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be careful who you owe money tooo!!!


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I didnt do this I think you have me confused with somebody else in the thread.



I dont care that you deleted my thread really. But quite a few people have since they have sent me private messages asking for links etc. I think over 200 people looked at it before you deleted it. I am sure some of them were mods or the owners of the board. I am kinda curious why they didnt delete or anything, but you did. Is there any of these rules you quoted some where. CJ


I did not say YOU mis-quoted me. I am not confused about anything.


I do not care how many people viewed your thread, and I also do not care how many other Mods viewed it.


Where is the rule posted? It should be somewhere in your own mind, filed under common sense, or morality, or knowing simple right from wrong.


mod·er·a·tor :

a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or other group.


We can not post 'rules' for every conceivable dumbass thing a member might do here. We try to be fair and make as many people happy as possible. If you need to post corpses being raped to be happy, perhaps this isn't the best forum for you.


My job doesnt't include explaining myself to you. If an Admin has a problem with me, they will discuss it with me; it's not for you to worry about.

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I did not say YOU mis-quoted me. I am not confused about anything.


I do not care how many people viewed your thread, and I also do not care how many other Mods viewed it.


Where is the rule posted? It should be somewhere in your own mind, filed under common sense, or morality, or knowing simple right from wrong.


mod·er·a·tor :

a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or other group.


We can not post 'rules' for every conceivable dumbass thing a member might do here. We try to be fair and make as many people happy as possible. If you need to post corpses being raped to be happy, perhaps this isn't the best forum for you.


My job doesnt't include explaining myself to you. If an Admin has a problem with me, they will discuss it with me; it's not for you to worry about.


So shitting in mouthes is ok?

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So shitting in mouthes is ok?


Why compare raping a corpse to eating shit??? This link is still up because its not some guy with a camera phone raping someones dead mother/daughter. The other is down because it has no place on CR.... THE END


Edit: If this was directed at the people saying that this thread is sick and it has nothing to do with the closed thread ignore my response.

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I've been thinking about this thread all night at work and the thing I found most disturbing is that it is a child and somone posted it. I have three of my own and after looking at this it made me sick to think about this. I've seen autopsies (spelling), dead bodies, I've watched people take there last breath while I'm telling them to hold on, but nothing is worse to me then seeing a child dead or mutilated. All of the other sick shit on here has never bothered me but I'm sad to say this does not belong here and should be taken down out of respect. Anything else thats sick go ahead and post but leave the ones with the dead children out.


My 2 cents: SAW

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Shitting in a mouth? - legal.

Photos of a crime scene? - legal.

Raping a corpse - ILLEGAL.


Is that a clear enough line?


Quick reply b/c I have no time now...




I totally agree with what you said above, however all I said was that since it involves a child maybe we should not post it.


Shitting in mouth is sick but whatever, photos of a crime scene are sick and its a reality one I've seen to many times but that does not matter. Raping a corpse didn't see that one but definitly illegal and sick.


Like I said it's just my 2 cents worth.

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Sawbinder - my reply was to Thorne.


Everyone else - you can debate this until you're blue in the face. It won't prevent me from deleting similar shit in the future that simply does not belong here. Using some of your theories on free speech, we should allow pictures of child porn.


This isn't a school or a government building. Anyone with a CR account made a decision to be here. You do not have to log in. You aren't protected by Constitutional amendments here. The decisions are made partially by Mods, but mostly by Admins.

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