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What do you guys do about storage of mowers/lawn equip


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hey all,


Looking to convert my garage from its current one 110V outlet, a now working garage door opener with two 60 watt light bulbs as the only light for the entire garage, to a shop setup to be proud of...


I swear I have to use a flashlight to find my %#@#@!% tools in my toolbox and that is when I put them where they are supposed to be.


Problem is I have a 2 car- there is some space on either side of the door opening but I have a push mower, riding mower with an almost 6 foot deck, work bench, and two cars. not to mention two bikes hanging on the wall, three trash cans, and miscellaneous yard tools/materials like a bale of peat moss...


What do I do with all this crap?


There was a shed in the back but it had no roof and hardly any siding and the ground hogs dugs the "foundation" out. We tore it out to plant evergreen trees across the back to shield us from a proposed development.


Build another tasteful shed? I am thinking about building a concrete pit with some sort of ramp setup... turf top- wife is not a big fan right now and I am worried about sealing it from rain as well- I guess a properly landscaped shed wouldn't be bad but our other was so unsightly my wife voiced her displeasure constantly...


I have thought of putting a moderate sized air compressor up in the attic (ranch) and running hard lines into the garage so that a big tank doesn't take up floor space but dont want to shake the house when it cycles really ;-)


If I pull both cars out it really is a decent space now but for all the lawn crap.

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Build a shed.


I'm going to tear down my existing shed and make another one further back in the yard.


You could probably do it for under $400. Just get some 2x4's, plywood and some cinder blocks, cheap shingles.


As for the garage. just get some flourencent bulbs from Lowes/Home depot. They have 4' sections for $18 or so bucks. Throw a few of those up and you'll be set. Hell, I have 2 8' and 4-4' footers in my garage and it about the size of a 2 car garage. You can NEVER have not enough light in a garage :).

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shed fo sheezy


I put up 5 two bulb floresent lights and a ceiling fan in my 1.5 car its nice and bright in there now


we keep the mower and other random outdoor stuff in the shed to free up some space it gets tight in the garge with just the car spare parts tools and a workbench

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