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Do you think you could handle an attacking dog?

Guest Hal

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anyone else notice when someone says a human couldn't take a dog it is always "you couldn't take MY dog" sounds a little like my dad could take your dad scenario


1 dog + 1 human = dead dog


thats cause on the internet peoples dogs are mixed with raptor blood so they are all badass. st00pid n00b

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Anybody who went to westerville north might know the german shepard that lived accross the street; who was released if you walked thru some guy's yard. It seemed like a full size dog and had speed, I held my ground swung my hay maker, connected and the dog was done. Between the dog coming at me and my ability to the throw a punch he couldnt avoid "he got knocked the fuck out". I feel i would win against any dog. Dogs have many limitations.


People do crazy things when life is in danger. Against most dogs i would like my life is in danger.

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anyone else notice when someone says a human couldn't take a dog it is always "you couldn't take MY dog" sounds a little like my dad could take your dad scenario


1 dog + 1 human = dead dog


i dont know if this was aimed at me but if you re-read what i posted it said "id be dead" not anyone else. I have personally been there for their training and got to wear the arm sleeve and was scared shitless when some f'in giant Shepard is about to tackle me and chew my arm off.

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i dont know if this was aimed at me but if you re-read what i posted it said "id be dead" not anyone else. I have personally been there for their training and got to wear the arm sleeve and was scared shitless when some f'in giant Shepard is about to tackle me and chew my arm off.


a little but more towards everyone, if a dog grabbed my arm game over in dog years


the only way a dog could kill me before I grabbed its throat is if it grabbed me by the neck and crushed my windpipe

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a little but more towards everyone, if a dog grabbed my arm game over in dog years


the only way a dog could kill me before I grabbed its throat is if it grabbed me by the neck and crushed my windpipe



Guesse were ANY bullbread will go for. the kneck or the face. Its in there genes. Do you also relize how fast a dog is? When my dog got attacked he was well tempered up until the pit grabbed his kneeck at which point I watched him move faster then ever to flip his head and grab that dogs kneck.


I could only imagine what titan could do. I think you should think about how powerful dogs can be before you make a statement like that.

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Guesse were ANY bullbread will go for. the kneck or the face. Its in there genes. Do you also relize how fast a dog is? When my dog got attacked he was well tempered up until the pit grabbed his kneeck at which point I watched him move faster then ever to flip his head and grab that dogs kneck.


I could only imagine what titan could do. I think you should think about how powerful dogs can be before you make a statement like that.


that is true if the object their fighting is low enough for the dog to get. If not it will run and grab on the first thing you give him which would be the arm. Therefore the dog=chinese food.

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that is true if the object their fighting is low enough for the dog to get. If not it will run and grab on the first thing you give him which would be the arm. Therefore the dog=chinese food.


Ask christian how high titan can jump. My dog can almost reach you standing on his back legs

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Yes a dog when trained will go for the throat, and yes Adam is smart so where am I going to protect. Like said if you don't freak out a dog is dead


Dog can't grapple can't wrestle can't hold me down all it can do is bit with teeth that are 2 inches long not going to do a lot of quick damage. I don't think you know how strong a human being is. I am not sprinting against a dog, so as soon as it latches on for the first bite game over. I like to think that if attacked I would be much faster than a dog on the ground, because all I have to disable/defend against is its mouth. Being loggers and such we have to deal with ferral/wild dogs in the woods and was always taught, let the dog get a hold of your arm, and go under neath with your knife to the throat. Dogs aren't that scary people just freak the fuck out when they are around, only be scared if you are outnumbered

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Thorne is dead on. I'm not proclaiming boxers to be the end all be all mind you. I've been around them all my life. Dobermans too. if one of them were to attack a person head on, believe me, they won't be locking onto an arm and waiting for someone to try and choke them. Boxers bite and slash, they don't bite and lock. Very similar to a Doberman.


One would be lucky to get both hands on their neck even if they let them. They have large necks for their size and are very strong. Especially when they are tensed up and exherting power from their chest and shoulders. Pound per pound, they can easily pull me at 185lbs across the carpet in my family room. I've tried to grab around their neck while I'm on the ground and all that I get is very fast stomps of a 75lb dog jumping. They usually and very easily break free with one leap and come at me again, faster than I can get up.


Another aspect of their nature is they actually do 'box'. They use their feet a lot. If you ever see them in training, the one thing you'll notice is they are avid jumpers and leap towards an attacker. They don't go for an arm or a leg, they jump using all their weight combined with speed and get an attacker down and slash when they bite. They will bite a hand or arm, but they are intelligent and instinctively go for the face. Once an attacker is on the ground, they may push them up but you'll likely get tore up good around the face.


