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Why do you need my SSN???


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  jeffmeden said:
Couldn't get the BMW and had to settle for the Mercedes... Somewhere there is a tiny German violin playing...


j/k, I couldn't resist ;-)



haha ya ya I hear ya.. dude, Joe (mojoe) will tell ya that little thing was badass... I have to say.. he was trying to get me to go over to Toy Barn.. but I didn't listen at first cause I really thought everything would be WAY out of the price range, especially a newer BMW 5 series.. but after putting my foot in my mouth and seeing that my hind sight was better than what I picked.. I wanted to cry.. It was a 02 or 03??? Black 5 series, black interior, black wheels with chrome lip, stereo system, stick shift thingy.. yeah I loved it.. but yeah I love the Benz too. Im looking into some wheels maybe and tint .. but other than that, its pretty nice. Its a sedan E320 comparaed to the more sporty 5 series, but still pretty pimp sauce in my hillbilly book I guess hahah

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Amy learned an important lesson the hard way unfortunately. You'll be able to bounce back from that though.


ANY time that you sign a credit app at a dealership you give them the "authority" to whore you out to the banks until they get you a deal. That's why most dealers use a generic credit app and not one for a specific bank. They'll have you sign the specific one for the bank that ended up buying your deal when you're in the box taking delivery.

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  Mojoe said:
I never saw this car and know nothing about it.


Opps sorry thought you had seen it previously.. no biggie.




So if the credit app is for a specific bank, they cannot send it to other banks???

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  Amy said:

So if the credit app is for a specific bank, they cannot send it to other banks???



Technically that is correct, but you'll have a hard time getting anyone to stick to that, or ever pinning it on them....so basically if you sign any credit app, they can (and will) send you to as many people as possible.


Many (if not all) of the apps are submitted electronically now, so the bank doesn't even see what you sign unless the deal goes through (which is when they'll have you sign the appropriate app). Some banks will accept another's application, some won't.


Sorry I couldn't be more specific, but there are a lot of variables there, especially from the way that some dealerships do business compared to others.

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Yeah, what had happened to me with this deal was basically I was interested in something sporty then luxuary.. couldnt make up my mind to save my life.. I mean hey its a huge decision when your talking 30-40k bucks.. I wanted a STi or a EVO, but then my only worry was modding the car like crazy and then being stuck with a 500h daily driver..so I put the idea on hold till I could completely decide what I wanted.


I had surgery, then after that looked more on the luxuary side of things and leaned towards Mercedes and that line of cars, went to a few dealers filled out some apps, they said we will only send it to huntington.. well that was a lie.. they pulled it like 22 times at these 3 dealers.. so by the time I get to Toy Barn and find my dream car.. its too late, credit was pulled too much and I had to wait 6 months. Well in those 22 times it was pulled, Lexus financed me for the Benz and me being inpatient and pissed off I just bought it.. so NEVER AGAIN!

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yeah, like I said. You just live and learn on that one. I've heard many dealers give the old "I'll only send it to one bank" line, and when they don't, other than screaming at them, there's nothing you can do.
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when the government first issued SSN's people were very wary that this could be used as some kind of national ID, and the tyranny that would result.


the government PROMISED that the SSN would NEVER be used as an ID number...


so much for that promise :rolleyes:

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  abuseU1300 said:
You dont get knocked when your credit is pulled . It only hurts your credit when a Bank denies you for financing .



ummm... yes you do, a hard inquiry will lower your score, not by much, but it does, many checks really lower it. A consumer check will not hurt your score (your free credit checks each year)

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  LJ said:
his ass
and your face make a perfect mach then .


Its real simple . You go to a dealership to buy a vehicle and have them pull your credit , they only do it once . They send it out to say 20 banks , you get denied by 19 of them because your credit must suck and approved by one . The 19 banks that denied you credit is what hurts you , not the initial credit check .

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  abuseU1300 said:
and your face make a perfect mach then .


Its real simple . You go to a dealership to buy a vehicle and have them pull your credit , they only do it once . They send it out to say 20 banks , you get denied by 19 of them because your credit must suck and approved by one . The 19 banks that denied you credit is what hurts you , not the initial credit check .

you are 100% wrong


Will checking your own credit report hurt your credit score?


When your credit is checked, this creates what is known as an "inquiry."


There are two types of inquiries on credit reports:


* A Soft Inquiry

* A Hard Inquiry


When you check your own credit report, this is known as a "soft" inquiry and it will not affect your credit score whatsoever. You can check your credit all you want and your score will not be impacted.


When you apply for credit, whether it's a mortgage or refinance, car loan, credit cards, or any of a number of applications for financing, this creates what is knows as a "hard" inquiry and this will lower your score slightly. Too many different credit applications over a short period of time can lower your credit score significantly, so don't over-apply for credit.


One other note, if you fill out several credit applications for the same purpose over a short period of time, a mortgage for instance, this will normally be treated as a single inquiry--not multiple inquiries.


You will normally get lowered about 5 points for multiples depending on how it is treated.

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  abuseU1300 said:
and your face make a perfect mach then .


Its real simple . You go to a dealership to buy a vehicle and have them pull your credit , they only do it once . They send it out to say 20 banks , you get denied by 19 of them because your credit must suck and approved by one . The 19 banks that denied you credit is what hurts you , not the initial credit check .


Holy fucking rumoristic bullshit.


When you go to a car dealership and have your credit pulled. They are not sitting at the fax machine sending 20 copies of your credit out to one bank at a time. They hit the mass email list with your info in it. Whoever comes back with a loan first and with the best deal (outside of them sending it to their "preferred lender" , who gives them a kick back), is all they care about. 12 inquires for a dealer working with challenged credit is normal. That's just one dealer. Let alone; the fact that no lender will use your credit. Other wise car dealerships would still be cutting and pasting to make a deal. They HAVE to pull their own credit. No process, that I am aware of, is noted to the credit bureau for you getting turned down. It simply shows as an inquiry. The law then requires that lender send you a denial letter. That's it. The break down in how many points per pull varies. I'm not even getting into that.


Again, abuseU1300, please state your source.

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  LJ said:
you are 100% wrong




You will normally get lowered about 5 points for multiples depending on how it is treated.

Pulling your credit score (Trans Union , Equifax , Experian)does not hurt your credit . When you APPLY for credit like a mortgage , car loan , cc is when it hurts your credit . How is that 100% wrong . Read what you copied and maybe you will understand its the same thing I am saying .

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