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If I had the bank roll I would. So I just support ron paul


Guess who if elected will start doing everything they said they wouldnt do (just like every other president in history). We all know that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.

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His voting record speaks for itself.


And how many times have you heard that...

His voting record speaks for itself (every election a president uses that line, alonf with 1 zillion other politicians.)


America = history repeating itself every election. Its not a matter of who is the best. Its a matter of who will fuck things up the least. We can hope and pray this time will be different "but history speaks for itself".

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Now I know why people respond to Thorne the way he does.


You take the stupidest issues and turn them into something their not. If your so scared of what america does and how they do it go live in a cave in canada man.


Like I stated before.


Its their network not your network. They can do whatever the hell they want with the information on it. Even if that information has to do with you or me or who ever.

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I'm on their list, however I will not once I get my iphone. If you think I post too much now.... :cool:




This was the best post in the whole Thread.


Im going to start a thread about....


Dear Mods,

Its been a long time since I have done something worthwhile. So I wanted to atleast give a great opinion. I noticed sometimes the server is running a little slow. I think if you cleared out some of Thorne's threads it may run faster. Just a thought...


Thanks Kevin Clifford



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This was the best post in the whole Thread.


Im going to start a thread about....


Dear Mods,

Its been a long time since I have done something worthwhile. So I wanted to atleast give a great opinion. I noticed sometimes the server is running a little slow. I think if you cleared out some of Thorne's threads it may run faster. Just a thought...


Thanks Kevin Clifford




Request noted and under consideration. :)

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Yes, because people who support Ron Paul really understand what would happen to the U.S. if he got rid of the IRS and Fed Reserve



If you read a bit you would see that we would have to switfch to a smaller goverment model as it should be . Fuck a nanny state.



Before you take 1 piece and attack it look at the entire pic.

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If you read a bit you would see that we would have to switfch to a smaller goverment model as it should be . Fuck a nanny state.



Before you take 1 piece and attack it look at the entire pic.


Ok, we can switch to a smaller gov't, but getting rid of the Fed and IRS would do nothing but horribly fuck things up.

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Personally i could care less if a "government agency" knows who i called or what i said. If im not doing anything illegal it really dont matter. I stopped reading the story about half way thru.


So basically they are giving information to government agency regarding "Criminal Cases/Activities" and requesting this information. Instead of waiting for 48-72 hours to get a subpoena to get the same information they are giving them the information possibly helping solve a case or find a little kid who has been kidnapped.


Stop thinking one track all the time think about the big picture.



Lets say you have a little boy/girl and they are kidnapped.


By chance that person has a verizon cell phone/home phone. They make calls that would help locate them. Instead of getting a fast reaction the cops/fbi have to wait 72 hours to get the records. In that time waiting to get access to this information this sadistic prick burries your kid in a field then calls the police on the verizon phone they could have already got records for and says you can stop looking i already burried the kid.


I know this might be extreme. But come on stop thinking the government is tryin to invade every aspect of our lifes. If someone evesdropping on my calls somehow makes my family a little safer. So be it.


Sorry rant off i just hate hearing about random BS that is posted by newspapers you can only believe 50% of it anyway.

Thanks for pointing out the ONE instance you fuck head

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