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I voted.....did you?


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I voted.

I went early incase there would be a line, but I was the only person there except the poll workers.


Its not a presidential election, not even a congressional election year, so nobody gives a shit. I think its pathetic because mayor's and city council members have a lot more to do with day to day life than the prez.

So hell yeah I voted

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Its just a shame there werent enough petitions for the vote to actually mean anything. That's right, vote your heart out but the titties go away at midnight.


I was wondering about that since it was on the ballot and I can't find anything on the results. I was suprised to see it as well since I thought they didn't have enough good signatures on the petitions to get it on the ballot. And it also didn't say anything about it really not mattering on the ballot either. Oh well.

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Its not a presidential election, not even a congressional election year, so nobody gives a shit. I think its pathetic because mayor's and city council members have a lot more to do with day to day life than the prez.

So hell yeah I voted


werd people who don't vote on elections just cause it isn't presidential are dumb or lazy

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You are not allowed to complain after the votes are tallied.


Can't help but quote the great George Carlin here (well, some will be paraphrased).


"I feel if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around a lot and say 'If you DON'T vote, you have no right to complain'. But where's the logic in that? If you vote and elect some retarded, degenerate asshole who gets into office and screws everything up, YOU have no right to complain because you voted for him (or her). I, on the other hand, who did not vote - who in fact did not even leave the house on election day - have every right to complain about the mess that YOU created that I had nothing to do with."


So yeah, I belong to the crowd that didn't vote.



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I prefer not to have anything to do with this shit...


I know either way the polls go, I'll be pissed off.



No vote.....no room for you to talk about how bad someone is doing. Do you contribute anything to society?

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