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black friday... you working?


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For once i don't have to work a black friday. I used to work at officemax and had to be at the store by 5am. having a bunch of morons wait in line to come in and yell at me cause we didn't have something in stock because they weren't there early enough. not my fault. I went out at 11am and bought a laptop for $429 and now using it. bf deals after i wake up at 11am ROCK.
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So I'm curious who has to work today an what do u do that makes u work this horrible day

I work for chase in the corporate office ahhh today is slooowwww ass crap.....


Where are you located. I'm currently at work at Huntington in their corporate building up at easton, and like you we are slow.

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I run a car lot and I am watching the seconds tick by. People do not buy a lot of cars on black friday. Oh and I am threatening people to come repo there car if they dont pay me. That makes it go by a little faster.



were a little independent and ive sold 3 myself already....???


So yes im working :(

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Working today because I have inventory (liqour/beer/wine/soda in the amount of $95K strewn across 13 bars in 10 different buildings) due on Monday. I can get it done today and take the weekend off. Then i will work 20 days straight. Then 3 months off WITH PAY!!.
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I work at Saturn in Hilliard. We've been dead all afternoon. This morning is was pretty busy with a lot of people dropping their cars off for service, but it's all done now and just watching time go by, slowly.



Tell Rob Endicott he's a "chode". "Love Mikey!"

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