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Wrecked Lotus Elise-what happened?


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Anybody know? This Lotus Elise was in a driveway around the corner from me earlier this week, with Dealer tags on it. Its in the same driveway tonight, but looks like this.....



Anybody know what happened?

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That's actually an extiege. How the roof is done and the hood(as well as the color) make it out. I'm guessing he clipped something up front and with how the body is made it tore enough of that section of the pannel that it all just came off. Gunna be expensive as heck to replace, as you can't really spot repair it, any damaged section of the body has to be completely replaced.


Shame, it's a damned sexy car.

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That's actually an extiege. How the roof is done and the hood(as well as the color) make it out. I'm guessing he clipped something up front and with how the body is made it tore enough of that section of the pannel that it all just came off. Gunna be expensive as heck to replace, as you can't really spot repair it, any damaged section of the body has to be completely replaced.

It's HIGHLY obvious that is not an Exige or Exige S.

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