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Would you trust a foreign guy,...

Rally Pat

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... who barely speaks English, to proofread an English paper?


I have no clue where this guy is from, but he took forever to edit my 6 page thesis paper on hydrogen as a fuel additive. I am not trying to rag on him, but seriously, is it fair to him or me to try explaining the process of electrolysis to a guy that has to ask the definitions of words we speak commonly everyday? We are supposed to write these papers to a specific audience, and I don't think he is part of the upper level English speaking audience that this is aimed at.


So my question is this: Would you honestly trust what he has to say? I might listen to what he writes about content, but when it comes to spelling, punctuation, or grammar, I don't know...

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Yeh that sucks. I don't have anything against anyone from different nationalities, but if you are teaching higher education in the United States you should damn well have a grip on the English language. I had a Differential Equations class (the class after Calc4) and the teacher spoke mainly German and the TA was basically a translator. It defidently made things WAY harder.
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Honestly, you would be suprised to find out most foreign people have better grammar and an understanding of english since they actively study it to fit into our society. My grammar professor pointed this out to me and it makes perfectly good sense, but in your case, it can be different. I don't know whether to believe it or not. Even if people are born with english as their natural tongue, they still have horrible grammar.


I bet he would know what a Correlative is before you would. :p

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Sorry man, deal with it, God knows you'll have to deal with language barriers when you get to the workplace. Hour long classes are just as bad as hour long meetings with developers.


Trust me I know it sucks.

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... who barely speaks English, to proofread an English paper?


I have no clue where this guy is from, but he took forever to edit my 6 page thesis paper on hydrogen as a fuel additive. I am not trying to rag on him, but seriously, is it fair to him or me to try explaining the process of electrolysis to a guy that has to ask the definitions of words we speak commonly everyday? We are supposed to write these papers to a specific audience, and I don't think he is part of the upper level English speaking audience that this is aimed at.


So my question is this: Would you honestly trust what he has to say? I might listen to what he writes about content, but when it comes to spelling, punctuation, or grammar, I don't know...


Who is it? You go to DeVry right? I worked in the library (still a student there too) for almost 2 years and I've heard many stories, I could use a laugh if I know who you're talking about.

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Who is it? You go to DeVry right? I worked in the library (still a student there too) for almost 2 years and I've heard many stories, I could use a laugh if I know who you're talking about.


I have no clue what this guy's name is. We had to turn in the edit sheet itself for credit, but I have his notes on my rough draft. If you ever see him, he is usually always wearing a blue wind breaker. He speaks incredibly quickly and runs all of his words together, resulting in zero communication.


BTW, I just took a quick glance at some of his notes. Some of the sentences he wrote were the most convoluted, trivial things I had ever read. Remember the "Is 30lbs = 20lbs?" thread from this morning? Yeah, its a lot like that.

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You're 19.. you're not writing a thesis. People getting their doctorate write a thesis. You wrote a paper.


This could not have been a more ignorant statement. If there is a thesis statement, its a thesis paper. Simple as that.


Some of his notes are "need to be grammaticall corrected" and "what does this stands for". He did catch a lot of my typos, though.

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Bah. Welcome to college. That is how it goes.


At least he isn't teaching you math. The signature of OU is getting taught math you haven't touched since 8th grade by people who cannot communicate effectively with you as an English speaker.

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Sorry man, deal with it, God knows you'll have to deal with language barriers when you get to the workplace. Hour long classes are just as bad as hour long meetings with developers.


Trust me I know it sucks.


I completely agree. My brother's dept at work is in the middle (and failing miserably) of trying to outsource all of they're work to their Mumbai office. In order to do so they sent 8 Mumbai employee's over to be trained. During training one of the female associate's would never respond when asked if she understood something, she would just laugh. yeah... you can imagine how that went. Language barriers are everywhere, you just have to deal with them.

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LOL.. I remember helping my professor grade papers (he needed help with certain areas). I helped pass a girl because she was hot and got rewarded for it... Later in the year I slept with 2 TA's and made it to second base with a professor. I was such a whore back then :p Higher learning lmfao!!! Damn I miss college!!!!
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Guest tbutera2112
my science professor here at CSCC cant speak english to save his life....i dont even go to lectures because i cant stand listening to him, so instead i just read the book...glad my final is today and then im done with him... and he says centeme instead of centimeter, that shit bugs me for some reason....and he adds a to almost every word.... Light is a-reflected off of-a the lense to give a-you the image you a-see.
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Through thier contrasting views, Megaman and Trouble Maker disagreement suggests that to find the true definition of "thesis", one must leave "high school" and accept the views of adults.


It has a thesis statement. Therefore my post is a thesis!


I dropped Calculus at BG because my Prof. pronounced derivative "deribadib".


Thank you, Come again!

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I wrote a paper on an exchange rate arbitrage for one of my classes in college for my prof. who could barely speak english. For some reason he couldn't understand what I was doing (he is the one who taught me about interest rate arbitrage) and he gave me a C- on it. I took my paper to the Finance Dept. head, and he said it was B+ work and didn't know what the prob with the prof. was. He only ended up being there 1 quarter.
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