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[Gun Crew] What would you do?


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For you shotgun owners, yes, you have to aim. The fiction statement of it'll clear a hallway is BS. Maybe with bird shot and a long hallway, why not. But most smart people will load atleast 00 Buck loads either 2 3/4in or 3in shells. These loads will stay tight for a while, so think of it as a quarter sized bullet with lots of kenetic energy.


Now I keep mine loaded with double ought buck. Based on the bails and targets I shoot at my brother in laws, at 25' she's putting forth a hole about 6-8" in diameter and i figure would blow clean through the chest of a man. At 50' we complete tear apart large Pizza boxes.....we use them as targets :)


and to answer Thorne's question....I was prepared and would most definitely aim to kill the intruder. there's no question in my mind. I've never been in the military or combat as some here, but I won't forget that night ever. I remember very clearly as I grabbed that gun what it was like to know I was about to shoot someone dead.


Adrenaline kicked in so hard it felt like my heart was pounding through my chest as I came down the stairs and cleared the family room. I'm glad it happened as that was about as real as it gets for the family plan to be tested. It worked. My wife was in that bathroom and didn't budge until the cops who came cleared the house allowed me upstairs to get her.

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Think of a bloddy rat hole. I won't go into further description or details, but that sums it up. Now the human head looks more like a deflated balloon after recieving a penatrating round.


From what I understand, its like firing 15 bullets at one. It will be bad.

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Now I keep mine loaded with double ought buck. Based on the bails and targets I shoot at my brother in laws, at 25' she's putting forth a hole about 6-8" in diameter and i figure would blow clean through the chest of a man. At 50' we complete tear apart large Pizza boxes.....we use them as targets :)

Our breaching loads were quite similar, even out of a pistol gripped short barreled scattergun. Shotguns are a great tool for the trade, and down right brutal.


As I've been hearing with our current economical status, police patrols will be on the decline. With that said, those without will go to those that have. It sucks to have to think about that, but I see crime will probably increase thanks to less of a police force being present. All the more reason to arm and train now.


Few last points:

-Train with the ammo you plan on keeping in your firearm. FMJ rounds compared to Hydrashocks for instance will have different results.

-Check/inspect/clean firearm. That small piece of lint, may quite possibly restrict a firing pin from striking the primer. Check the staus of the weapon IE loaded or unloaded.

-Don't use target load full metal jacket rounds for home defense. They'll work great for the zombies, but will over penetrate when Mr.Theif/Murderer comes in. Theres plenty of GREAT defense loads like Hornaday TAP, Speer Gold Dot, Federal Hydrashocks etc...

- Get a good light. Anything from a mag light to a surefire to a walmart special works. 60+ lumens would be the best results.


Just my $.02 for good home/family/self protection against any threat. (To incude zombies)

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Aim to kill? Aim to wound? WTF?


In a threat situation you shoot to HIT. You aim center body mass. Whether you kill him or not is completely beside the point. You aim at the part of the body that gives you the best chance of hitting him, which means the torso, roughly the center of the chest.

If you have time to acquire an aim point more specific than CBM, then the situation doesn't require lethal force. PERIOD.

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Aim to kill? Aim to wound? WTF?


In a threat situation you shoot to HIT. You aim center body mass. Whether you kill him or not is completely beside the point. You aim at the part of the body that gives you the best chance of hitting him, which means the torso, roughly the center of the chest.

If you have time to acquire an aim point more specific than CBM, then the situation doesn't require lethal force. PERIOD.


holy fuck that's the first intelligent thing I've ever seen you post

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Aim to kill? Aim to wound? WTF?


In a threat situation you shoot to HIT. You aim center body mass. Whether you kill him or not is completely beside the point. You aim at the part of the body that gives you the best chance of hitting him, which means the torso, roughly the center of the chest.

If you have time to acquire an aim point more specific than CBM, then the situation doesn't require lethal force. PERIOD.


I believe this is why they [tactics instructors] teach the 2 to the chest, 1 to the head theory.


2 to slow them down, giving you enough time to line up a final shot to the head.


Though, I completely agree with you. Aim for what you can hit.

