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Do you think you could handle an attacking dog?

Guest Hal

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All depends on the breed. the only real life experience i have is when a german shep mix was attacking our beagle, around the neck blood and broken skin, I ran up gave the shep one kick in the ribs and then had one of each of my hands on his upper and lower jaws pulling as hard as i could didnt work I began punching it in the pivot of its jaw, and it let loose, I tumbled with the dog for a bit before it left. this was one of the few times I wasnt wearing my knife, If I'm in a situation where I feel threatened seriously by a dog he better watch his throat. I love dogs we've sheltered/housebroken over 40 dogs working with a shelter, but it doesnt mean I dont know how dangerous they can be.
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depends on the dog, alot of dogs as long as you get them off there feet there helpless so just grab them by there neck and lift hoping that you can choke them out before they wiggle free. ive seen my dad take down a rott with this technique but hes really fast. im slow id probably just stab it a few hundred times
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Very nice canine portrait, good composition and exposure. The sharpness of the focus caught the texture of the fur nicely, also, nice DOF, what lens?



I would not screw with a medium-large dog defending its territory or its humans.

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Yeah that is a really nice looking dog and picture now that you pointed it out. I'm an animal lover also guys so don't think I just go around killing things because its fun or something. Though I do feel they are animals and don't deserve to be treated as anything more than property.



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Thanks Mitch. Not taken with any of my DSLR's mind you ;) That was taken with my old trusty Pro-sumer Sony 717. Regardless of all my DLSR gear, the 717 is great. Many would agree, the very best 5mp pro-sumer model ever produced. Beats out many of the models that followed it too. f/3.2 at 45mm so the exif says. Needs a little PP to correct the perspective a bit though. She was on my deck looking off in the distance if memory serves.


Very nice canine portrait, good composition and exposure. The sharpness of the focus caught the texture of the fur nicely, also, nice DOF, what lens?



I would not screw with a medium-large dog defending its territory or its humans.

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Here's one of my parents dogs. Think he only wieghs about 40-45lbs or so, but is quite strong. I don't play too rough with him as he's not mine and I don't see him too often. Huge mouth and teeth for a dog his size. Birding dog if I'm not mistaken. Fast as heck and limber too.


Amazingly a very protective dog towards my parents. Has gone through their storm door screen more than once to get to my mom as she goes to the mailbox. My dad has his hands full as he has way more energy then they do.


He was inherited from my brother Tom who passed away last July. He's lived with them for several years as Tom was quite ill for a while and in their care.


Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM on this one Mitch.




My sisters latest Sheppard is now about 95lbs. Pictured here at only 8 months though. He looks way, way bigger than 95lbs though. Very tall and long. I'm so used to Boxers, Sheppards always appear huge to me. I really wouldn't mess with him....but I'm not one to fight dogs.




Now this my parents other dog....little fucker is like a paper cut waiting to happnen. Teeth like a razor but a little lap dog. Snipper shit though. I could taker her though :D



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Hehe okay okay. I wouldn't want to fight a large aggressive wolf. I'm sure I'd win, but I'd take some serious damage killing it and if I'm way out in the wilderness I could likely die from infection or bleed to death. As for domesticated dogs. Come on unless they seriously out weigh you they are domestic animals with the mental capacity of a 4 or 5 year old human.

First thing I'm gonna do is see if I can choke out the animal and/or dislocate its neck or arms. Yes I studied dog anatomy when I was way to far into martial arts and I also used to test nerve points and have even choked out my own dog. Little guy though so no match for a human.

Secondly if that doesn't work and/or its a particularly nasty dog and gets its mouth around my leg/arm Its gonna loose both eyes real fast or maybe just get its skull fractured. Or snout. If that doesn't work then it gets my arm rammed down its throat.

Really guys its a dog. You think it will show you mercy? HELL NO, if you lose your its lunch so be vicious.

Mikes right about dogs in packs. Though that normally only applies with wild dogs, wolves, and dogs in homes where an alpha male has been established.


Same thing when fighting a human. You better give it your all or the enemy might be willing to end your life when you've given up. Thats the most important lesson in self defense.


I'd be much more afraid of an 80lb cat then a 200 lb dog. Much smarter and they have many more weapons/tactics to kill you with.





100lbs bulldog/dalmation mix. Able to jump and get food off the top of the refridgerator. Smart enough to go after your eyes with his claws before attacking you with his jaws. Agile enough to run full speed in one direction, roll and spring back up moving in the opposite direction. This dog learned 20 commands in 3 weeks. If it wasnt for him being overprotective and attacking anything that came on my property he wouldnt have been taken to the pound. He at one point snatched me off of the back steps and drug me around the back yard chasing a stray dog.


