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5.21.08 - Fill up your car - gas is going up...


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directions to that please.



i googled "make biodiesel" and found this




ive never done it so im not exactly sure of how everything works. but my dude in clintonville makes it in his garage.


as for the grease, check out http://www.greasecar.com or http://www.frybrid.com


those are the 2 i know of off the top of my head... im sure there is a wealth of information about it online if you search.

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bring it on.... i want $5 a gallon. lets just see how far they can push us. DO IT!


But all you do is play video games? How often to you drive away from the house? kekeke


just joking!

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Me and a guy were talking about the stuff Obama said yesterday. The right is painting him as the next Jimmy Carter but I think hes pretty spot on with this. He was commenting on how we are 3% of the worlds population and consume 25% of the worlds energy. I listened to O'Reily bitch and moan about how he's gonna pass legislation that makes you carpool (he kept saying 'With people you dont like!') and how you won't be able to drive and SUV or heat your house to what you want...etc etc etc. Whether we like it or not gas isn't going to go back down in price. We need it, we have to pay for it. Being up front and saying we need to take the lead on moving towards alternatives and making some sacrifices in the mean time isn't popular but its the damn truth.


I'll admit i'm a super impatient driver and hate getting stuck behind someone going 'slow'. I decided to do something about burning so much gas. I've made a legit effort to use cruise control during almost all aspects of my commute and its paying off ALOT. Yet I get passed left and right when I have the cruise set on 68-69. Like i'm sitting still. I really get sick of people bitching about fuel costs b/c the truth is 90% of them don't want to make any sacrifices to do anything about it. Noone wants to carpool, noone wants to keep their speed down to get better mpg's.


A guy I work with started talking about the money the Saudi's are making daily from pumping oil, something like 4-5 billion. More money in a month than most of our country could spend in a lifetime. Then he started talking about how he sees the world forming a massive coalition against the middle east and whipping them out in an effort to have total regulation of natural resources. They are getting rich b/c of land they own that has oil fields? Those are natural resources that he argues should be distributed to countries at enough to only profit alittle. I've heard people talk about this stunting the exploration b/c it wont be profitable...etc., but would it? There is always going to be a market, we're to invested to not need it. What do you guys think? It was an interesting conversation, thought i'd share.

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The water ran car is just around the corner. I think the guy that killed the other guy, or his brother, is in negotiation with auto manufacturers for the sale of his patent. 40 miles out of 4 ounces of water.

are you talking about something like this? http://www.alternative-energy-resources.net/hho-generator-installation.html , http://burnwater.esafeware.com/ , or http://www.water4gas.com ?

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tell him to have his food taste tested......we know what happens otherwise.


The water ran car is just around the corner. I think the guy that killed the other guy, or his brother, is in negotiation with auto manufacturers for the sale of his patent. 40 miles out of 4 ounces of water.
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