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Go to your room Russia. -Discuss


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Especially since Georgia STARTED the war.....Got into an argument about this at work today. Georgia used military force to invade a smaller area, South Ossetia, that had traditionally part of Georgia, but had sought independence, and seemingly received it. That smaller region had been given diplomatic recognition for many years by a superpower nation, the CIS. When the smaller region was invaded, the superpower stepped in and threw back the invaders. He maintains that the superpower is absolutely wrong to have stepped in, and should be punished for doing so.


I told him to change the names around, and now he has to give Kuwait back to Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis! He left the breakroom at that point.

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Its really nothing like the gulf war. Kuwait did not threaten Iraq in any fashion, and we left as soon as Iraq was out of kuwait. Even though I agree saddam should have been put on an international court at that time, not a decade later. but saashkasvali (sp?) isnt a freakin nut job like Saddam was.

True georgia did use force, but are you not allowed to control the land within your borders? When the confederacy seperated and declared themselves independent, should the union really have stepped back and done nothing? therefore georgia has the right to step in and put order in S Ossetia. Now the problem lies in Russia's response, they claim it was aggression against the ethnic russians. Nobody would have a problem with them sending in peaccekeepers to stop the violence and pull the georgian president to the table for talks. BUT they continued to push into the state, despite agreeing to a cease-fire.

Say we gave the entire city of toronto US passports, just for the hell of it, then when canada tried to enforce their laws on those people we stepped in and took over canada.

Plain and simple reason, medvedev is a nobody, and he's really short. He's trying to show his strength so that his country will follow him like they followed putin. If we let them take over georgia, ukraine is next.

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IMHO, we (USA) needs to hold their hands in the air and defer to NATO and the U.N. on this one...for awhile...


NATO yes, UN no. Russia = security council, and so nothing will ever happen there, especially if China sticks by them

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Here's what it boils down to; The U.S. is totally committed militarily right now. Even if we weren't, we don't have the forces to take on Russia on their home turf. Simply put, we're talking about air-lift, versus short land-based supply lines. We're also talking about a country that is on our own level technology-wise, or very close to it.

There will not be open war between the U.S. and Russia.


What you will see if Russia doesn't back down is sanctions, withdrawal of aid, withdrawal of trade, and opposition in the U.N. and NATO councils.


Right now, though, it looks like Russia is done. They stopped, although they did take some liberties with the cease fire. One of their allies got invaded, they took it back, and they threw in some extra smack-around to make sure Georgia got the message.

Georgia's whining like a spanked toddler now. I think Russia will pull back into S. Osettia, and let things lie. The real question is whether Russia will support S. Osettia's independence again, or try to hold onto it.

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some crazy shit. Tell me it was not planned to happen at the start of the olympics so people would be distracted.

It was a really smart move by all means. At the same point I see no need to get back into a post-cold war pissing match with Russia again. Now if Russia does make the Geogian president a squishy head, then I see the US fueling the fire. That would piss off quite a few countries, especially NATO.

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