One night when we first got him to see if he would protect the house I put on a mask, cologne to hide my scent, and snuck in through the front door. He leaped at me and scratched me accross the face, ripped my pant leg off and, almost got ahold of my leg. I had to put my padded arm in his mouth (to avoid being bit) and put my full weight on him to keep him from moving. Then I had my wife take off the mask because I didnt want to let him go. This is why I feel I can stop a dog, but if it were in a real life situation I would be bleeding all over the place after it was over.


Here are a few videos to prove both points....






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Bulldog stregth and a Dalmations' crazy brain :eek:


Cool vids. That last one certainly proves a point. He was a big boy, but getting bit sure hurts. Notice the speed of those attacks too. Punching or kicking a dog is a lot harder than most think. Especially since most dogs won't back down. Fuck, no matter how small the dog is or how big you are, they just don't give a shit and keep on coming. Police dogs are cool, but they tend to be trained to bite and hold then pull as seen here. Not all dogs do that either. Bite and slash from the 42 teeth of a Doberman would not be something most folks would react calmly too.


All those show how well a dog is at taking the initial blows and hits too. Add in the second dog and a burglar would soon turn victim for sure.



Here are a few videos to prove both points....






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Bulldog stregth and a Dalmations' crazy brain :eek:


Yeah, he looked scary as hell too. He was gentle with the people in the house and my brother... but seemed to hate the rest of the world :confused:



Oh, I found a video of Evan fighting a dog

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I had a buddy with a Dalmation mix...he was the same way. Growled at me every time I went over there and I have no idea why. I wasn't alone as he did that to everyone. Dave told me that it was his way of saying I'm not going to bite you.....yet. :eek:


but seemed to hate the rest of the world :confused:



Oh, I found a video of Evan fighting a dog

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I had a buddy with a Dalmation mix...he was the same way. Growled at me every time I went over there and I have no idea why. I wasn't alone as he did that to everyone. Dave told me that it was his way of saying I'm not going to bite you.....yet. :eek:


LOL! I never thought about it that way http://smiliesftw.com/x/dogkeke.gif

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To bad all those vids are of a police dog being used as cannon fodder to distract a criminal just long enough for 20 cops to pile on him. Great tactic for sure and way better than just sending in a human to do the distracting. I really like the last one where they fire tear gas as the dog is inbound. There has got to be some underground blood sport vids of human vs animal somewhere on this sick planet. Or is german or jap scat vids about it?


Hehe the black kid fighting the little dog was funny though. I love playing with them like that.


Heres a case where a guy killed a pit bull in a sort of accident.


This ones just kinda funny:-)




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Yes I believe I could. If not for punch/kick, I would sacrafice my weak arm and let it bite and do a little shake as I force down on the neck. My brother told me thats the best way if a hit doesnt work and the animal is still coming.


yep, it is about your mental state if you are freaking out then yes the dog will eat you up, but if you are calm then there is no way a single dog can take a full grown man. think of a 150 to 180 pound retarded 10 year coming at you with longer teeth and longer finger nails.


(do not take this as me saying i would not be afraid of a dog, but i like to think i would stay level headed enough to end a fight with an animal who stands just s few feet off the ground that can't grip me to end that fuckers life in a few seconds) my life before his for sure

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I think a lot of people forget that humans (me and some others) are 200 pound, very strong mammals.



We're large. Long limbs...and we know where to attack (eyes, weak spots)



You put a 100 pound 5'4" guy against a huge dog...and it might be ugly


Put a 200 - 300 pound big man against a 100 pound dog, and i think the result would be much different. Use your weight. Jab the eyes. I hear a winning strategy is to grab onto the lower jaw if you're bitten (prevents another bite)


I'm not saying you wouldn't take damage....It wouldn't be fun. But i'm rather sure i'd kill the dog before it hurt me substantially

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I think a lot of people forget that humans (me and some others) are 200 pound, very strong mammals.



We're large. Long limbs...and we know where to attack (eyes, weak spots)



You put a 100 pound 5'4" guy against a huge dog...and it might be ugly


Put a 200 - 300 pound big man against a 100 pound dog, and i think the result would be much different. Use your weight. Jab the eyes. I hear a winning strategy is to grab onto the lower jaw if you're bitten (prevents another bite)


I'm not saying you wouldn't take damage....It wouldn't be fun. But i'm rather sure i'd kill the dog before it hurt me substantially

You can match up weight, but you can't compare an average man's muscle-to-weight ratio to that of a dog's. It would also be difficult to match a dog's speed and ability. I think most average size males should be able to fend off a dog enough to not get killed, but I believe relative to size and instincts a defensive dog can get the most of most people. Which is great to have one at home because it makes the odds better in your favor against an intruder.


