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For You Liberal Hippies


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Blah. I will make this war on drugs work.


Pot leave that alone its a waste of tax payer dollars. fuck legalize it and make tons of the taxes and stomp make it people don't fund terrorism as they claim. If you buy a pack of Malbaro greens keep the money home.


Hit hard on cocaine and hard drugs. Make a system to crossreferance all prescriptions and red flag someone picking up oxy cotton 3 times in 1 week.

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If they legalized pot,and it was sold commercially it would probably be too shitty and filtered to be worth smoking.


Sounds like a great idea to me. At the same time, the drug dealers would be losing their largest money maker, helping to put them out of business. People would be discouraged from smoking up, even though its readily available, because its so much cheaper and easier than going through the channels to get the "good" stuff. The only real challenge with this would be figuring out how to field test for it while on the road. I have to assume that driving while high would field the same punishment as driving while drunk.

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Biggest the world has ever seen? You'll have stiff competition:



There is a difference, you need to provide choice. You can work for the welfare, you can work a real job or starve.

Socialist Government = no choice, you can work at a state job, or you can work in a Siberian Prison, but you work for the state, one just pays a bit better than the other, but you still will not own your house.


I am not saying I want to see the country become socialist, quite the contrary, I want to see the government motivate people to get off their asses, grow a pair and go work like the majority of us do. Assistance and entitlement programs are acceptable and even needed for a small part of the population that phyically can not work.


This however does not include drunks, drug addicts, or lazy fucks that got trained at a young age how to work the system and have thier hand out for every government program that comes down the road.


We as American's need to demand this be changed, and changed drastically. This is a fair and balanced way of doing it. I wil not lie to you that the illegal's don't fill a labor vacuum for unskilled low paying jobs. But the jobs need done either way, if you don't have low wage unskilled people to fill that position, you would either need a program like this, or you wiould need as an employer to raise the pay until you could fill the job. The fact they dont need to is the reason that the gross wage earned compaired to the cost of living has gone backwards in the last 10 years.

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Blah. I will make this war on drugs work.


Pot leave that alone its a waste of tax payer dollars. fuck legalize it and make tons of the taxes and stomp make it people don't fund terrorism as they claim. If you buy a pack of Malbaro greens keep the money home.


Hit hard on cocaine and hard drugs. Make a system to crossreferance all prescriptions and red flag someone picking up oxy cotton 3 times in 1 week.

+1 for you Mr. Thorne. I agree.

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There is no reason to think that commerical pot would be bad. It's not hard to grow pot its a weed. But it would make a huge dent in crime. Cocaine is by far a drug dealers biggest money maker.


There is cheap beer I'm sure we can all agree. Who's to say you won't be able to get Quality pot. You put the same rules around it that exist on alky.

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Sounds like a great idea to me. At the same time, the drug dealers would be losing their largest money maker, helping to put them out of business. People would be discouraged from smoking up, even though its readily available, because its so much cheaper and easier than going through the channels to get the "good" stuff. The only real challenge with this would be figuring out how to field test for it while on the road. I have to assume that driving while high would field the same punishment as driving while drunk.



Field tests. There is also tests that can tell if your high based on retinal response.

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i want someone who stands for good ol republican values. like trying to have sex with a man in a public bathroom.


I bet you do, being from Gerbil Village.

At least he did not kill someone...




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OK - lets look at the facts - and look at how it's handled:


1) Are there bad eggs and deviants in the republican party just like in the democratic party - absolutely.


2) Craig (GOP) MAY have solicited gay sex in a public restroon - the republicans run him out. Barney Frank (DEM) probably has had gay sex in a mens room and allowed his house to be used for a prostitution ring - he is a respected senior democratic congressman???


3) Foley (GOP) sends lewd text messages to underage pages - the republicans run him out - Gerry Studds (DEM) HAS SEX with a page - gets censured and then recieved two standing ovations from his liberal supporters when he returns home.


We won't even discuss the histories of the democratic "heroes" of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.


The difference is VERY clear - the republicans have problems, but clean up (and out) when problems come to light. The democrats rally round their deviants and make excuses for their behavior - often praising it as "couragious".


