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Whats your tax cut savings under Obama


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Why is it ok and honorable for someone to fight and die for the country, but we complain when the "country" takes our money???? Shouldnt we consider it a priviledge to be able to help more than the next person?

It's unamerican to care about Americans that aren't yourself.

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I wonder how many of you that "Care" so much about others actually do any giving. So who donates to charity and how much do you give?

I tithe, support missionaries, support local charities like Care Net. I also do food drives to help the Salvation Army food banks.

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Not sure why you're taking such a comment directed to you? You can however see what I mean in terms of where my comments are applicable thought I'm sure.


Yes my wife and I have not worked hard for what we own. Welfare provided me with an 05 STI.
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Here's my take . The tax system is fucked up and all the whiney bitches need to suck it. Ohh darn they are going to lower taxes for the people who make your world work. Ya know the guy who repairs your car, Yeah he gets a tax break. The guy who keeps your internets working he gets a tax break. People need to stop assuming that its only low lifes getting it.


No one assumes it's only the low life's that are getting a break. However, many of Obama's and other liberal programs are there to help those that do very little to help themselves too and that's bullshit. If I see one more "economically challenged" person pissing away money on smokes, beer or an xbox as they wait in line at Best Buy, and crawl back into their 1982 Chevy with 22" wheels, I'm going to puke. :rolleyes:


Hey, I'm not against tax breaks for anyone. However, I don't feel tax breaks for some should be given while others end up paying more just because we need to "spread the wealth". :nono:


It's bullshit if anyone thinks that the problems we're facing now were caused because of the tax system over the past 10yrs. It's been caused by the excess credit that mainly the lower and middle class folks have brought up so high. If they would have actually made more money or scaled back their lifestyles to match their income, there would be no credit issues.


How many folks over the past 10 years bought a new house and now complain they can't afford rising utilities or gas in their cars? That's called living way too close to your comfort zone and that's entirely their fault. Not mine. Now many folks were victims and sucked into homes via poor credit practices...but then that's only because they are dumb fucks who couldn't figure out their own God Damn budget! :mad:Being dumb and blaming others for your own issues....that's what's fucking Un-American.


Credit cards are the way of life for so many and they are now paying the price....again, not my fault. I pay mine off.


If you don't think putting money back in the middle classes pocket will not spur economic growth your sadly mistaken. For example. Right now If I had 100$ extra per month on top of the 160 I'm savings on gas I could put some in savings which helps the market and I could buy some toys which helps small businesses (Reptile store, IPS).


If anyone here wants to help the have not's or their middle class neighbors, then do exactly what you stated above....go make more of your own money and invest it and spend it......grow the pie, but don't blame those who make more household income on anyone else's problems and take my pie.


The fact that the upper class is bitching because they are getting a slight tax increase should really think about the roads, The wonderful war that the right seems to enjoy , And many more government projects that require's funding.


Roads aren't entirely funded by my income tax...if at all? Not sure...but I do know there are plenty of other ways they are paid for.


Here is irony for you. I'n a whole the +250K people are Mccain supporters. These are the same people that are bitching because they are getting an tax increase. What I don't get this is also the same group of people who think the war is blah blah blah. The war that costs so much. So whats there answer? lets just lower taxes across the board and add to our debt.


It's all bullshit and I personally think the middle class does need a break. Without the middle class the world would come to a grinding halt. Why not reward them with a tax break?


First, I'm not for the war. I don't think we should have moved in there without a plan and a plan for economic success included in that master plan. I'd much rather see $10B/mo. being invested right here in the US improving education and supporting ourselves so that we don't have to rely an one single other country for shit. We are victims of our own creation and reliance on others.


Regarding taxes....The real irony is I've already paid way more taxes than those that make less than me, so don't tell me about taxes. Actually, I think it's pretty fucking ironic that I'm taxed or penalized more for doing well. I wonder if providing tax "breaks" for those that increase their income year over year by a certain percentage would help encourage them to actually do more?


I'm in sales and I believe in paying the performers. The more you sell, the higher your commission percentages..as it should be...we're rewarded for doing better. YOu don't give the other guy who can't sell shit or works a half-ass day the same percentages as me...let him earn the rewards. It's called work hard - play harder. If he wants comfort...that's called a public sector job.


It amazes me that so many are "working so hard" just to be comfortable in life. Fuck comfort zones...they bread mediocrity and stunk growth of the greater good. Pay the performers and encourage those below to actually become one of the performers. Don't pass out rewards for mediocrity and below.


Pass the butter please.



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They are either broke, in debt up to the gills or maybe thinking they should have thought things through a bit better.


