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How much would you go gay for?


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Why do you know so much about this? Getting bored and lonely? ;)


No we heard it and thought it was a rumor so we asked one of the Middle eastern guys about it. And he was telling us about it.. I wanted to throw up.

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I guess it depends on what actually goes down. Or should I say who, goes down. I would not suck a dick or take it in the ass for any amount of money....However! If some dude offered me $100,000 to swallow my kids I'd take his money. If a guy offered me $500,000 to poke his ass, I'd consider it. Call me queer but for $500,000 an ass is an ass!
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Enough to pay off all my debt, my house, home remodel, and some cash.


I'm being realistic b/c I'm most guys (except homophobes) would do it if the occasion arised. Question is kind of dumb b/c everyone knows it would never happen.


The only reason someone wouldn't do it for that kind of cash is b/c they are just homophobes and they are afraid they'll catch gay or something.

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$1million and Im yours for the day.

lol We had this topic brought up here in Saudi a couple of weeks ago at work. It came up because here in Saudi the guys have sex with eachother for fun (and they dont consider it to be gay). They have sex with eachother because sex with a woman isnt for fun, only for making babies.... wow :eek:


thats why they are so pissed off all the time.

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thats why they are so pissed off all the time.


They hate us cause we fuck bitches for fun. while they got some guys dick in there ass.


Im so glad to be American or "Eastern" as they call us... we dont even get called Americans most of the time.

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They hate us cause we fuck bitches for fun. while they got some guys dick in there ass.


Im so glad to be American or "Eastern" as they call us... we dont even get called Americans most of the time.


wouldn't they call us westerners not easterners.

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:lol: Wooooow you Air Farse girls find everything to complain about huh? :p Wish I had a safe zone, and good looking pussy to gawk at.


Yea, Saudi Is a joke. but we go out every once and a while when were In Iraq. But yea we do have it easy and our girls are pretty hot... btw we have three pools, 2 hot tubs here and a co-ed steam room :woowoo: I FUCKING LOVE THE AIR FORCE!!!!! OHH-RAW

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Yea, Saudi Is a joke. but we go out every once and a while when were In Iraq. But yea we do have it easy and our girls are pretty hot... btw we have three pools, 2 hot tubs here and a co-ed steam room :woowoo: I FUCKING LOVE THE AIR FORCE!!!!! OHH-RAW

Turds :p It's ok I'm just hating, even though we do all the real work and have nice lengthy deployments. I would've given my left nut for a 6 month tour, fuck 13 months and all that.

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Phil fuck you

Mike fuck you

Phil ur just mad cause u got beat annn u beat me by very small....ps fucked motor


1million bucks who's sticken it in my pooper?



haha a wins a win weather its an inch or a mile.

btw paul we already think your gay, you havent had sex since november. :D

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Well... I was talking about the neon... but we can race the bike for fun... from a dig.... just dont wreck it in front of me.


SoSlo5o... want to run some rolls and digs when I get home, I need some b4 and after runs to gauge.

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