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if someone in your family did this........


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MOVE THE FUCK OUT and don't ever talk to them again. You can fix your car. I hate to say it but you probably won't ever see a dime from them out of it. Claim it on insurance if you want it fixed now and don't have the money (but you'll pay for it in the end anyways through raised insurance cost). But even at that you either lie to your insurance company, or still have ties to the family. I'd say just lay low and get out as soon as possible and never ever contact them again. I'd even consider moving to a different city if it's as bad as you say.


EDIT: Why do people post looking for advice on CR anyways. Is the collective voice of CR really viewed as that wise? :lol:

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To Jesse's edit, so truthful I was just wondering the same thing.


Don't break family ties over stupid shit like this, it's a car, and a civic at that. Yeah its your pride and joy and you spend a lot of time on it but in the end family matters. Be the mature one here.


And just because your family might need you later on and it may hurt them if you leave them, gauranteed, you will need them more, being 19, later on in life.


Just think about it before you make stupid decisions over a car, I've been kicked out of my house for my car before and really when I look back on it I think of how dumb it all was.

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I dont know you at all, however I am a cop and I would definitly file a police report and list them as the suspects. If the damage is over $500 then its a felony which to me looks like that it is. This for one will start a paper trail which could be beneficial to you in the long run. As for your the suspects being your father and sister man that sucks Im sorry to hear that. I see this sort of shit all the time parents and kids just destroying each others shit to get back at one another.

If you are able to afford moving out I recommend it. One it will give you some piece of mind and two it will be your place and noone can mess with your shit again at least not your family.

Do what you gotta do but be smart about it. Good Luck!!

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Some here are saying you don't want to ruin your relationship with your family. I don't know if its freaking worth it. My parents would never do something like this. If your dad and sister want to do this then they aren't worth it. They know your car is important to you yet they still purposefully harm you? Over some bullshit knife? seriously dude get the hell out and don't look back.


What does your sister think is important? grab all her shoes and burn them. throw away her make up.

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