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What do you do when someone parks to close to you car?

Guest hotrodmama024

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Guest hotrodmama024

I thought i would get everyone opinion on a few questions i have. Why do people park there cars so close to other cars when they dont even have enough room to get out, nor do they think maybe the car next to them might not either? Why would they want to risk there car getting hit?

Last week i had a lady actually use the excuse that she got out the passanger side!!! Thats how close she was to my car? I shouted out in Blockbuster who it was that owned the car even. I just dont understand why people hit other cars, involving theres, or risk it?


So what do you do if someone dings your car?

What do you do if you dont even have enough room?


I am tired of people disrespecting my car, and about ready to start taking revenge!!



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+1 I could never understand why someone can't back out, and readjust their parking. They clearly don't care for their own property nor anyone else's. This is why I park away from other cars and shopping carts now. Though, I've noticed people with huge ass trucks still like to park next to me even when I park in an empty area. :(
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well if i'm in my daily beater, i'll just slam my doors open. if ppl wanna be disrespectful. then my short ass temper is gonna flare up. now if i'm in the nice car, i'll prolly take out they're schrader valve in they're valve stem of they're tire since I carry a schrader valve remover in the glove box. LOL, i know it sounds mean as shit but when ppl wanna be assholes and pull fucked up shit beside my car then I could care less about them
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I inspect the area where their door would swing out and contact my vehicle. If no harm, then no foul, I simply drive off a little fumed that someone doesn't have the same mutual respect.


Now, If its so close that I can't hardly squeeze between theirs and mine, then the game changes. I make sure my knife clip comes in complete contact with their paint. Fuck them, if they have to park so close, I can't be accountable for it.


If I'm door dinged, I've done a fist print or foot stomp to their door before. Fist printing it hurts like a mother though.

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Guest hotrodmama024

I actually had some pta minivan bitchpark so close i asked her to move so i could give a mom and her daughter a ride, and she looked over on my side, wanted to know exactly why i needed her to move, and then had the nerve to ask me why cant you move? I was so burnt, but i held my tounge, and just moved to another spot.


I am sick of rude, thoughtless and dispresctful people!!


Oh and i did just dent some car, due to me needing to rant on here.

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When I was 17-18ish, and my cars were my world, I had 2 cases that I can remember. In the first, I watched a fatass chick with a weave THROW her door open into mine. When confronted, she got back into her car and left after saying "fuck you, there's nothing you can do." Said woman's address was tracked down, and there probably wasn't any doubt in her mind who did the things to her car 2 nights later.


The other time I came out of a shop and there was literally 5-6 inches between my driver's door and the car that wedged their way sideways into the next spot. I would never do today what I did that day, but I imagine I gave Maaco some business.


I am not proud of either story, but fuck people.

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I get the most pissed when Im still in the car and the asshats do that shit. I was sitting in the wifes Jeep when a fat ass man got out of his car and slammed the door into her passenger door. I rolled down the window, yelled and told him to pay attention to what the fuck he was doing. He told me to "shut the fuck up kid" (I'm 23).


He walked into the gas station, I got out, kicked his driver door in, then left.


I would have loved to seen the look on his face when he came back out.

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Guest hotrodmama024

Yeah after the 1st week of owning my car with 3,000 miles on it, i parked all the way in the back of the parking lot to stay away from people and what do i get a huge door dig, from then on out i told myself i was done letting this shit go.


I hate disrespectful people!

