds a week. You're going to burn them up. They all use glass transmissions. When it's my ass, I wouldn't rely on them. You need sustainable performance, something that some supercars also can't deliver.


Ok, now that I've told you all why your cars won't work, and you've bothered to read it all, I'll reward you with the secret; your car doesn't mean shit.

If your chase lasts more then 5 minutes, you'll be caught. When running from the po, you have until the choppers get to you, then it's over, you're not going to shake them. Truly, it's over as soon as the second cruiser shows up.

"The choppers only do 120, I'll hop on 71 and do 200 mph to Cleveland" No you're not. You're going to blow a tire, wreck in traffic (only 2 lanes), or get intercepted by another air unit.

"I'll go off road" The choppers will find your 98.6 degree ass.

"I'll fight it out in a Bradley" You'll die in it.


A chase is won or lost in the first minute, you don't need a fast car to get away. Granted, it has to be faster then what your running from, but how hard is it to overpower a 260hp, 4300lb live axle ford? You need to blast for a short distance, break the line of sight, and hide. You need a discrete car, not one that your pursuer will recognize. You need a quick burst of moderate and controllable speed, and the ability to scrub it off fast. You need quiet and unsuspecting. When you hide, you don't stay there, you wait till the cop passes you, then pull out and go the other way.


If I were to rob a bank, my car would be a 3.0 Honda Accord, silver. I'd hit the bank fast and be gone before the po gets there, money or not. A wet shot and a brake kit wouldn't hurt.


For a prolonged chase, I would be back in my Thunderbird with the racing trans. I can move the car well, would want fresh tires.


A chase very rarely ever works out because people try to run, you need to focus on hiding, and you have less then a minute to do it. Once you have a 20 or 30 sec gap between you and the pursuer, start turning and hide. He's on the radio and they're coming from all directions, running will not save you. Stay the hell out of neighborhoods. You'll get lost, you'll get boxed in, and you'll piss off the judge. Keep bystanders out of your problems.


I need to point out just how minimal your chances of getting away are once you're being pursued. You have to be running before the guy even see's you. Really your only hope is if hes going the other way.

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I would steal Dr. Z06's car and rob the bank. Then when the cops started chasing me I would haul ass until I was out of site. By the time backup was called I would be 2 miles ahead of the guy on an exit ramp. From there you do a good ol car jacking at a red light. Then drive for about 3 miles and meet up with someone at a predetermined meeting place. Oh, and Doc....There's a million dollars for ya inside the head rest :D
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Depends... In traffic, I'd probably want something like a 2nd gen RX-7 Turbo, 3rd generation RX-7, S2000, Mazdaspeed MX-5, MR2 Turbo, BMW M3 or maybe a Z3, SLK 230 Kompressor, maybe a WRX, SVX, or EVO. Something with some speed to it, but small and zippy enough to weave through traffic like I'm trying out for the next ricer flick.


If it had to be a FWD, maybe a first gen Ford Probe GT, since I was able to go pretty damn quick in my NA probe that I used to have and it handled pretty well at higher speeds, I was good at power sliding the car and throwing it around.


Of course, if the traffic was heavy enough, I'd say a Geo Metro or Suzuki Swift convertible with the Suzuki 1.3 liter DOHC motor swapped in, 5-speed, beefed up to at least 135hp would be light enough, small enough, and quick enough to get through tight spaces most cars can't. Mock the brand all you want, but it would have a fighting chance at that point, just because it's size would allow it to get through places only a sub-compact can go.


Late night, nothing to lose, and no bystanders to get caught up in the mess? Probably my car (85 Crown Vic), with a heavily beefed up motor, better tires, and better suspension. At least then I could probably drop back for a quick second to ram into the other car's quarter panel on a corner (I'd probably try to lure the chasing vehicle onto a curvy section of 315, 71 going towards 70, or 670 to facilitate such a homicidal tactic.) instead of trying to run. That would likely spin the other car out and into a guardrail or median and then I'd have more then enough time to slip away and hide, if the guy could even still drive after a dirty trick like that.


And the unrealistic choice? A Ford GT, or any other car in it's class.


The music I'd be playing? Probably Ayria - My Device.

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Ok, so The benz Guy and MegamanEXE are in my crew. I have one more spot still to fill. No more than 4, because of too many opinions and too many people to baby sit.




I like the replies.


And who ever said the Veyron. That car will only hold high speeds for 12 to 18 minutes, then it's out of gas.


Kuruma, you said an FD. As mush fun as it would be, I could only do it under perfect conditions for a get away. And only if it was my exact set up when it's all tuned and done, and at night. You can't go for in an RX 7 without refueling. example; I went through a half tank of gas in 20 minute driving about 105.

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  Mojoe said:

Kuruma, you said an FD. As mush fun as it would be, I could only do it under perfect conditions for a get away. And only if it was my exact set up when it's all tuned and done, and at night. You can't go for in an RX 7 without refueling. example; I went through a half tank of gas in 20 minute driving about 105.


Too true, unfortunately... I used to own an FC (Convertible 5-speed, 1989 I think) and it drank up the gasoline too, but if I was gonna get myself in a situation where I was going to have to run, I'd hope to be gone before using up a full tank anyway.


