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Don't give up my civil liberties you pussy's


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Review my points back on what we've shared in PM's about the two items in question.


The public data let you infer the private data, paraphrased in what I shared with you in confidence, is what would clarify the situation. Putting it in context would further clarify and shed light on things.


DHS isn't going to just go on public data, or just private data or just a situation/occurance. They are going to utilize all resources to determine a threat.


DHS could find someone in NYC chatting online in Arabic and that could infer they are a suspicious person. Especially if they are a young Saudi born male. However, if they did and find that he's simply on the Saudi Drifting board similar to CR than dig into his background a bit, 1+1 will more clearly = 2 and I would think tapping his phone calls and digging into his personal life, PC, etc.... would clarify things a bit more than not.


Now if that Saudi male has other 'shady' occurances that add up to more than just chat about fast cars and drifting and puts up a stink, then he's drawing more attention to himself instead of just helping clarify the matter.


But public data let me infer this what do you think some private data could add to that? I don't understand what makes you feel that the more info they have about everyone the better.


It justmakes no snese since the trackrecord shows they've failed before and more times they've hurt innocent people.

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I see your point. It's valid, but not something I personally feel I need to worry about even given the couple things you shared with me through PM. DHS is going to go way deeper than message board posts when putting together a case. Others may disagree, that's cool....and that's part of our freedoms here in the US.


I've researched a bit of Ron Paul's stuff. Looks good in many cases I agree with what he says. Yeah.....I said that.


My point is still valid you could reach somet ype of scrfutiny for no reason and then deadl with bs you should not have to.


Why dont you watch the ron paul video he discusses we dont need to lose liberty to reach freedom

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I think that one of the points trying to be made here is that if the Fed can find info on you, then anyone can find info on you. Just because the Fed isn't making a target out of you, someone else still can, using the same info that can be easily found. Throw in a couple of well placed contacts, and things really coming out into the open.
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