My big fear, especially with my son is that he will either get knocked in the eye with a foot full of toe-nails or get his hand torn up playing tug with them. They are very good though and would never intentionally do such a thing. It is cool that they can bit, pull a rope, let go and grab closer to your hand and tighter than before without loosing an inch of ground from me pulling the rope away from them. I have the bitten thumbs and knuckles to prove it.


Your best bet would be to grab them by the legs, but they are so dang fast. I play with them rough a lot and the one game I always play is to catch them by the rear/hips and wrestle, but 90% of them unless they are tired, I can't. They squirm and push and jump. It's amazing how they move their tail end. A man in prison could only wish to be as quick. :D


Remember, whatever you do, and whatever dog you're attached by, you'll likely only have one hand or arm to do it if they are chewing on the other and it's going to hurt. It's like we used to say in Karate, if you go up against someone with a knife, expect to get cut. They say knowing that makes it hurt less :p




Guesse were ANY bullbread will go for. the kneck or the face. Its in there genes. Do you also relize how fast a dog is? When my dog got attacked he was well tempered up until the pit grabbed his kneeck at which point I watched him move faster then ever to flip his head and grab that dogs kneck.


I could only imagine what titan could do. I think you should think about how powerful dogs can be before you make a statement like that.

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this question is far too situational for me. haha, and yes the 'not MY dog' thing is kinda funny, and while it may seem true you have to remember that you're in play mode with your dogs...sure they can take you down and pull you around, they're trying to 'win' the game, you on the other hand are just having fun...i bet if you were pumped full of adrenaline and stark raving pissed off you'd pick up your Boxer or whatever by it's tug-rope and twirl it around the room.


dogs are kinda like snakes(well unless you're a giant Anaconda) they are all teeth and nothing else...get outta reach of teeth, or behind the head, and the match is over. most large predators are all teeth too, but they have other means of attacking....like bear/cat/bird claws, alligator tails, poisonous spitting...etc. hence in the wild most dogs hunt in packs, they aren't efficient enough by themselves.


all that really matters in the end, the food chain:


Chuck Norris






Everything else.

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Yes a dog when trained will go for the throat, and yes Adam is smart so where am I going to protect. Like said if you don't freak out a dog is dead


Dog can't grapple can't wrestle can't hold me down all it can do is bit with teeth that are 2 inches long not going to do a lot of quick damage. I don't think you know how strong a human being is. I am not sprinting against a dog, so as soon as it latches on for the first bite game over. I like to think that if attacked I would be much faster than a dog on the ground, because all I have to disable/defend against is its mouth. Being loggers and such we have to deal with ferral/wild dogs in the woods and was always taught, let the dog get a hold of your arm, and go under neath with your knife to the throat. Dogs aren't that scary people just freak the fuck out when they are around, only be scared if you are outnumbered



You keep showing what you don't know about dogs. A dog require 0 training to go for the throat. My dog has 0 absolute 0 training minus what I've taught him and the first time I pulled my gun out of its safe to clean it he went nuts at me. I had to spend a good 2 weeks traing him to not come after ME the owner when I have a gun or knife in my hand. I did not teach him to go after that he knew part of his instict.


If you run into a feral dog most of the time there not going to be a Bulldog or game breed. A bully will not stay content with an arm he may tug at one but thats the extent of what he wants with your arm. Maybe you should go look at pulling contests. How strong these animals are. But they are one of the most loyal breeds in the world.



If you like I will post a video of the next COW legg I pickup for joe. He can tear the knuckle off in less then a minute when he wants to.

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Well I've seen all of your answers, and I must admit many of you seem to have very little experience with aggressive dog breeds.


I guess it's time for my answer...


Against the breeds I'm referencing, no, I would not win. I believe I could escape with my life, but, I would be in trouble. Dogs have a much higher pain threshold than we do. Sure, many dogs will run away if you attack back. For this scenarion however, I am not talking about those dogs.


How do I know I wouldn't fare too well? When I was a good bit younger, I didn't let me dog sleep. It was one quick bite that he didn't finish 'cause he found out it was me. Over 200 stitches and multiple surgeries later, I still have my right eye. You can barely tell anything happened thanks to the surgeons. I was lucky, and that wasn't a real attack. Dogs have a ton of power in their jaws, all it takes is one well placed bite and you're done.

