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Had some of my wisdom teeth pulled today

V8 Beast

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After 7 years of putting it off I finally went in to have my teeth pulled. We planned to extract all 4 but it didnt quite turn out that way.


After giving me enough drugs to kill a horse I could still feel the tooth being pulled out :confused: The dentist is excellent at what he does and works with my wife at the dental office (so I know first hand what his resume looks like). He has done millions of extractions and for some reason my mouth does not have the ability to be numbed enough for me not to feel it. I toughed it out for the top two, but I couldnt handle it anymore and quit after a few attempts on the bottom. I think next time I'm going to have them put me under...


BTW... I would also suggest not screaming boobies just because your tounge is numb and you sound just like the mentally challenged cop on youtube.

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Guest tbutera2112

wow that sucks man...i had all 4 of mine done, and the top 2 were not developed yet so they had to cut into my gums to get them out....they put me out though....i was counting backward then i woke up with stitches in my mouth and it was over lol maybe ask for some nawwwz next time?



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Guest tbutera2112
damn you got off work? slave driving iron pony made me drive myself to work 6 hours later...i was walking around stoned on pain meds trying to help customers and i could barely even talk lol
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The military does it in a disassembly line.


I was lined up with my dental records in hand along with other recruits. Some Air Force douchebag shot us in the mouth and waited about five minutes. I have a high tolerance to the "caine" family.


The fucker literally took pliars and grabbed three of my teeth and twisted them out of their sockets. I felt all three of them. He left the fourth one in, gave me some pills and sent me packing.


I had the fourth pulled out three months later in electronics school.

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wow that sucks man...i had all 4 of mine done, and the top 2 were not developed yet so they had to cut into my gums to get them out....they put me out though....i was counting backward then i woke up with stitches in my mouth and it was over lol maybe ask for some nawwwz next time?


I asked for a 300 shot... They told me my bottom was stock and couldnt handle it.



i had mine pulled, while i was under. i was out for a month from work cause of the drugs they had me on! i was swore for a few weeks!


Dang! I would have gone back to work today but I still cant feel my tounge. Plus these drugs are making me feel a little woozy.


The military does it in a disassembly line.


I was lined up with my dental records in hand along with other recruits. Some Air Force douchebag shot us in the mouth and waited about five minutes. I have a high tolerance to the "caine" family.


The fucker literally took pliars and grabbed three of my teeth and twisted them out of their sockets. I felt all three of them. He left the fourth one in, gave me some pills and sent me packing.


I had the fourth pulled out three months later in electronics school.


So you know exactly how it felt! We are offically manly men!!!!! (You are one tooth more of a man than me though :D)

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Guest Removed
Dang! I would have gone back to work today but I still cant feel my tounge. Plus these drugs are making me feel a little woozy.

one i had was infected. one was not even all the way out yet! they had me on some major antibiocitics(sp)and some thing else, it said not allowed to drive and shit! :confused: i know most of the time i was looper the fuck! didnt not want to be working on poeples shit all fucked up on pills!


dry socked sucked major ass too!

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I have 5 wisdom teeth that I need to have pulled. I've been putting it off for umm.. 15 years. ugh.


I looked way in the back of my mouth the other day and they're starting to rot. FUCK. I need to get them out soon.

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Brian, hand in a man card. You gotta walk in and suck up the pain like you enjoy it.


Lol... My roots are deep and crooked. They took out some tissue with them and are still bleeding a little.


How can you tell when iys onfected?

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I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled as well... just been putting it off from all the horror stories that I've been hearing from everyone.


Get put to sleep so you dont have to act manly and trick everyone except for your wife who sees the pain in your eyes and makes them quit....

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Get put to sleep so you dont have to act manly and trick everyone except for your wife who sees the pain in your eyes and makes them quit....

My wife is a Dental Hygentist (well at least that's what she went to skewl for) so I was wanting her to be there with the dentist when I had it done... since she's taking her sweet ass time finding an office, I might just go find one and get it done... anyone know of any good dentists?


Also, is this typically covered under dental plans or cost a shit load out of pocket?

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Guest CumminUndone2001
had all four of mine pulled about 3 years ago, i was awake and it sucked...didn hurt too bad gettin em yanked out, the week after sucked tho, i prolly had about 55 gallons of chicken broth
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