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What to do if you think someone will kill themselves


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Long story short, I am pretty damn sure this person will do it if this FALSE POSTIVE is let to ride. He got into some minor legal issues and because of cold medicine tested postive for aphetmieans. No his parole is going to be revoked and he was told he's going to prison.



Now I don't know what to do this person is like my brother I'm closer to him then anyone else in the family. He has a history of mental instablity to the point I even took him to OSU once before.



On a prior occasion he attempted to shoot himself and the hammer got stock back by the slide, I am so scared as he is really close to me.




Fuck this wonderful war on drugs, Someone is about to lose there lively hood or even there life.

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if he's mentally unstable and has been shown as such in the past, that may play into his favor for getting put in a hospital vs prison. better than going into the ground.


yes I have and the consesis is, I ANIT GOING TO FUCKING PRISON.
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Cowards way out.. if I had to chose between a long time in prison or staying in a mental hospital for a long time.. it might not be that hard of a choice to just say the hell with it.


But my advice is just be there and do whatever you can to help. No matter what it is. Suicdal related issues are a sign of "help me". Ive had to deal with quite a few suical people lately actually. One guy tried hanging himself from a ceiling fan with an electrical cord, the cord broke and he fell hard to the floor.

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A kid from my school was in the same boat. He turned 20, got into some trouble, ended up punching a cop, he was looking at some serious jail time, lost his college scholarship. Needed help or whatever, everyone even his friends blew him off. He ended up eating a gun in the woods..


I'd try to talk to him and figure out what he needs or is looking for and try to make the issue seem like a bump and not a wall.

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Suicide the cowards way out? Gotta explain that one to me sometime. It has nothing to do with being a coward and everything to do with mental state and current situation.


If your friend truely wasn't on any drugs and still tested positive what the hell is he going to prison for? Ain't the system better than that? CR cops help me with that. Hell help this guy out if you can because this again points to why I have no faith in law enforcement and am actually terrified of what could happen when cops have a bad day. Also if I were faced with a prison stay and record I don't think I'd have trouble ending my life either if I was innocent with no way to prove it.



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I hear it's warm in South America??


If my choices are offing myself, prison, and sipping on drinks in Rio, I'd be out like the gout. F going to pound me in the @ss prison. I did a few hours downtown for 'excessive speeding' when I was much younger and that was too much for me. Lesson learned.

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You should just really try to show him the good side of things. Even if he does have to serve some jail time, make sure he knows there is good stuff in the future for him. we all have hard times, but we make it through because we know it will get better, even if it doesnt seem like it will.


get him away. my cousin was having some BIG problems (drugs, jail, etc.) and my aunt sent him out to live with my uncle in nevada.

Europe is always a good choice too. the culture is just so much different. it is more relaxed, and people dont stress about the little things like we do here.


and, this may piss some people off... but i find the state of ohio to be really depressing :p definitely not the ideal place for someone who needs an uplifting environment to make them see that it is worth it to stay alive!

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get him to a hospital, even if you have to call the cops on his ass. my best friend pulled a similar stunt about a month after our mutual friend hung himself (i made a thread about that over the summer) and we were all worried so we called his parents and had him committed to a hospital. he called me a day after he was released to thank me and to tell me that his stay at the hospital was so horrible he'd never think about doing something like that again.
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find evidence to present the fact that the cold medicine presented a false postive reading. It best be real good because parole officers dont give a fuck about parolies.

He went to get a hair test to prove his innocents. He also has been in constant contact with his lawyer. I'm hoping for the best.

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