Actually, I'm sure many are happy and living within their means....but I bet they would be much happier living within the means of the next tax bracket.


i dont get any tax cut by myself. how do people live making these guidelines???


Single Parent making $40,000 with two young children and childcare expenses.


shit they have to be broke as hell

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Here's my take . The tax system is fucked up and all the whiney bitches need to suck it. Ohh darn they are going to lower taxes for the people who make your world work. Ya know the guy who repairs your car, Yeah he gets a tax break. The guy who keeps your internets working he gets a tax break.


The above may actually make my shit work, but they aren't the source of what makes the world go-round or grow. The ones who pay their salaries are the ones that earn that credit.


Look at it this way, take a medium sized business here in Ohio 100-500 employees that pulls down say $50-200M in revenue. Pretty typical in Ohio...do you think the senior executives at these companies are going to simply take a pay higher business taxes and then pay increased personal taxes out of their own pockets?


I don't think so....in fact I know so, as I call on them everyday. What I love about my job is providing ROI. They are looking for an Return on Investment from what I sell. If that means reducing labor hours or positions, that's exactly fine with them.


Bottom line is if Gov't increases the taxes on these business, they will respond directly by making their people do more with less. We're already seeing that and have been for years. That's exactly what spurred the growth of High Deductible insurance plans....health insurance premiums are a sure fire way to scale back costs. Then salaries and then positions. It's about overhead. Hell, 1,400 poor soles at National City are about to bite the dust. Sure, tax business even more....I bet that number will grow to 1,600.


Again, I'm not against tax cuts...but if you think taxing those that employ you or your neighbors more is the solution, then you must not play chess much...as they will surely be on moves 5-6-7 ahead of the tax cut. In fact this time of year is when budgets for 09 are being finalized. Any changes that come afterward won't fit that budget and guess what...cuts will then be made.


Remember, you can take more of the other guys slice of the pie, but we'll all see better days if we work to actually Grow the Pie. That's a fact.

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One thing most people don't realize about federal income tax is that no law exists that states anyone actually has pay it. The only type of inforcement that the federal government has to justify the tax is a group of lowlife thugs called the IRS.


Your income tax doesn't pay for roads, schools, war, social programs, ect., it does one thing --- pay the interest on the national debt, which grows by the second. Apply this knowledge to the fact that recent legislation has been passed to increase the national debt by bailing out criminals and you will see where our taxes are headed... UP.


Before I am flamed I hope people will do some god damn research. I'm doing one thing to prepare for the future, buying ammo for the 'ol AR-15.


EDIT: BTW I strongly agree with Rick and pdgdp's statements on this thread, very intelligent posts...

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I wonder how many of you that "Care" so much about others actually do any giving. So who donates to charity and how much do you give?

I tithe, support missionaries, support local charities like Care Net. I also do food drives to help the Salvation Army food banks.


I do "care," every Sunday morning (the only time I have) I am down at our shelter serving homeless people. Between working 48 hours a week at Arby's and a full-time school schedule, time is the only thing I have to donate.


Do any of you actually believe congress will pass any tax legislation as dynamic as this? You republicians know better than the rest of us that the US is a static mule of a government.


I appreciate all your wonderful mathematics but you are not taking into account the shear number of middle class citizens vs the number of wealthy americans.

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Your income tax doesn't pay for roads, schools, war, social programs, ect., it does one thing --- pay the interest on the national debt, which grows by the second. Apply this knowledge to the fact that recent legislation has been passed to increase the national debt by bailing out criminals and you will see where our taxes are headed... UP.


Apply that knowledge to the last 8 years of a "fiscally responsible republican" and your 900 billion dollar bailout plan is just a drop in the bucket. (not saying I agree w/ the plan)

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One thing most people don't realize about federal income tax is that no law exists that states anyone actually has pay it. The only type of inforcement that the federal government has to justify the tax is a group of lowlife thugs called the IRS.

I agree, but I dont want to be the one who tries that is court. I look at taxes as a stay out of jail fee. Pay the fee stay out of jail.

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I do "care," every Sunday morning (the only time I have) I am down at our shelter serving homeless people. Between working 48 hours a week at Arby's and a full-time school schedule, time is the only thing I have to donate.


Do any of you actually believe congress will pass any tax legislation as dynamic as this? You republicians know better than the rest of us that the US is a static mule of a government.


I appreciate all your wonderful mathematics but you are not taking into account the shear number of middle class citizens vs the number of wealthy americans.

Good for you. If more people would do that type of stuff just think how far we could go in a short period of time.

