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I don't even know where to beging with this one. In just the last 8 months I've had the unfortunate job of standing by and watching a medic unit pronounce another motorcyclist DEAD. I was on scene at the Henderson Rd. fatal motorcycle accident and it was a gruesome site. I dont know his name or who he was only that according to a witness who he flew by that he was well into the triple digits in speed when he crashed. The bike was brand new with 30 day tags just picked up within the last week. The bike was obliterated. More details will come later as the investigation is still ongoing. I dont know what to say other than PLEASE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN AND WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm tired of seeing dead motorcycle riders especially young ones that cause the accidents!!


That is my rant...

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I'm starting to worry about having just bought a bike. I can only hope if I ever go down (knock on wood) my gear keeps me safe. I can't understand why people don't wear helmets at the very least, I know mine is pretty comfortable.
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*cough cough* The more I sit here at riverside the more I think about how lucky I was. I am so grateful to those people that helped the other night no mater how small a deed was done, thankyou.




what happened Ben?

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I can't understand why people don't wear helmets at the very least, I know mine is pretty comfortable.


I know whenever I didn't it was usually because it was hot out, especially if I was riding in town, but after all this I will definately think twice on any future rides.

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I'm starting to worry about having just bought a bike. I can only hope that when I go down (It'll happen eventually) my gear keeps me safe. I can't understand why people don't wear helmets at the very least, I know mine is pretty comfortable.


There are two types of riders:


1. Those that have wrecked

2. Those that will


Be safe, homie.

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Triple digits on Henderson.....death wish no matter what time of day/night. No helmet was going to save him. Perhaps his buddies who have bikes will think about him should they be in that same mood. Crazy stuff for sure. I bet your dreams at night are pretty freaky.


I don't even know where to beging with this one. In just the last 8 months I've had the unfortunate job of standing by and watching a medic unit pronounce another motorcyclist DEAD. I was on scene at the Henderson Rd. fatal motorcycle accident and it was a gruesome site. I dont know his name or who he was only that according to a witness who he flew by that he was well into the triple digits in speed when he crashed. The bike was brand new with 30 day tags just picked up within the last week. The bike was obliterated. More details will come later as the investigation is still ongoing. I dont know what to say other than PLEASE SLOW THE FUCK DOWN AND WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm tired of seeing dead motorcycle riders especially young ones that cause the accidents!!


That is my rant...

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yeah, i dropped a bike 3 years ago... i was wearing shorts, a t-shirt, loose shoes with no socks.... and a nice expensive helmet. got terrible road rash on both of my arms, my hip, both of my legs, and both of my feet. but when i stood up, i realized that there was asphalt embedded in the visor of my helmet. now when i see people without helmets, i just cant understand it.
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Accidents do happen my dad died last year in a motorcycle wreck. He had his helmet on and was going the speed limit. His side bag hit a patch of asphalt on a turn and the bike flipped and he fell into a guard rail. You are so much more exposed when you are on a bike its scary. I still want to get one but makes you think. Especially whensomething hits so close to home.
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im not condoning riding fast...but these bikes do 100+ in first gear and under 3-4 seconds....so its not hard to hit those speeds easily...No one rides that way to be stupid...they ride that way cuz that is what those bikes are made to do....And no I am not saying that they should be riden that way on the street. I am just stating facts
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