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Does your temper get out of control


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not very often, but more than I want it to. I just no longer really show it after having kids. what really sets me off.....usually work related stuff....that's all the more reason not to get all bent I suppose.


How often does your anger/temper get out of control? And what do you consider out of control?
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About 11 years ago I missed a strike while bowling. Turned around and punched one of those brick pillars at the Palace. Boxers fracture. That was fun.


Oh yeah, the missed strike was for $36,000.


I broke my hand the last time I hit something too. It kind of puts things in perspective.

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I used to get really mean in the past. Ive thrown a few things at someone i used to date. Its bad to build up anger :) Im not like that know bc im actually happy with my life but before i wasnt't. When i used to get really pissed i would go to the gym and box for like an hour. It really helped :)
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I broke my hand the last time I hit something too. It kind of puts things in perspective.


Yep. I don't even get the least bit pissed anymore while bowling. I guess I got to the point when I was bowling that I would expect to get a strike every time. That obviously didn't happen. Now it's like "eh.. fuck it.. " and go on with my life. Much easier that way.

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I tend to hold it way to long then super blow up about something stupid and then regret it later :(


Ah, goddamn I hate that shit. Candis handles things this way, too. lol


I used to be VERY short tempered. My answer for things was a punch in the face. I never laid a hand on a woman, though. But I will say this, just because you don't phsically assault someone doesn't mean you're not verbally and/or mentally abusing someone, too.

After facing my last felony assault (it was eventually reduced to a class 1 misdemeanor, whew...), I had to take a year of anger management (among alot of jail time, fines, 80hrs community service, 40hrs CalTrans[hard labor] and 3yrs probation. Once settled in, I really learned alot. Half of it honestly seemed so obvious. They should make everyone take classes. So many people think they don't have anger issues and do. No more jumping out of the car in the middle of traffic and picking a fight with another motorist (happened a few times), etc. I've learned alot of 'tricks' to do to keep myself in check. That, and I'd rather make someone look like a complete jackass now than beat the hell out of em.

Classes, threats of lost freedom, daughter, growing up - All these things have contributed to my incredibly laid back 'tude, now.

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I broke my hand the last time I hit something too. It kind of puts things in perspective.

Never broke my hand hitting anything in anger, but I have broken the things, which is embarrassing.


Can't say I've never lost my temper, but it is extremely rare. Furthermore, my mom is the only one who can do it.


At my worst, I'm rude.

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I used to be very short tempered and just say nasty things. Now it takes a lot for me to lose control but when I do get pissed its usually for a good reason and I follow a rational reaction with a not so rational one.


Example: Last summer, my then-girlfriend came to visit me and stayed for a week. One night we went to a friend's house and everyone got ridiculously drunk. It was a smallish party, so we were all just planning on crashing there since his dad is a cool guy. At one point, my girlfriend and another girl were making out (woo hoo) and my friend (the guy whose house it was) comes up and tries to join in. At first, I thought he was trying to hook up with the other girl, but then I realize he was making out with my girlfriend. I fucking flipped. In one motion, I pushed her away from him, grabbed him by the neck, and held him up by his neck against the wall in a less than gentle manner. I told him if he ever tried anything like that again, he was going out the window, to which he said "yeah, and I'd deserve it". So I let him go, and then grabbed my keys and tried to go drive (thus the irrational version of me setting in). Thank God for the fact that I have awesome friends and they literally stood in front of my car and wouldn't let me drive anywhere.

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My brother is the king at blowing up. Not to mention he's like 2x the size I am (and im not all that small) i learned alot from him. mostly what NOT to do. I never take little petty shit too seriously, there's no point in going to jail b/c you decided to drag some asshole from his car and beat him down just b/c he cut you off a minute ago. There's no point.
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Example: Last summer, my then-girlfriend came to visit me and stayed for a week. One night we went to a friend's house and everyone got ridiculously drunk. It was a smallish party, so we were all just planning on crashing there since his dad is a cool guy. At one point, my girlfriend and another girl were making out (woo hoo) and my friend (the guy whose house it was) comes up and tries to join in. At first, I thought he was trying to hook up with the other girl, but then I realize he was making out with my girlfriend. I fucking flipped. In one motion, I pushed her away from him, grabbed him by the neck, and held him up by his neck against the wall in a less than gentle manner. I told him if he ever tried anything like that again, he was going out the window, to which he said "yeah, and I'd deserve it". So I let him go, and then grabbed my keys and tried to go drive (thus the irrational version of me setting in). Thank God for the fact that I have awesome friends and they literally stood in front of my car and wouldn't let me drive anywhere.


yeah but i wouldn't say that's 'blowing up' or overreacting. Your girl decided to whore it up and you "friend" tried to take advantage. you reacted accordingly. hope your not still friends with that guy.

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