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:wtf: The purpose of me taking risk, is to make money. NOT give it to the government. The point is not if i can afford the tax, it is my money, I worked for it. I should do with it as I please, not what Obama thinks I should do with it.



If we follow your logic and not tax you on the money you make who will pay for the following and how?


1) Repair of roads in ohio/usa

2) Education funding grants for qualified students

3) Jail upkeep

4) Police and Fire departments upkeep

5) Child services

6) Water and Waste for the city

7) Animal Control

8) Public parks

9) etc

10) etc

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With this messed up economy I'm not as ignorant to actually beleive that my money would only go to welfare junkies. Maybe some of you should open your eyes and realize that at this point your neighbors, in your well established communities, are to the point where they are asking for help as well. This is the angle Obama is taking to get votes. This approach appeals to a lot of less fortunate people that are having hardships at this time. Even the ceo that used to make $200k a year that lost his business and house is thinking about voting Obama. I wish they could make it an optional donation, but the truth is that America is full of selfish bastards that wont give a dime unless forced to.


I'm not wasteing my vote. Forget the candidates, they are leading a nation a selfish people that want everything to magically be fixed without making any sacrifices. Taxing money from the rich may not be the best option, but at some point money will be taken from you... and you will cry (as usual) when it happens.




And Dr. Rick, I would never donate to you for the simple fact that my money could be used to pay your internet bill. To me thats almost as bad as funding terrorism...


best post ITT.

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If we follow your logic and not tax you on the money you make who will pay for the following and how?


1) Repair of roads in ohio/usa

2) Education funding grants for qualified students

3) Jail upkeep

4) Police and Fire departments upkeep

5) Child services

6) Water and Waste for the city

7) Animal Control

8) Public parks

9) etc

10) etc

I did not say we should not pay any tax, we have to pay some to live in a civilized society. I don't mind paying tax as long as it is a fair flat tax. for example, no matter if you make $10000 of $10,000,000 you pay 10%. That seems fair to me.

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I did not say we should not pay any tax, we have to pay some to live in a civilized society. I don't mind paying tax as long as it is a fair flat tax. for example, no matter if you make $10000 of $10,000,000 you pay 10%. That seems fair to me.


A flat fee is fine to me if bigger corporations do not have loopholes and bank accounts in other countries that allow no tax. Or offer huge tax rebates etc.


If this is going to happen then they should be taxed more then people who don't get these "benefits" for lack of a better term.

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I'm in sales and I believe in paying the performers. The more you sell, the higher your commission percentages..as it should be...we're rewarded for doing better. YOu don't give the other guy who can't sell shit or works a half-ass day the same percentages as me...let him earn the rewards. It's called work hard - play harder. If he wants comfort...that's called a public sector job.


It amazes me that so many are "working so hard" just to be comfortable in life. Fuck comfort zones...they bread mediocrity and stunk growth of the greater good. Pay the performers and encourage those below to actually become one of the performers. Don't pass out rewards for mediocrity and below.


You're my new favorite. :cool:


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If we follow your logic and not tax you on the money you make who will pay for the following and how?


1) Repair of roads in ohio/usa

Ohio - LOCAL gooberment with local and state tax

USA - Interstates - fuel tax (You're jaw would drop if you knew how much truckers pay in fuel taxes)

2) Education funding grants for qualified students

Publice funding only - no taxes here - pay for your own kids. If they can't pay, get sponsored by a corporation.

3) Jail upkeep

Local funds for local jails. You want the assholes off the streets, pay for it.

Federal prisons - defense budget

4) Police and Fire departments upkeep

again, local taxes - you want cops, pay for them - want firefighters, pay for them

5) Child services

Pay for your own kids - can't afford it? voluntary sterilization.

6) Water and Waste for the city

Local again - noticing a pattern here?

7) Animal Control


8) Public parks

do I need to say local taxes again?

9) etc

you can pay for this one too.

10) etc


...and this one, all by yourself.

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Federal income taxes SHOULD NOT pay for local activities. If a community doesn't want to pay taxes to have clean and safe food, water, and shelter - that's fine! I don't think I should have to pay for you or your kids when you are not local to me.
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Well this thread has been very informative. I have to say that even though I would benefit from these tax cuts, I dont want to take someone elses money. I think that the flat tax rate idea is a good one. Well, now that I think about it... fuck it, I want all you rich fuckers money! Ill have a paypal setup by the end of the week for you to make your deposits! Now even though I agree with everyone paying the same tax rate because its fair and whatever. I dont see why it should be a big deal for the multi-million and billionares to pay a little more, yes they may have worked hard for it but there aint no way that they NEED all that money to survive and if a little of it could help someone else then why not?


Ill update with the account number. lol

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