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you also lose your license for six months for ANY drug offense in ohio. regardless of if you are in a car or not. if you are sitting in the park smoking a J and the cops write you a ticket for it, you lose your license.


and the 100 bucks is only for possession. the thing they get you on is paraphernalia. max penalty there is 1000 dollars and 6 months in jail.

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lol here are some quotes from Anslinger on why pot should be illegal (circa 1930)


"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others."


"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."


"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."


"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."


"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"


"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."


"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."

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you also lose your license for six months for ANY drug offense in ohio. regardless of if you are in a car or not. if you are sitting in the park smoking a J and the cops write you a ticket for it, you lose your license.


and the 100 bucks is only for possession. the thing they get you on is paraphernalia. max penalty there is 1000 dollars and 6 months in jail.


You shouldn't lose your license over that. Jail time for paraphernalia is stupid as well. A fine of $100 should be sufficient.

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You are a little late on this but still a rather good post. Ohio has some of the least strict laws on marijuana, for the amounts you are allowed to have anyway. No other state would let you have 100g in your house in one bag and all you get is 100 dollar fine and its just a minor misdemeanor.
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putting people in jail for pot is a joke and a waste of tax dollars

QFT. I am all far putting Crimnal of serious crimes away. But whens the last time you herd about a "Brawl" over pot?



Bar fights are common. I've been in a few. (I was in the middle of them).

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You are a little late on this but still a rather good post. Ohio has some of the least strict laws on marijuana, for the amounts you are allowed to have anyway. No other state would let you have 100g in your house in one bag and all you get is 100 dollar fine and its just a minor misdemeanor.


Not sure how I am late on it, the Press Conference happened yesterday. I realize the HR was released in April.


I work in California all the time, plenty of medical pot places. The local laws are lenient but the feds aren't.

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Ohio has no medical pot laws. Though THC has been linked to several anti-cancer drugs as a very effective aid in delivery. Plus nausea and appetite are usually problems with chemo patients and pot helps with that as well.


plus it gives you something to do. laugh at simple things.

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