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Ways to fall asleep.


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So I'm trying to figure out ways to help myself fall asleep. Sometimes its just a utter PITA. I was having a little bit of congac(vsop) but i relized that was a really unhealthy idea. I've dude tylenol pm and relized thats a worse idea. Any suggestions ? I 've tried mediatating / Music / tv / nothing . It just fucking sucks.
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I get insomnia in the summer as well. I usually end up sleeping about 2 hours per night and then am tired all day. I have found that staying up and doing something for a day straight can help for a while. A glass of red wine is actually very good for you, you can try that. Other than that I have found that when I am in England I seem to be on the right schedule.
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Eat some walnuts or a banana before bed, and remove as much light as you can from the room. Say 30 minutes before bed, power off the PCs, tuck in, and listen to an audio tape.


The walnuts/banana help trigger sleep with tryptophan. The removal of light tells the brain to log off...

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This has always worked for me, and i learned it from my grandfather.


Lay there perfectly still, take 10 big deep slow breaths, count the 10 breaths, helps to clear your mind. Normally I am asleep way before 10, but just remember to lay perfectly still.

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Sex....best thing for me. I sleep like a rock and within 30 seconds too :D :jerkit: is the alternative for uncooperative wives ;)


Seriously, Melatonin is the hormone that your body releases in normal cases as the sun sets. It resets your body clock when traveling too. Priceless for those of use that travel out west. One little pill is all you need. Harmless and safe. Not necessary if you are tired and feeling sluggish at say 9pm, but if you're not, then you should take one.


It's almost necessary in todays world of staring at bright computer displays and the use of artificial lights and halogen bulbs indoors. Over-illumination can create significant reduction in melatonin production. Your body gets off schedule as it needs darkness and the gradual change. We actually begin shutting lights off slowing as the night goes on and that really works.


Helps grow hair back on dogs who have skin issues too....side note but very true.


Valerian Root is another herbal method. You can combine the two as well. Two caplets with a full glass of water at about 8pm along with the above and you should be feeling like crashing by 9-10pm. It goes to help treat Anxiety which is likely a cause of your sleeplessness. Neither of the above will cause morning grogginess and they are non-addictive.


Of course, another serious note, everyone who has trouble sleeping needs some exercise during the day to promote good health. Run, workout, etc....something. I find that when I combine the Exercise with the above two items when needed, there's nothing that makes me feel better in the morning.


Cliffs Notes:


Exercise in the morning, work all day, dim the lights at night and avoid the computer 2 hrs before bedtime, take melatonin and Valarian Root before getting ready for bed, have sex with the wife and sleep like a rock......pretty much guaranteed.


Try the above and give it about 5 days to get your system in sync. and then report back.

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I have the problem too. It's becasue my brain wont slow down. I've found not being on websites 2 hours before bed and having the lights off help.


But if I know I need a good night sleep and don't want to 'chance' it, I'll take one tylenol PM. Two makes it impossible to wake up in the morning.


I feel ya though, there are nights where I've had two PM's and can't get to sleep. :(



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Sex....best thing for me. I sleep like a rock and within 30 seconds too :D :jerkit: is the alternative for uncooperative wives ;)


Tim, its official. Your the smartest person i know. Sex ALWAYS worked for me. Though i think his real problem is that he works 2nd/3rd shift and his day is opposite most others'.


When I worked at a warehouse My shift was 5:30pm - 3:30am. By time I got home it was about 4am and for some reason I could NEVER fall right to sleep. I'd always stay up at least till 6 maybe later depending.


Ive been working my current 9-5 office job for the last year and a half and sometimes I still have a hard time actually going to bed before 1am. when I first started I would sometimes stay up till 2 even though i had to be at work at 9am. Best advice I could give is to give yourself an environment to sleep, really dark, really quiet, comfortable and relaxing. You dont want to do anything artificial like drink and/or take sleep drugs if you dont have to.

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Eat some walnuts or a banana before bed, and remove as much light as you can from the room. Say 30 minutes before bed, power off the PCs, tuck in, and listen to an audio tape.


The walnuts/banana help trigger sleep with tryptophan. The removal of light tells the brain to log off...



I'm picking up walniuts tonights that sounds great.

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You shouldn't have taken that nap before I came over. lol I haven't had much sleep today. I knew I shouldn't have left after the damn birds were awake. lol A couple of hours if that. But I don't have anything to tell you since I was never taught how to sleep. Hell, you see the crazy opposite hours of the day I come over or am awake.
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Sex helps and so does weed. Both at the same time will makes sure you saw logs all night (or day). Don't smoke it though, I have a good recipe to cook it into anything that involves using butter. Trust me it is all I used to do when I was in college staying up 20 hours to go to work, homework, then going to class.


It is hard to sleep after you do that in that order =(

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Both of those actually wake me up. A little strange, I know. But they do.


Heh thats cool. I could understand drugs keeping you up but not the sex part.



Hmmm maybe you don't last long enough having sex to be tired. :p:p:p





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Heh thats cool. I could understand drugs keeping you up but not the sex part.



Hmmm maybe you don't last long enough having sex to be tired. :p:p:p






Doh! No problem there. Ask your mamma!






JOKING!!! :p




Or am I? ;)

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