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Drop kick, Knife in the tire, or sparkplug porcelon works wonders on auto glass . My uncles told me a good one about when him and my aunt bought their first new car a 71 442. He came out of the grocery store and there was a shopping cart pushed into the front fender it was obvious the car next to him did it. So he then proceded to pick up the shopping cart and put it through their winshield:)
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Guest hotrodmama024
I was at Kroger, and i just got out of my car, and start walking and i see a run away cart going straight for this old ladys car, and hits it. I walk over to her car and pull the cart away to see the damage, and it was bad! She sat there in disbelief, and i told her it left some pretty bad marks. I asked her if she knew where it came from and she pointed over to a lady that obvioulsy looked like she didnt give 2 shits about it. I told her i would take care of it for her, and she didnt want me to, so she decided to do it on her own, and the lady that threw the cart laughed in her face. I felt so bad for her, i wanted to punch that lady in the mouth!
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One of my old co-workers used to think it was the height of humor to park his POS Cavalier as close as possible to people's driver doors in the lot. We kept after him about it, and he'd always give people shit about having to move his car. So we spent about a week accumulating some stuff.....One day, he left his sunroof open. 5 gallons of stale piss SOMEHOW ended up getting poured in through it.....in JULY, right at the beginning of his 7 hour shift. You could literally SEE the foulness of the smell wafting from the sunroof.
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It was many years back when we lived in Governors Square down in the Kenny Rd area that one of my neighbors put two dings in my wifes car denying it both times before I finally struck back. :mad: He had a nice black Grand Am and even had red paint from my wifes GTZ on his door as proof. Kinda hard to deny when there were no other red cars parked in the same handful of spots we all used.


One can of brake fluid did the trick. Left a cool marble effect on his car. He probably didn't even give a shit as I never heard a thing about it.


It's worse now with kids in school/daycare. Parking there is dangerous. I don't give a shit any longer....I simply jack my car/van into spaces farther from the front door/out of the way on a wide angle so that no ones doors can possibly hit mine.


I've only had one person say anything and my reply was how many door dings do you have from the clueless people talking on cell phones as they pick up their kids or idiots who let their 4 year old swing the car door open for themselves caring less if it hits another vehicle.....as I pointed out several on their car for them to see. 'nuff said is how I left it. :rolleyes: I laugh now as that bitch always gives me a dirty look.


lol at all the responses.. why dont we all just carry a can of paint thinner or M.E.K. and just dump it all over the car. and yes, i thought of doin that once. just put some mek in a super soaker and go to town on some asshat's car
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there's a 4 way in my trunk for people who disrespect the primer :D


could always run a quarter down the side of the car..that will fuck it up pretty good then leave it on the hood. ( there tip for being suck a dick )


that gives me an idea.


next time take all there lug nuts off and watch what happens. :burn:


i had a lady last week smack her door into mine but she said she was sorry and since its in primer right now i really could care less so that was ok..then today i go to school and the fucking bitch throws her door into mine giggles and drives off...needless to say..i cant wait till 2am rolls around, paybacks a bitch.

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the way this thread is going it wont be long b4 ppl start suggesting to superglue double edged razorblades under doorhandles and trunk lids.. LOL


No razorblades!! Thats just wrong. Superglue should be in your glovebox, for when you just have to ruin some dipshits day.


My official policy: Don't ruin my day, and I won't FOOK your day.

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Guest hotrodmama024
I give what that they gave me! foot, sharp object whatever. But i know there will be a nice dent! They should know better. They just dont think people will do shit.
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my friend always tries to park way out in the parking lot to avoid this kind of stuff. he isnt one of those people who take up three spots though... if youre that scared of getting a ding, dont drive your car.


but anyway, like a month ago we went to meijer, parked way out in BFE. no other cars around.


when we came out, some ass in an escalade parked so close that i couldnt get the passenger door open.


wtf is up with that? there are like 9 million other parking spaces. why does he feel the need to park RIGHT ON TOP OF US?

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next time take all there lug nuts off and watch what happens. :burn:



Unless you take all of thier lug nuts and stack them in a neat pyramid on thier hood. Then it is pimp sauce.


In HS some asswipe pulled out and left a nice crease in the rear passenger qurter of my car, when confronted they said "tough shit, I do what I want"

My car: 1986 Pontiac Parissenne/4 door land yacht with heavy steel and chrome bumpers. I love how easy it is to remove paint from a car using a chrome bumper, and how easy it is to clean the bumper of said paint transfer.

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