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Who can cut bike keys?


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I need a new key cut for my bike. I can't find my keys and the new owner picks the bike up monday, fuckin' perfect timing eh? I rode last on thursday and have looked everywhere. I've got the clear title in hand if its needed to prove ownership, but I need this done ASAP.



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Ahh a bike shop that sells or services whatever kind of make your bike is.


yeah, that's what I thought too, but I called 3 local shops today and no one knew....that's for the sarcastic answer though. I'm not lazy, just out of options.

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It's going to take an old school key maker/cutter. Otherwise you have to use the key vin and order the keys from a dealer which gets them directly from the manufactor. It can take a week or two depending on the manufactor and dealer but they normally don't cut keys. The manuf. uses the Key vin to look up the lock and makes them at the factory.... :(


Good luck finding one though... :cool:

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Thompsons bike and key in Delaware, Central and Sandusky st.


Score!! just talked with the guy 2 minutes ago, and he agreed to come over tomorrow at 5pm, on a sunday!!! Thanks so much dude, it'll be $80 but still, 5pm on a sunday he's coming to my house to cut it, I can deal with that.


lock this up!

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I realize that the thread is finished and to be locked, but in case anyone wants to search this in the future, I'll put some info out there


Bike manufacturers no longer make keys from the VIN, because people started taking VINs off of other peoples bikes and getting keys made, then stealing them. I'm pretty sure this applies to the car world as well, but I'm not certain.


There are not any motorcycle dealers in this town that I know of that cut keys. It's not a normal practice for dealers. The common path is that they will order you a factory blank key, then you take it somewhere to have it cut.


I always go to Carl Zipf lock on 5th ave. He is the best that I've ever used, and may have a blank close enough to work, if you're not able to order a factory one.


If you don't have a key to match, you'll have to take your ignition off and take it to him to cut a key to match. Hope that helps.

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