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University of Northwestern Ohio anyone?


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has anyone went there/currently go there/know someone that has been/is going there? im really torn between going there for the associates in the high performance classes(engine building, chassis building, fuel/ignition systems, etc.) and going to CSCC for my A&P license to work on aircraft. i would rather go to UNOH because im absoloutley obsessed with cars, but cant imagine the job market is very open for chassis and engine builders. i would imagine you would have to know someone to get a job with a racing team(NHRA, rolex, or NASCAR) to, although i could certainly be wrong. that being said, i highly doubt that i wouldn't enjoy working on aircraft(just not the same as cars though), and im sure it would be MUCH easier to get a job. CSCC would be much cheaper since the admission is cheaper and i wouldn't need housing(about an hour or so from the CSCC aircraft place), but i figure that money shouldn't hold me back from a dream job(UNOH isn't cheap, but its certainly not ungodly, it would just take some loans).


so does anyone know much about UNOH? this is just killing me trying to decide which way to go, im just trying to get as much info as possible. thanks guys!

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From my understanding, if you don't have an engineering degree it will be very difficult to get in with the race teams.


Aviation is a very expensive thing to get into. It requires a lot of specialty tools and they aren't really cheap.

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Guest 614Streets
  John said:
you should ask UNO if they have some sort of job placement program or something for the chassis degree.


Laughing. Seriously that is definately a good question to ask.

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Guest 614Streets
  Unicorn Ninja said:
From my understanding, if you don't have an engineering degree it will be very difficult to get in with the race teams.


Aviation is a very expensive thing to get into. It requires a lot of specialty tools and they aren't really cheap.



He has a point. I went to school for boats. Aside from family turmoil and the fact that florida's state flag has a single mother on it , if I had stayed and done mobile and tech in florida , I would have horriffic amounts of money into tools.

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cool! so do they offer any sort of job placement? was it hard trying to find a job, or were there offers/openings around? i just dont want to put the money into this, go for 2 years, then find out i cant get a job when the time comes. i know i'll have to work to get hired by someone like your employer(i would imagine atleast), but i just need to know that those positions will be out there.


(hope that makes sense, i'll have to post more tomorrow when i dont have toothpicks holding my eyes open)

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It would probably be easier to find a career as an aviation technician. If it's your dream to work on race cars, then there are opportunities out there. You just have to have the skills and tenacity to find them. The best thing I did at UNOH was create a network that I used to land a decent job after graduating. Very few people from there will actually go on to work at high level race teams. I think I only know 4-5.
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When did you come up? They have made a lot of add-ons/improvements lately. I live up here have known alot of guys that went there. Most of them are not going their to try to get into racing. Its not their goal. Lot of em go into the automotive industry in some other fashion. Although I have known some that have gone into racing because thats what they wanted to do. If your goal is to get in the racing. I think it would be a good place to start. Also 2 years isnt that long in the big picture. Your only 20. Also finding a job while your up here shouldnt be that hard. Most of the automotive places around here hire UNOH students because they know they are here for two years and that they are getting schooling in their job everyday.
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  Doug said:
It would probably be easier to find a career as an aviation technician. If it's your dream to work on race cars, then there are opportunities out there. You just have to have the skills and tenacity to find them. The best thing I did at UNOH was create a network that I used to land a decent job after graduating. Very few people from there will actually go on to work at high level race teams. I think I only know 4-5.



Not to mention pro teams tear through employee's for the most part. yearly layoffs etc for the majority. I know a bunch of people in the industry, it took while for most of them to get their feet planted.

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I know about 4-5 people that have gone there and they all loved it. One of the guys got fully certified very quickly and now has a good job at a dealership. Im not sure what the other guys are doing but they still gave really good feedback about the school. Also, aviation is a great field to work in. The pay is pretty impressive and some companies offer HUGE money/ benefits for skilled techincians. If you did it for like 10 or more years and got really good you could probably make over 6 figures pretty easy.
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  Ry_Trapp0 said:
thanks guys! my intentions might have came across wrong, im not aiming specifically to work for race teams, thats just one of the options(so to speak). i would take any job after finishing, i just want to make sure i wont be struggling to find one.



You won't struggle to find a job, but you'll struggle to make over 55k a year. I'd say 10% of mechanics that actually turn wrenches make over 55k a year.

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  verse said:
You won't struggle to find a job, but you'll struggle to make over 55k a year. I'd say 10% of mechanics that actually turn wrenches make over 55k a year.


If you attend a manufacture specific training program (STEP, ELITE, PTAP), you can make that pretty easily.

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  Ry_Trapp0 said:
could you be a little more specific, like, what you hated about it?


The school is so political, half the shit they recruiter say they have they dont. There is NO women, you can barely work on your own stuff ( unless you know and are liked by certain instructors), and like I stated 98% of the women there i wouldnt touch with Pauls dick on a ten foot pole. Besides the school is setup more for roundy round circle jerk shit.


They have a job placement program thats hit or miss and most of the higher up faculty are complete tools. I mean dont get me wrong I had a decent time there but most of it was working and partying with friends from home and not at the school

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my cousin went there for diesel mechanics said it was ok but alot of book smarts and not alot of hands on stuff. i never went to school for it but i have done diesel mechanics for the last 5 years and know alot more than he does so i think it might be a waste and also i made 48,xxx last year with no scholling
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