From that example (105mph / 60 minutes = 1.75 miles per minute X 20 minutes = 35 miles X 2 = 70 mile range at 105mph) if I haven't already gotten away within that amount of time/driving, I'm probably fucked anyway because backup has had plenty of time to join in, not to mention spike strips/roadblock setup/chopper support, etc. (assuming police pursuit, not just an irate civillian)

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Getting chased by someone who's out to kill you. Considering they are hired, and because of that are prepared with a good chase car, I want something that has some kick to it and will blend in. Possibly an 94-96 Impala SS, or an LSx powered car, 6 speed. A stock one would be the most likely, and a slightly modified one, under the hood, if available would be the most desirable to get away.


Disaster? I think nuclear, don't think it's been mentioned. You'll need something rugged, able to carry at minimum three other passengers, and will have no computers whatsoever to be safe from EMP. Toyota Land Cruiser-Proven. If it can win in Dakar and Botswana stock, I think it could drive me to safety, over obstacles, carrying everything I'd need for a short time and with people.

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The best vehicle from "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks - A dirt bike. Small, light, fast and able to go on most terrain. The major draw back is low fuel capacity and how little supplies you could take with you.


That is why I would rather go with a Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Charakee.

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  V8 BEAST said:
I would steal Dr. Z06's car and rob the bank. Then when the cops started chasing me I would haul ass until I was out of site. By the time backup was called I would be 2 miles ahead of the guy at a gas station



  copperhead said:
Without reading the rest of the thread, I'm going to say an Apache
What exactly can that get away from?




Joe, I pick the establishment(s) we rob. ;) We need untraceable liquid assets, cash is getting hard to find. I wouldn't mind focusing on precious metals or gems.....yea gems, gold is too damn heavy and dirty.

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Okay, here's a scenario. You're in Polaris. You need to get to just south of Bexley. It's 6:30pm. It has been snowing steadily since 3:30pm. Traffic is gridlocked and the roads are an absolute mess. People, having seemingly lost their ability to drive along with their minds, are crashing into each other in what can only be described as an epidemic. Choas rules the roadways.


Your vehicle of choice? For me, it was a 2003 Mistubishi Montero Limited. It did just fine. ;)

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Guest 78novaman

I've actually thought about a real-world need to get the hell out of town in a hurry and I'd take my truck. It can go farther than any of my other vehicles w/o refueling, and I can run over/hit stuff out of my way. Ideal vehicle would be a Jeep Wrangler or a Cherokee.


If this was strictly someone after me in columbus, I'd take the cougar. Better handling than most, and not too much power so I won't make a mistake. Ideal vehicle would be a Mark VIII or Thunderbird as they blend in better.


Oh yeah, in a EMP case, I have an old points distributor laying around somewhere that fits my nova so I'll have no problem there either :D

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  Mojoe said:


And who ever said the Veyron. That car will only hold high speeds for 12 to 18 minutes, then it's out of gas.



That is all the time you would need/have. Just like Benz Guy said, after 1 minute the choppers are there. I might as well hop on 270 and do 200+ until I go hide. :)

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  Dr. ZO6 said:
Okay, here's a scenario. You're in Polaris. You need to get to just south of Bexley. It's 6:30pm. It has been snowing steadily since 3:30pm. Traffic is gridlocked and the roads are an absolute mess. People, having seemingly lost their ability to drive along with their minds, are crashing into each other in what can only be described as an epidemic. Choas rules the roadways.


Rally car. They have to be road legal per the rules, can whip ass in the snow without loosing any speed or controllability. And come on, they can drive on any terrain.

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Guest 00Smurf
  MegamanEXE said:
Rally car. They have to be road legal per the rules, can whip ass in the snow without loosing any speed or controllability. And come on, they can drive on any terrain.


I agree with the rally car its an all terrain race car. But in a pinch i want one of these:





  The Benz Guy said:

Joe, I pick the establishment(s) we rob. ;) We need untraceable liquid assets, cash is getting hard to find. I wouldn't mind focusing on precious metals or gems.....yea gems, gold is too damn heavy and dirty.


I want in i know some people on the inside. lol ;)

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No no no Nick, you stay clean, we're doing you a favor. :)


  Kevin R. said:
That is all the time you would need/have. Just like Benz Guy said, after 1 minute the choppers are there. I might as well hop on 270 and do 200+ until I go hide. :)

You're going to go 240mph for 20 minutes...in an 80 mile CIRLCE!? Hoping to make friends of the cops by saving them gas? :lol:

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  Dr. ZO6 said:
Okay, here's a scenario. You're in Polaris. You need to get to just south of Bexley. It's 6:30pm. It has been snowing steadily since 3:30pm. Traffic is gridlocked and the roads are an absolute mess. People, having seemingly lost their ability to drive along with their minds, are crashing into each other in what can only be described as an epidemic. Choas rules the roadways.


Your vehicle of choice? For me, it was a 2003 Mistubishi Montero Limited. It did just fine. ;)


south of bexley? either something jewish or ghetto.

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