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8 guys busted last night on 71


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soooo..............whats going on in this thread?


Hmm.....looks to me like almost everyone in this thread is stating the exact same things that were already said over and over again, but in different words :rolleyes:


Seriously, most of the replies are just "they shoulda known better, do it at the track, surprised it took this long, undercover snitches, yadda yadda bullshit etc." Yeah all that is obvious, and it was obvious when the first 37 people said it :D


Good luck to those who were arrested, the whole situation kinda sucks

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Hmm.....looks to me like almost everyone in this thread is stating the exact same things that were already said over and over again, but in different words :rolleyes:


Seriously, most of the replies are just "they shoulda known better, do it at the track, surprised it took this long, undercover snitches, yadda yadda bullshit etc." Yeah all that is obvious, and it was obvious when the first 37 people said it :D


Good luck to those who were arrested, the whole situation kinda sucks


You just said it again :p

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It was just on 4 also. Linn and AnthonyC6 was the only cars that I recognized. It was only a matter of time. This was a well planned out bust that the law knew about for a while I bet. Play with fire you get burned. I told Linn the last time I saw him that the consequences of getting caught were to great and not worth it.
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I can't believe it took this long for this to happen. While I don't wish this on anyone, I for one, don't feel remorse. I haven't been a part of the street racing scene for years now, and this is exactly the reason why. Sooner or later, you have to grow up. And it's funny, I've seen a lot of guys on this board "grow up" over the past 8+ years. Sad that it will take a serious police bust for the next group to grow up. Keep it at the track, people. That's what it's for... :nod:
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i wonder who the fuck said something to the police.... :mad:


No one said anything to the police. They had been planning it for quite a while. I have a lot of local cops who are friends and word around the campfire is that they were planning this bust. Too many people shooting their mouths off about races and making it painfully obvious what was going on. You fuck with the bull, you get the horns... :nod:

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damn thats crazy.....i wonder who the fuck said something to the police.... :mad: im just glad i didnt bring the bike out it would of been all bad... but good luck to everone i know that got busted

Honestly, who cares who said what to the police? Who knows if that's how it even happened. It could have been Brian Spilner infiltrating an underground street racing ring for all we know.


The bottom line is street racing is something illegal, that gets a lot of media attention, has gotten more attention since the George Staton accident, and they do it in the same place/same time every week. This was bound to happen.


(and yes, I just repeated the same thing xxx# people have already said)

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That sucks. My neighbor actually mentioned it to me this morning. Said he expected to see my face up there, too. lol

I knew it some shit was up. I even stood there after they all left talking to Thorne and some others and said "wtf are they doing, there's air presence and a cop in a car right fuckin here!" And they leave in a group with too many chasers.


We used to leave at seperate times and wouldn't even line up if any other car that wasn't invited showed up. We'd also take it out to the middle of nowhere.


Well, live and learn. We've all been in trouble for things. Here's a tip though, never get arrested on the weekend. 99% chance you'll be there all weekend waiting for an arraignment. ON the postive side, depending on the judge/jurisdiction, those days spent may count as "time served". (For those who know what that is.)

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I can't believe the public nature of this post / our site in general to be sure. Though I have also "grown up" in the past few years, I won't take a holier than thou stance in any way. I wasn't there and haven't been around in a while, so if stupidity ensued then perhaps people were asking for it. I can say when people die, as we know have, the "fun" is going to get a lot of attention (and probably should). I wish the best for the people involved, and fair treatment - smashing a phone onto the ground and then going through it seems pretty lame for sure. If I were an attorney I'd be trying to help out... Good luck to the guys.


No one post any details, if MySpace is used to put people in jail, then certainly this board could assist...

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Holy Crap! The very first thing I saw on TV after rolling back from vacation was this story....saw Linn and AJ's cars and logged in and again...Holy Crap!!


Nothing more to add that hasn't already been said but.....


1. Has to be said anyway....this has been a long time coming...just a matter of time. Warnings were all over the place.


2. Thorne is correct.....the scene at Sonic on the weekends is pretty obvious. Even shopping and hanging out with the wife up there, she can see what's being organized and happening.


3. Night before my wedding.....if I was even thinking of drag racing.....I must be one boring and lonely man....I was out partying with friends and getting into a lot more "fun" types of trouble.....trouble with much softer moving parts.


Good luck to all involved. They are going to need it.

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The group speed contests apparently were arranged via an Internet message board devoted to amateur racing, Smith said. The Web site says it “does not condone illegal street racing.”


Does it really say that somewhere on this site? I know Ohiohondas has that on their site, but I dont think I have ever seen that on this one.

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The group speed contests apparently were arranged via an Internet message board devoted to amateur racing, Smith said. The Web site says it “does not condone illegal street racing.”


Does it really say that somewhere on this site? I know Ohiohondas has that on their site, but I dont think I have ever seen that on this one.


its on the bottom of every single page

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