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Would You Cheat?

Guest Hal

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My Fiancee and I were discussing whether or not we would cheat if the other person would never find out. This is more for the people in a committed relationship.


So I pose the question; would you cheat on your wife/fiance(e)/long term girlfriend if you KNEW she/he would never find out?

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If you answer that ?? with a yes than I think you need to not be in a relationship. When you get married and commit to that one person thats it. If you cheat on them then why be with them in the first place. Im ganna have to go with a NO I would never cheat on my husband :)
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Everythings already been said. Hell if I did something like that, KNOWING that my gf would never find out. I would still sit there and ponder for the rest of our relationship wether or not she had or would do that to me...and that alone would drive me absolutely batshit crazy.
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Its hard when your 24, and AMAZING puss is being thrown at you an a regular basis. Seriously...


Your only young once, and there are 4 billion women out there. If you think what you got is the best of the best, then I suggest you get out of the house a bit more.



I wont give this a yes or no...Bu I will say if your actively LOOKING for some side action-you need not be in a relationship.

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Its hard when your 24, and AMAZING puss is being thrown at you an a regular basis. Seriously...


Your only young once, and there are 4 billion women out there. If you think what you got is the best of the best, then I suggest you get out of the house a bit more.



I wont give this a yes or no...Bu I will say if your actively LOOKING for some side action-you need not be in a relationship.


I see your point but... if I ever wanted to cheat I just simply wouldn't be in a relationship. Its that simple. Last time i was dating someone this came up and I said, "If I ever wanted to sleep with another woman then I simply wouldnt be with you. But I am so dont worry" well... at the time I was anyway so it made sense.


So, in short, no I wouldn't cheat. Never have and never will.

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