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What is your favorite detailing product??


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My favorite product is Meguiar's interior detailer in an aerosol can (the exact name escapes me now). I used to use Aerospace 303 diluted 2:1 and it still left shine but this stuff makes the inside vinyl/plastic have a new car look to it which I love. I hate overly shiny interiors *cough*ArmorAll*cough* :p
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Guest 614Streets
  SpaceGhost said:
What does the guy's religion have to do with the polish? Did Joeseph Smith find it in the hills of Utah along with the golden scriptures?


Lol. Nothing at all. And superkote is not a polish.

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  EM1 2ENVY said:
ill stand behaind ADAMS 110% its expensive. but well worth it. My buddys dad got me into it a couple years ago. you wouldnt understand until you try it. Its unreal.


Steve: I won't argue with you on the Adams stuff being good products. BUT both Adams and Poorboys are just Chemical guys products that are repackaged and sold as a different brand. Chemical guys didn't sell to the public until about 1.5 years ago...but now that they do you might as well go straight to the manufacturer and save yourself a few bucks next time you need to get stuff.



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I like Klasse AIO for a one polish and wax.


if you want to take the time to polish and then coats of carnuba over top (highly reccomended) I use stuff called einzeit (dont think its avail in the US anymore) and some pinnacle souveran wax. clay bar is always good if your paint is a bit rough. Really, nothing shines like good carnuba wax over a properly prepared and polished surface.


Also have seen really good results with P21s / S100. I used to be really into detailing, and used to work at a reputable detail shop in clintonville , but now I just dont have time to dedicate to the rx7 like I used to :(

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I used to use only Zaino. However, I have found on my car I prefer Meguiars NXT paste. I think Zaino was better on my black car but on the silver I think I get more gloss out of the Meguiars. I have switched to pretty much their full line - polish, cleaner, and wax - no complaints.
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for just a regular wax.. either danase, or meguiars NXT. but i usually layer them with over something else.


for polishing Porter cable and some CCS pads with a Menzerna product like power gloss, IP, or SIP


i also like the zaino ZPC for a polish, but dust a hell of alot.


not a big fan of using a glaze, cause it doesnt last that long, but meguiars mirror glaze isnt bad.


and zaino z2 or z5 topped with z6 or z8 rocks.

i have noticed my car doesnt water spot, and looks cleaner alot longer, even after driving through rain for a few days striaght.

and there polish soap is the shit to. pretty much there whole lineup is the shit.



for clay bar i use clay magic.


oh and if you need something good to clean your detailing towels or pads with cobra pad cleaner is the bomb

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  614Streets said:
Lol. Nothing at all. And superkote is not a polish.


Then why tell us a "mormon" passed it on to you? Why not say "I knew the guy that invented it but he died and another local guy passed it on to me."?


Is it a cleaner?

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Guest 614Streets
  SpaceGhost said:
Then why tell us a "mormon" passed it on to you? Why not say "I knew the guy that invented it but he died and another local guy passed it on to me."?


Is it a cleaner?


Because I worked for a Mormon detailing business that was not open to the public. Thoose mormons treated the fellow mormon coworkers like gold and the few non mormon workers did not get treated the same way. The owner of the business (who was mormon) did not want to tell anyone how he made the product we used daily which he called clear. I managed to get him to tell me after he had a few drinks.


I despised the people I worked for , so when I left that job I took that secret with me.


It is not a cleaner. It is a concealer.


There is nothing like it anywhere and no product to compare it to and it is to be used after a full detail , after you use your buffer , your waxes, your paint touch up syringes , it is the last step in a professional detail , as it fills in and conceals all the little blemishes that are left behind after a full detail.

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I understand, I have been to the Temple in Salt Lake City, cool place but the people are zombies. :lol: The choir is pretty good, and that Pipe Organ was Pimp. As I said before the people just suck. But I was on "their turf" so I was polite. They are always polite when on "my turf" when they show up at my door.
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I dont let Armor all or any other product with silicon touch my vehicle. The silicon dries out interior plastic and actually dulls its original shine over time. It requires you to have to use it sooner with every new application just to keep it shiny. My dash in the camaro would of never cracked if it wasnt for fucking armor all.
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