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Yeah, the dogs that have taken gunshots and continued to fight will stop if you gouge their eyes. How to do plan on gouging their eyes while the dog is shaking its head violently?
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I wouldn't even make statements about me vs a dog if I wasn't positive I would win. If its between killing the dog or becoming lunch the dog dies. Also I ain't a kid from westerville talking out of his ass. I'm full blood southern ohio hillbilly and spent my days as a kid playing around all kinds of animals. I didn't weigh over 110lbs until I got married at 24 (it happens when shes a good cook.) I was also into martial arts heavily from about 14 to 21 or so. I used to beat the crap out of my uncles 250+ lbs Alaskan wolf looking dog. Can't remember what it was called, but it was hairy and as big as a large man. Living were I did we had neighbors who thought it was funny to have big mean dogs and have them chase people. If your not a pussy you learn to stand your ground and fight because any dog (especially a police dog) is in its element when chasing a fleeing, scared victim.

I also didn't say I'd be in very good condition once the fight was over, but I'd definitely not let the dog win.


As for ever being in a real fight yes. I used to go 10 rounds at least a couple times a month with all sizes of opponents. From 100 lbs up to 310 lb guy that hurt like hell the time I made him fall on top of me (hehe I still won though.) Also as any kid in highschool with way to many hormones raging I used to enjoy being a bad ass that couldn't find anyone who could take me. That was only because I didn't fight other martial artist for sure or it would have been much different. We were always ganged together messing with the rest of the populations youth who didn't have formal training and certainly didn't practice to the degree that we did.


Damn those were good times and yes I am now a major "has been," but oh well this is the internet so your dogs have raptor blood and I"m a keyboard ninja.



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I wouldn't even make statements about me vs a dog if I wasn't positive I would win. If its between killing the dog or becoming lunch the dog dies. Also I ain't a kid from westerville talking out of his ass. I'm full blood southern ohio hillbilly and spent my days as a kid playing around all kinds of animals. I didn't weigh over 110lbs until I got married at 24 (it happens when shes a good cook.) I was also into martial arts heavily from about 14 to 21 or so. I used to beat the crap out of my uncles 250+ lbs Alaskan wolf looking dog. Can't remember what it was called, but it was hairy and as big as a large man. Living were I did we had neighbors who thought it was funny to have big mean dogs and have them chase people. If your not a pussy you learn to stand your ground and fight because any dog (especially a police dog) is in its element when chasing a fleeing, scared victim.

I also didn't say I'd be in very good condition once the fight was over, but I'd definitely not let the dog win.


As for ever being in a real fight yes. I used to go 10 rounds at least a couple times a month with all sizes of opponents. From 100 lbs up to 310 lb guy that hurt like hell the time I made him fall on top of me (hehe I still won though.) Also as any kid in highschool with way to many hormones raging I used to enjoy being a bad ass that couldn't find anyone who could take me. That was only because I didn't fight other martial artist for sure or it would have been much different. We were always ganged together messing with the rest of the populations youth who didn't have formal training and certainly didn't practice to the degree that we did.


Damn those were good times and yes I am now a major "has been," but oh well this is the internet so your dogs have raptor blood and I"m a keyboard ninja.




Yeah, sounds like you were a real badass. :rolleyes:

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Ask christian how high titan can jump. My dog can almost reach you standing on his back legs


well the next time a dog walks up to me and stands on his hind legs ill let you know.


Also I just have be to be thankful for my 16 9mm and a kershaw pocket knife. Not worried about a dog.

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well the next time a dog walks up to me and stands on his hind legs ill let you know.


Also I just have be to be thankful for my 16 9mm and a kershaw pocket knife. Not worried about a dog.


I just walked in teh door of my house. my dog jumped up when i patted my chest and can lick my face.

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you guys are comparing apples to oranges


you playing with your dog doesn't equal me fighting for my life. I am not sitting there letting a four legged dog jump up to my neck, I wouldn't bend down to his level until he was already upon me. If a dog jumps for my neck or head he is now at a disadvantage as I am manuverable on two leg a dog is not, all he can do is fall upon something else. DOGS CANNOT HOLD ON TO SOMETHING WITH IT BEING IN THEIR MOUTH. If you dog is holding you down without biting you then you are letting it do it to you. I have never had a dog pull me when I am actually serious about not being pulled, if you have you have let it.


Please don't bring up different articles or examples proving your point as I know no dog who is as strong as strong humans, (see lifting cars, and pulling buses) and I don't want to find all of the examples of humans killing dogs. Your dog is not a martial arts hero and can't compete with the fighting ability of a human.


Look you aren't going to get a good actual real life comparison out of this. But if you keep things equal, a human will kill a dog. If you set a supper huge dog against a weak person the odds are in the dogs favor. If you put a trained attack dog against a computer geek then the odds are in the dogs favor. You can also make it out against the dogs. But I would have to say you would have to put a person at a big disadvantage for a dog to beat it.


but the topic was could I handle one attacking dog of any size then yes I could. Am I dumb enough to want to try it no.


subtopic of this thread, there are a lot of people scared of dogs to the point of paralysis on here

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