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Can you type....?


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i can type pretty fast but have never been taught the home row shit. i feel i would be faster if i did though.


It is easy. Put your left hand on asdf and right hand on jkl; Now almost every key on the keyboard is 1-2 keys away. You just need to remember where all the keys live.

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Typing was the most useful class I ever took in high school. I don't look, I use the home row, and I feel I'm pretty fast if I need to be.


Funny thing is, if you asked me to draw out a picture of a keyboard with all the letters in the correct spot, I couldn't. But for some reason my 'hands' seem to know exactly which key to go to in order to spell out what I'm thinking. It's odd.

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I have a MS Ergonomic keyboard...I can not type on a standard keyboard for shit now.

yeah thats how i am... i can't use a standard one at all now.


im fairly fast and i don't really look at the keys.. but i get really good at using the backspace button... oh and i use "home row" out of habit

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I miss having an ergonomic keyboard. I can't even find one I like, I'm a Nazi when it comes to keyboards. These days all you can find is the media (read: retard) keyboards.


The one I'm using right how has a refresh button directly above F5. Fail.

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Typing was the most useful class I ever took in high school. I don't look, I use the home row, and I feel I'm pretty fast if I need to be.


Yeah I agree. I used to be able to type like 100WPM when I took keyboarding class and was a huge nerd, but now I'm probably down to 75WPM.


Some of the hillbilly kids would buy me lunch b/c I'd do all the exercises and then save them to the network so they could just copy and paste. I'm sure I helped 2-3 people pass that class.

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I use home row and for the most part type without looking but look down from time to time. (habit I guess). For some reason the hardest thing for me to do is to type something out that I am reading off a piece of paper. When typing freestyle (for lack of a better term) I am able to type much faster and with less errors. Having dyslexia doesn't help as I tend to look at the letters in the middle of the word and work my way out.
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70-80 wpm but I can circle strafe and rocket jump like a king....


If you can keep up with me, out trick jump me in Quake3 then I'll give you the right to be called king :D


I think last test I took in keyboarding I was around 104WPM and then a year or two ago I took another online keyboarding test to see if I was any slower and I came up with 114WPM.


EDIT* I'm even typing 70+WPM on my iPhone.. lol.

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