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[Gun Crew] What would you do?


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The problem is this, if you shoot the guy down, go *bang bang bang bang* the first 2 shot he is standing, 3rd shot he is falling, 4th shot he is down, that is one thing. But then if you walk up to him, stand over him, and then put another one in him, that will most likely turn a good shoot into a bad shoot. Tests will show the angle at which the shot came from. The DA would argue that the threat HAD to have been neutralized for you to get that close and shoot.


Also, you would probably get a few shots center mass before the person drops anyways.



Also be aware that even highly trained individuals will be lucky to get 20% of their shots on target in a SD shooting with a handgun.




I see what you're saying and my response did not mean i'd walk over to a motionless guy and dump more rds into him. I realize that's a no no. I'm saying I shoot him and there is still good movement from him in terms of he could get up again and come after me, try to run off. Shit like that. I like the idea *bang bang bang bang* shots in every phase of the fall. It's hard to say i'd get a center mass shot in the heat of the moment.

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So when I lived in the not so nice part of town I had a mexican guy from the mexican halfway house next door for illegals come running at my door in the middle of the night. I think he had th ewrong house. But the intial slam sounded like a person coming in. When I went down the stairs I announced that I was armed and carefully checked all locations I could.


That is one of the few times in my life I was concerned I might have to kill someone.

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One pump of the shotgun plus "leave my house or I will shoot you" would be the first thing I would do (my windows are thin you would hear me anywhere if I yelled). I would stand in front of my wife and if he came into my bedroom I would shoot him/her below the belt until they fell on the ground. Then I would verbally scream "drop your weapons" with the barrel by their head. Once my wife has them we would call 911 and I would hold them at gun point... bleeding and everything. I wouldn't help them at all.
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5.56mm will go right in, and right out of someone. With a smaller round traveling over 2,900FPS, you'll have over-penetration. Meaning, it'll go through walls, which is never a good thing. Consider 5.56mm to be mini ice-picks, they go in and go right back out.



well i was just saying, my neighbors would probably be the ones breaking in haha.

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One pump of the shotgun plus "leave my house or I will shoot you" would be the first thing I would do (my windows are thin you would hear me anywhere if I yelled). I would stand in front of my wife and if he came into my bedroom I would shoot him/her below the belt until they fell on the ground. Then I would verbally scream "drop your weapons" with the barrel by their head. Once my wife has them we would call 911 and I would hold them at gun point... bleeding and everything. I wouldn't help them at all.


1. Figure whether they are supposed to be in your house, or not.

2. If you feel for you life, shoot them until they are dead.

3. Announce to them once shoot them that you are armed.

4. let them bleed a bit

5. call police

6. Go back to sleep for an hour or two

7. Greet police and lead them to the body.

8. ???

9. Profit

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1. Figure whether they are supposed to be in your house, or not.

2. If you feel for you life, shoot them until they are dead.

3. Announce to them once shoot them that you are armed.

4. let them bleed a bit

5. call police

6. Go back to sleep for an hour or two

7. Greet police and lead them to the body.

8. ???

9. Profit


I forgot to add I would fap on their face while they bleed on my floor. ;)

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One pump of the shotgun plus "leave my house or I will shoot you" would be the first thing I would do (my windows are thin you would hear me anywhere if I yelled). I would stand in front of my wife and if he came into my bedroom I would shoot him/her below the belt until they fell on the ground. Then I would verbally scream "drop your weapons" with the barrel by their head. Once my wife has them we would call 911 and I would hold them at gun point... bleeding and everything. I wouldn't help them at all.


So you're aiming to shoot him in the nuts while standing in front of your wife. Meanwhile, this person is not welcome in your house and will enter the room and see you have a shotgun, thus proceeding to probably shoot you in the face. Then will probably shoot your wife standing behind you in the face.


Sounds like a bad plan to me.

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It's a little different after you've been through it a few times as Scott realizes.

Agreed. I think a situation like this is one where you don't really know how you would react until it happens. I'm sure we'd all like to think it would be as easy as waking up running downstairs and squeezing a few off into a bad guy, but what if it was some 16 year old kid. Don’t get me wrong the thought of someone breaking into my house with the intent to steel from me or harm me pisses me off. But I think it’s hard to say, yeah I’d fucking empty a clip into their ass. Having never killed anyone, I’d imagine it’s a tuff spot to be in no matter the circumstance.

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I agree with what most of you have said so far except for the "assess the threat" thing. If they come in my home whether they have a visible weapon or not, I will always assume they are there to cause harm. My fiance being safe is my number one goal period. So I will most definately shoot to kill. (notice how I didnt say neutralize) If I lived by myself then maybe I would put a little more thought into the situation before pulling the trigger but, I will take no chances with her safety. After the police were called I would play Easy E "boys in the hood" on a constant loop until they arrived.
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I'm noticing a lack of PID (Positive Identification) here. Shooting the suspect, firearm, caliber, and the aftermath are all apart of theinitial contact. Assuming, these break ins are happening in the middle of the night, a nice flashlight is a must. I can't begin to tell you the advantage, let alone reaction time you'll acheive with a 60+ lumen flashlight. PID is just another way to keep your balls from the boilin liberal water and the prison shower room.


For you shotgun owners, yes, you have to aim. The fiction statement of it'll clear a hallway is BS. Maybe with bird shot and a long hallway, why not. But most smart people will load atleast 00 Buck loads either 2 3/4in or 3in shells. These loads will stay tight for a while, so think of it as a quarter sized bullet with lots of kenetic energy.

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You guys may remember my incident where that exact thing happened...only it was the kitchen light/globe that crashed and litterally sounded like a door being smashed in.


Alarm whaling, wife freaking and me going downstairs in a flash as the sound of a short barrel is racked.


Get a plan, that's all I say. My wife is loaded with her .357 upstairs, I have the short barrel with 7 rounds and she is to get the kids into the master bath and kill anyone that doesn't come through the door with me, with my approval and while holding a badge.

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I agree with what most of you have said so far except for the "assess the threat" thing. If they come in my home whether they have a visible weapon or not, I will always assume they are there to cause harm.


In your second sentence, you have "assessed the threat".

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For you shotgun owners, yes, you have to aim. The fiction statement of it'll clear a hallway is BS. Maybe with bird shot and a long hallway, why not. But most smart people will load atleast 00 Buck loads either 2 3/4in or 3in shells. These loads will stay tight for a while, so think of it as a quarter sized bullet with lots of kenetic energy.


I picked up some 3" 00 buck shot. its 15 pellets and I'd hate to see the damage that they will cause.

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The DA would argue that the threat HAD to have been neutralized for you to get that close and shoot.


the first call is to 911. the second call is to your attorney. don't say shit, zip, nadda, nothing, until the attorney shows up. dead serious. you don't have to say anything and if you do, it's


"I was in fear for my life, and would like to wait for my attorney before I say another word." - true story.


nadda, say nothing...zip. Shut the fuck up if the situation happens.

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the first call is to 911. the second call is to your attorney. don't say shit, zip, nadda, nothing, until the attorney shows up. dead serious. you don't have to say anything and if you do, it's


"I was in fear for my life, and would like to wait for my attorney before I say another word." - true story.


nadda, say nothing...zip. Shut the fuck up if the situation happens.


My CCW instructor (Pataskala Police Officer) told us that the following statement should be used. "I shot to stop the aggressive action"


in reality, nothing more, nothing less.


With that statement,


1. you assert that you were not the aggressor.

2. you assert that you felt that you were in danger.

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