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What would you pay to watch movie's at home (First run)


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I went to the movies this weekend to see batman, While i was there I was annoyed by the other poeple. Cramped into a spot that was not really that great. I spent ~40$ for 2 people.




At home I have .


52 inch Samsung 1080p LCD


Kenwood 5.1


I would prefer to pay 60-80$ to have a first run movie at home for ~3days or even less just to not deal with the people.


What do you think?

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its coming.


much like "direct to drive" games, the market for this kind of thing is getting bigger and bigger.


I can definitely see something like this coming as a download of some sort and by then we will be paying for bandwidth so we will get double dinged to watch a movie at home.

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only if it wasnt packed, and you get an okay seat. I would pay 20-30 bucks a seat to share a 2 seater couch with my date, or with friends each getting a lazy boy.

I guess, I seldom have a problem and the few times I did I just stood up and talked very loud to draw attn the problem and told then to knock it the f off now. (Being the size I am has advantages when trying to intimidate people). So far that has always worked and I have gotten applause twice as well :D .

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I guess, I seldom have a problem and the few times I did I just stood up and talked very loud to draw attn the problem and told then to knock it the f off now. (Being the size I am has advantages when trying to intimidate people). So far that has always worked and I have gotten applause twice as well :D .


I meant, instead of regulkar seatsm they had couchs and recliners..

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I paid big bucks for our home theater at home but I wouldn't pay big bucks to see a new release on it. We just wait until it's at NetFlix or what not. There's plenty out there that we've not seen yet and don't mind being 1-3 months behind in seeing a blockbuster hit.


We either go in the basement where we have a 6.x set up or upstairs where we have a 5.2 set up.


I prefer the cave:

65" inch Panasonic 1080p Plasma

Onkyo Power

6.2 (Two Subs) Paradigm Set up

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if it was 1080p with no extra compression, like a blu-ray, and it was out the same day as the movie released in theaters

i would do $20-$30 for 1 viewing, but anything sent over cable/sat is going to be compressed all to hell


plus i like the movie theater experience most of the time, they just need to move to all digital/HD 4k resolution theaters with digital distribution direct to theater servers, but they are worried about piracy getting even worse

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when I was in Chicago last year I could rent movies in my room that were still in theaters. I didn't bother to pay attention to how recent they went from release date, but I know that the movie I watched wasn't out on DVD yet as I had been waiting for it.


I don't think this will happen on a large scale for some time though. I'm sure they're working on something along these lines, but this would open a big can of piracy that they're already fighting as-is. Plus there wouldn't be any way for them to charge you per-person like they can at the movies. You could buy it once and stuff 50 people in front of your projector.


The reality is that they make more off of you as a consumer when you go to the movies, so they're not going to directly take out of their own pockets for your convenience.

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I built my home theater system because I have learned to HATE the audience at movie theathers. Peopel have no respect for others. One movie I was at, someone called their voicemail on their cell phone... OVER SPEAKERPHONE! I have tons of stories of bad manners at theathers.


I just wish I didn't have to wait months for good movies to arrive.


Really, the only reason why DVDs aren't released immediately is because of the theaters. The movie studios make FAR more money on DVD sales and rentals. They know that if the release simultaneously to DVD and Theaters, people won't go to the theaters. THe expereince isn't WORTH the money or headaches.


I think the studios should threated to go straight to DVD and scare the theaters into improving instead of just buckling to them.


How much would I pay? I'd pay $40-60 and split that with my friends.

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I would pay $15, might go to $25~$30 if I could keep it to watch at any time, uncompressed, full controll to rewind, FFWD, pull a screenshot for walpaper of photochoping.

~The man cave~

120" of 1080p, enough audio power to double as an effective light dimming control, and beer on tap = much better than dealing with other people in a theatre.

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The thread topic preview was listed as "What would you pay to watch...".


I was sorely disappointed upon arrival.


If you don't like to listen to other people yap during a movie, go to a better theater (read: one not in the ghetto) and/or go at a different time (read: on a weekday night when the kids don't show up in mobs.) I follow these simple rules; and while it isn't always effective for the first day of new releases, I am rarely disappointed by the $3.50 I spend on a ticket at the local theater.

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The thread topic preview was listed as "What would you pay to watch...".


I was sorely disappointed upon arrival.


If you don't like to listen to other people yap during a movie, go to a better theater (read: one not in the ghetto) and/or go at a different time (read: on a weekday night when the kids don't show up in mobs.) I follow these simple rules; and while it isn't always effective for the first day of new releases, I am rarely disappointed by the $3.50 I spend on a ticket at the local theater.



In the ghetto? I live in worthington my friend. I usally goto the theator on campusview which i would not consider ghetto. People talking abd being stupid is across the bored. Even when i pay for the balcony seats at areana grand.

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