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So, how did CR come to be?


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It was my idea and Anthony stole it. ;)




It all started with a nitrous leak and a pair of plyers...

Actually, that isn't entirely false.....


I heard it started with Columbus DSM, which grew to include, obviously, non-DSM's. After so many member's were non DSM owner's the power's that be started talking. So whoever didnt have a DSM wanted a forum and started CR.


This is just the story I heard through the grapevine, i have no clue if its even remotely true.

That's pretty much it.


Hrm, so you want the story?


Back in 2000, I was part of the North Florida F-Body Association, and there was a huge scene involving different aspects of vehicles. So another "club" was started call Jax Racing.


I moved back here and started COFBA, and we used to go out as a club on the weekends. With that, we started hanging out with guys from Columbus DSM, which back in the day was full of fast cars and not the ricers that makes it up today.


As a group, we used to go out and have good times on the weekends, so I thought to myself we needed a place where we could just come together as a group instead of trolling each other's boards. CR was created for just that purpose, for about 30 guys to bullshit on the internet.


Originally, it was members of COFBA and CDSM, with some others intermixed. I remember some of the starting members that were out on the weekends were:



Marc (MadMalibu)

Rick (Grease Monkey)


Jeff Yetzer

Howard (Hwilli)


Rice Robb


Scotty Moehl

Jared (had a DSM)

Jeff Goldsberry (BadAssBlackBuick)

Jeff (had a DSM)

Tommy Scott

Joe Campbell

Nick Patlovich of T-Type fame

Ricky Bullock

Brett Burton

A whole slew of COFBA guys that don't come around anymore


So forth. It was a lot more laid back then.

Anthony, you're forgetting a big piece of history........... Like the night we came up with the name.......... And me on that list of original people........

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member 153. should have been lower, but i thought this shit was stupid. stupid it is, and ridiculously addictive. "cr, i wish i could quit you!"


i think the first thing i did was call jeff yetser a douchebag for talking shit and not actually going out and racing. my how things have changed.


i beleive that my claim to fame is glossing berto "snowflake", for that hilarious sweater he had on. "what guys, im going to cosmo later!"


and maybe having had the kitchen named after me.

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member 153. should have been lower, but i thought this shit was stupid. stupid it is, and ridiculously addictive. "cr, i wish i could quit you!"


i think the first thing i did was call jeff yetser a douchebag for talking shit and not actually going out and racing. my how things have changed.


i beleive that my claim to fame is glossing berto "snowflake", for that hilarious sweater he had on. "what guys, im going to cosmo later!"


and maybe having had the kitchen named after me.


"Two weeks!"


The snowflake sweater was freaking hilarious.

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Speaking of history, anybody remember swapping out Berto's radiator in the HH Gregg parking lot?


Absolutley!! That was a pain in the ass. They said we could fix the car but everyone had to vacate the parking lot remember? I think only 3 people were allowed to helo Berto with it. :lol:


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Ahh good times with Yetzer and the "ugly" red laser, god me and him would go out and torment people on 270.


I'm not around much in person well because I live in an entirely different state but in the beginning I was out A LOT.


I blew up my sentra motor racing a BMW..haha I also exploded my clutch racing mr nos guy....haha what a fun time he was.....

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Anybody remember the night Dyno Brian wanted to race my white GT? He promised he wouldn't spray if I didn't spray............................


If you can even remember that car, you're beyond old school.


I was member #6. :)

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When I joined I had a BLACK Camaro, I found it from cofba. Not even a week after joining I lost control and went off the road and totaled the camaro. Then came the bug... No matter what can be said about that car it is what got me addicted to boosted cars.
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i joined early also, i remember going out to the imax theatre and hanging out there, that is where i met Berto, and Rigsby and a few of the rx7 guys. i want to say that was back in 2001.
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I recall a sprayed Dakota, and also an evening of pulling a tube behind a Blazer in the snow. Hmmm, if I get some fresh rubber on my truck shortly.....


Who here remembers when I brought the plymouth out to the chinese place on Morse Rd (what the hell was the name of that place, China One or something like that)

RT 40 industrial park. Berto riding in a shopping cart.

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Wow, in 2001 I was driving a 1994 Chrysler LHS and a 1994 Pontiac Sunbird. I got a v6 firebird in 2002/03 and lurked the board for a month (after finding that cofba cost money). I wasnt into the race scene so I really had no clue what you guys were talking about most of the time.
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