Edit: I'm 5'10" and about 215 and I'm moderately built in my legs and shoulders. My dog is a Staffordshire Terrier and weighs in at about 80 lbs and almost pure muscle. I've had him sprint full speed towards me and leap to the point that he can almost clear me. Even though I was bracing myself, he still knocked me the fuck over, and hard too. I can not imagine anybody around my size or smaller being able to think or move quick enough to fend off a dog like that if he were to attempting to snap at them. You'd just have to see it happen to understand.

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"Chihuahuas and chows with 55 attacks"


I know they are mean little bastards, but who actually reports a chihuahua attack? lol!!!!!


Dereck has a pair of chihuahua's, those dogs are my homies


This thread is rekindling my desire to get another dog. I'd post pics of mine, but alas, I have lost my digicam.

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Hehe okay okay. I wouldn't want to fight a large aggressive wolf. I'm sure I'd win, but I'd take some serious damage killing it and if I'm way out in the wilderness I could likely die from infection or bleed to death. As for domesticated dogs. Come on unless they seriously out weigh you they are domestic animals with the mental capacity of a 4 or 5 year old human.

First thing I'm gonna do is see if I can choke out the animal and/or dislocate its neck or arms. Yes I studied dog anatomy when I was way to far into martial arts and I also used to test nerve points and have even choked out my own dog. Little guy though so no match for a human.

Secondly if that doesn't work and/or its a particularly nasty dog and gets its mouth around my leg/arm Its gonna loose both eyes real fast or maybe just get its skull fractured. Or snout. If that doesn't work then it gets my arm rammed down its throat.

Really guys its a dog. You think it will show you mercy? HELL NO, if you lose your its lunch so be vicious.

Mikes right about dogs in packs. Though that normally only applies with wild dogs, wolves, and dogs in homes where an alpha male has been established.


Same thing when fighting a human. You better give it your all or the enemy might be willing to end your life when you've given up. Thats the most important lesson in self defense.


I'd be much more afraid of an 80lb cat then a 200 lb dog. Much smarter and they have many more weapons/tactics to kill you with.




lol You would die. Without a weapon or a lotta luck, you will die. Accept it. I've worked with wolves for a short time. And trust me, you ARE NOT stronger than one.

I don't give you much a chance against my dog. But he was built to have no fear and to never give up and to protect me with his life. And if you've never had real xp with a dog like mine, you honestly cannot even begin to imagine the power not only in its body, but it's jaw. It's truly frightening. Also, with a dog like mine, it's impossible to control his incredibly strong and compact body. The more you hurt him, the harder he comes.

They're also alot smarter than given credit. I've seen dogs feint to get people or other animals to commit to a move and leave themselves open. Now, that's truly frightening.

Again, yes, many dogs will hesistate if you don't run or show fear, some will back off if attacked heavily enough and some are small enough to punt their little asses into the next neighborhood.

Here's the problem. When faced an attacking dog, most of you will panic. Once attacked and you've realized the shear force and power of the dog, you will panic. When you realize just how fast the dog is, you will panic. I've been in the middle of some nasty dog altercations and raised dogs for many years including chows and wolf hybrids. With experience, size, and keeping a level head, yes, you have a chance. You always do. I also understand most of you would like to believe you could win. Many of you wouldn't and the rest would come back scarred.

Ask yourself this: Have you ever been in a fight. A real one. Not against another pussy. Not when you were in Junior high, not one that was over after a push and a couple swings.

No? Then you need not apply.

If yes, how did you handle yourself? You lose or feel a move behind the whole time? It'll be worse when a capable dog attacks you. Trust me.

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Depending on the dog I think I would have a chance. But some dogs Would die trying to kill you. I've broke up dog fights before involving a pit and my dog. But I was very leveled headed and both dogs backed down to me. But I personally would not fuck with titan. If I had to fight that dog I would fit to kill him (No offense) I just know thats what It would take.


I'm sure he would fuck me up.

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Ummmm you obviouly don't know much about GAME dogs. My dog could fuck someone up I've got a dent on my nose to prove it. That was from playing to rough. Titan on the other hand is a compact little machine of destruction.


Titan is christians car. I've met him he's a cool dog but I would not start shit with him. My person dog is 100lb Olde English Bull dog. (1/2 Bulldog - 1/6 American Bull dog - 1/6 American Pit Bull - 1/6 Mastiff). He is very protective. I dare you to pull a gun on me. Or a knife. BUT he is not a determined or as designed mentally to fight.

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