Looks like the party that actually acts like it has some values and morals is clear.

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OK - lets look at the facts - and look at how it's handled:


1) Are there bad eggs and deviants in the republican party just like in the democratic party - absolutely.


2) Craig (GOP) MAY have solicited gay sex in a public restroon - the republicans run him out. Barney Frank (DEM) probably has had gay sex in a mens room and allowed his house to be used for a prostitution ring - he is a respected senior democratic congressman???


3) Foley (GOP) sends lewd text messages to underage pages - the republicans run him out - Gerry Studds (DEM) HAS SEX with a page - gets censured and then recieved two standing ovations from his liberal supporters when he returns home.


We won't even discuss the histories of the democratic "heroes" of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.


The difference is VERY clear - the republicans have problems, but clean up (and out) when problems come to light. The democrats rally round their deviants and make excuses for their behavior - often praising it as "couragious".


Looks like the party that actually acts like it has some values and morals is clear.

I don't think it could have been said better.

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(DEM) Senator Robert Byrd (Bird?) of WV was a Grand Dragon in the KKK before entering politics. He is currently one of the longest running Senators. He is also responsible for paving the entire state of WV, even though there's no one there to use the roads.


OK - lets look at the facts - and look at how it's handled:


1) Are there bad eggs and deviants in the republican party just like in the democratic party - absolutely.


2) Craig (GOP) MAY have solicited gay sex in a public restroon - the republicans run him out. Barney Frank (DEM) probably has had gay sex in a mens room and allowed his house to be used for a prostitution ring - he is a respected senior democratic congressman???


3) Foley (GOP) sends lewd text messages to underage pages - the republicans run him out - Gerry Studds (DEM) HAS SEX with a page - gets censured and then recieved two standing ovations from his liberal supporters when he returns home.


We won't even discuss the histories of the democratic "heroes" of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton.


The difference is VERY clear - the republicans have problems, but clean up (and out) when problems come to light. The democrats rally round their deviants and make excuses for their behavior - often praising it as "couragious".


Looks like the party that actually acts like it has some values and morals is clear.

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LOL. "I hate dem Democrats.... Theyse be moar evil den mah party that I is uh-filly-ated wif..."



Do you guys seriously believe or put any stock in the things you say?


I think that living in Chicago is starting to mess with your head, giving you a twisted view of the world. Don't fear though, there is still time to return to reality.

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I think that living in Chicago is starting to mess with your head, giving you a twisted view of the world. Don't fear though, there is still time to return to reality.



Chicago has absolutely nothing to do with it, the city's population most closely mimics the overall countries population with regards to race, religious beliefs, etc... I think a large portion of you clowns would benefit from moving out of a state thats so concentrated with people that share the same viewpoints as you do.



People discussing differing viewpoints > Two idiots yelling the exact same thing loudly.

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. People would be discouraged from smoking up, even though its readily available, because its so much cheaper and easier than going through the channels to get the "good" stuff.

Agree to disagree.


That would not effect that matter.

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I'll put forth to stand by what's really good for the country. Not just momentary bliss like the Democrats seem to try to do.




None of you can even get past the two party system that the government uses to polarize and confuse the nation. Both parties are rife with people who will sell their souls for a dollar/to win an election, and EVERYONE in politics is willing to tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected.


I dont consider myself Democrat or Republican, and I'm frankly getting sick of even hearing either word. Heres a tip: Stop automatically dumping people into one of two categories, open your mind to viewpoints differing than yours, and actually maybe consider that some of your views might be wrong or skewed.

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None of you can even get past the two party system that the government uses to polarize and confuse the nation. Both parties are rife with people who will sell their souls for a dollar/to win an election, and EVERYONE in politics is willing to tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected.


I dont consider myself Democrat or Republican, and I'm frankly getting sick of even hearing either word. Heres a tip: Stop automatically dumping people into one of two categories, open your mind to viewpoints differing than yours, and actually maybe consider that some of your views might be wrong or skewed.

The Truth

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