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8 guys busted last night on 71


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there is no way for anyone else to get popped for anything. they would have to prove said car with said plates were there and then they would have to prove who was driving the said car. i can tell you that i wish i was number 12 of the 11 because i would not be worried about what the next few day, weeks, months or even years hold because of turning right insted of left.


If that was true speeding cameras and stop light cameras wouldn't work. It comes down to if it wasn't you who had your car and prove it. No alibi gives them enough to pin you with the charge.

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If that was true speeding cameras and stop light cameras wouldn't work. It comes down to if it wasn't you who had your car and prove it. No alibi gives them enough to pin you with the charge.

They don't have to prove anything, that's the mistake you all are making. They just have to present charges and make the judge/jury beleive what they are saying. It's not written like that in the constitution, but that IS how it works in the courtroom.

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They don't have to prove anything, that's the mistake you all are making. They just have to present charges and make the judge/jury beleive what they are saying. It's not written like that in the constitution, but that IS how it works in the courtroom.


And charging you with something just to get theree names back in the paper, it doesnt matter what they get the conviction for, as long as they "get" all 20 death racers.

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Sorry to hear that Linn is going to get drug through the mud. I've only met him once or twice... but he seems like a nice kid. The Camaro is very nice as well (he whipped my ass at NTR for a few passes). ;) I hope they don't crush the car or anything stupid like that.


Overall, I'm just glad that that nobody was injured (or worse) and I hope that maybe people learn from this.


The police levels are crazy out there now. I don't street race.. but I do like to drive agressively (quick starts and spirited driving)... and I'm now getting attention that I never used to get. :(

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And that makes all of you no better then the ones that were caught.


Nope, but at least we're not stupid enough to brag about it, dare the legal system, and make a fucking public display of it every chance we get.


You think me getting called out EVERY time I was out, whether it be a pussy, no balls, etc. really made me wanna go fuck myself even more?


No. I had the common sense to reserve myself and hold back because I knew better. Yet I was the pussy for doing it.


We all speed, we all run red lights, we all get into spirited driving. As a wise man once said, "You cant be cocky and boastful about never getting caught, and brag openly about it. Then, when you do get caught, you can't beg for privacy."


I'm probably more pissed because he wouldn't listen to me and take my advice. Everyone KNEW this was coming after George died, but I guess some people were too ignorant to realize it.


What the fuck is it gonna take? Now you know why I've been to four track events this year, more in the last six months than I've been to in two years combined. I hope he learns from this, and maybe people like me aren't just talking out of our asses.

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Oh, and I have I ever been caught street racing? Yeah, and I dealt with it and ate the ticket, although it was uncommon then that I even participated.


Do I have speeding tickets? How about fourteen of them. I owned up to them, and shit happens. With as much as I speed, I'm surprised I don't have three dozen and a suspended license.


That's life.

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the judge and lawyers are going to try everything to get people to talk. give names of people involed ect. they will offer you a deal if you give said people up. there are a few people on here that went through this same thing a few years back down here. there was 11 people that turned the "right" way. they want to know who those people are. tough spot to be in. but making a threat if they talk is pretty immature, if your man enough to do the action be man enough to take responsibility.


well put eric

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Nope, but at least we're not stupid enough to brag about it, dare the legal system, and make a fucking public display of it every chance we get.


You think me getting called out EVERY time I was out, whether it be a pussy, no balls, etc. really made me wanna go fuck myself even more?


No. I had the common sense to reserve myself and hold back because I knew better. Yet I was the pussy for doing it.


We all speed, we all run red lights, we all get into spirited driving. As a wise man once said, "You cant be cocky and boastful about never getting caught, and brag openly about it. Then, when you do get caught, you can't beg for privacy."


I'm probably more pissed because he wouldn't listen to me and take my advice. Everyone KNEW this was coming after George died, but I guess some people were too ignorant to realize it.


What the fuck is it gonna take? Now you know why I've been to four track events this year, more in the last six months than I've been to in two years combined. I hope he learns from this, and maybe people like me aren't just talking out of our asses.


quoted for the truth. linn has called me out a few times and i just blow it off. i, like others, learned my lessons the hard way. and i didn't cry about it when i got cought. now we can't talk about something that everyone on this board has talked about since january???


sam.....in january you said "I know I will be thinking about sticking to the track from now on" and then as soon as you got ur tb your calling people out. and now your telling everyone to just drop this.......

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And that makes all of you no better then the ones that were caught.


May not make them better, but they are better off.


Other people may have done the same things in the past as the guys that got caught. Sometimes it takes something like this to happen, for those that were fortunate enough not to be involved this time around, to realize how dumb it actually is.

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Not to split hairs but I could have swore you said you would race him, but only for titles.


He then called you Rich Christensen



lol. this was after he keept telling everyone he has the fastest stock bottom end. i did the title thing to mess with him about another thread where his mom and dad where suppose to of takin his car..... gotta know the whole story i guess......... trust me, ask around and see how long its been since i've street raced. i used to but a wreckless op., suspd lis., 81-55 and a few other tickets made me think more. and paying 381 month for insurance for 3 years...lol

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no less guilty other than they weren't busted and made public on TV...but sure.....lots of folks have done similar things.


I don't think anyone here is putting them down.....but Linn and the others have to take what lumps are coming to them here and in court regardless. It's part of knowing that when you play with fire you will get burned.


How many times in my short time here did I see him challenge others, and pretty much made it clear that the weekend meets would involve these challenges? Tons. Given that and the warnings that others gave him and everyone, they all should have known better. Hell, it's not like anything on this board isn't likely read by the cops or news or tipsters :rolleyes: It's also pretty obvious to see 8,10, 20 cars rolling out of Sonic that they aren't all going home to bed.


Hell even I know better not to simply even speed...yet I drove 80mph from cbus to cinci and back just today. :o:rolleyes::nono: But I'm prepared to take the hit if/when I get nailed.


And that makes all of you no better then the ones that were caught.
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Nope, but at least we're not stupid enough to brag about it, dare the legal system, and make a fucking public display of it every chance we get.


You think me getting called out EVERY time I was out, whether it be a pussy, no balls, etc. really made me wanna go fuck myself even more?


No. I had the common sense to reserve myself and hold back because I knew better. Yet I was the pussy for doing it.


We all speed, we all run red lights, we all get into spirited driving. As a wise man once said, "You cant be cocky and boastful about never getting caught, and brag openly about it. Then, when you do get caught, you can't beg for privacy."


I'm probably more pissed because he wouldn't listen to me and take my advice. Everyone KNEW this was coming after George died, but I guess some people were too ignorant to realize it.


What the fuck is it gonna take? Now you know why I've been to four track events this year, more in the last six months than I've been to in two years combined. I hope he learns from this, and maybe people like me aren't just talking out of our asses.




got to agree here. everyone on this site has broken the law at some point or another.


i feel bad for linn, and wish him the best, but this was a long time coming, and unfortunately, i don't think it was a coincidence at all, that the police waited until his car was involved. i think he was singled out a long time ago, to go down in this.

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got to agree here. everyone on this site has broken the law at some point or another.


i feel bad for linn, and wish him the best, but this was a long time coming, and unfortunately, i don't think it was a coincidence at all, that the police waited until his car was involved. i think he was singled out a long time ago, to go down in this.


I aggree with this 100%.

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