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I'm noticing a lack of PID (Positive Identification) here. Shooting the suspect, firearm, caliber, and the aftermath are all apart of theinitial contact. Assuming, these break ins are happening in the middle of the night, a nice flashlight is a must. I can't begin to tell you the advantage, let alone reaction time you'll acheive with a 60+ lumen flashlight. PID is just another way to keep your balls from the boilin liberal water and the prison shower room.




Thats why I asked if an assault rifle is too much, my AR has a Surefire on it and would make ID'ing a threat easier. I suppose i could use the INOVA flashlight i used to have on the AR with my handgun.

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Thats why I asked if an assault rifle is too much, my AR has a Surefire on it and would make ID'ing a threat easier. I suppose i could use the INOVA flashlight i used to have on the AR with my handgun.

Outside threat, then maybe. But indoors, would be a terrible choice of weapon. 5.56mm lacks the kenetic energy to "knock" down a threat.

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While I don't have much to add to this thread I just wanted to say thank you for some great insight on this matter.


There was a home invasion right around the corner from us last week and aside from getting weapons back in the house and teaching my wife how to properly use them we have yet to come up with a plan for what we would do if that was our house instead of the one around the corner.



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While I don't have much to add to this thread I just wanted to say thank you for some great insight on this matter.


There was a home invasion right around the corner from us last week and aside from getting weapons back in the house and teaching my wife how to properly use them we have yet to come up with a plan for what we would do if that was our house instead of the one around the corner.



Think of investing into a good surefire light aswell. A G2 light is relatively cheap and shines like the sun at night.

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Think of investing into a good surefire light aswell. A G2 light is relatively cheap and shines like the sun at night.



Dude these things are sweet, I picked on up waiting for the Surefire for the AR. For some reason they dont have the one I bought listed.




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I didnt even read all of this because some are very annoying and def shouldnt be using a weapon. There is a great possibility that some people here would be in a whole lot of trouble if ever put in a situation where they felt neccessary to use deadly force on someone.


Some rules I have been taught to live by both Military and Civilian side

1. Never draw your weapon at anything you dont intend to shoot/kill. It is not for scaring people.

2. Have possitive ID on whatever your are going to shoot and what is behind your target.

3. Shoot with only properly aimed shots intended to kill (example two to the chest and one to the head, and repeat until needed.)

4.Use appropriate force with due regards of force applied to you.

5. Most importantly use minimal amount of force needed to nuetralize the threat. Most likely this will end in death but never "finish the job"


Oh and have your ducks in a row when it comes to story time.

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I believe this is why they [tactics instructors] teach the 2 to the chest, 1 to the head theory.


2 to slow them down, giving you enough time to line up a final shot to the head.


Though, I completely agree with you. Aim for what you can hit.


They are now starting to teach two to the chest and two toward the hip/upper leg area as to try to hit the Femerial(however you say it/spell it) artery. That way you are till shooting somewhat center mass and chances of hitting target will be greater.

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They are now starting to teach two to the chest and two in the crotch area as to try to hit the Femerial(however you say it/spell it) artery. That way you are till shooting somewhat center mass and chances of hitting target will be greater.

Fixed for truth. :p

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On the original question. I would grab THE BEST home defense weapon ever made and that would be my 3" Taurus Judge. This 5-shot revolver can be found next to me with loaded up and ready to go shots 1-3 are of a .410 nature and shots 4-5 are are of a .45 nature. If it is not done then the Glock 23 is out or the side-by-side L.C. Smith will be employed.



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On the original question. I would grab THE BEST home defense weapon ever made and that would be my 3" Taurus Judge. This 5-shot revolver can be found next to me with loaded up and ready to go shots 1-3 are of a .410 nature and shots 4-5 are are of a .45 nature. If it is not done then the Glock 23 is out or the side-by-side L.C. Smith will be employed.




Shirley, you can't be serious? :confused:

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A little exaggeration on THE BEST, but for close quarters in my home threats I would go to this first. It is quick, easy to use, easy to aim, and would pack some punch. Also as stated this weapon would buy me time while grasping for another and I am not going to kill my neighbor if I miss the aggressor.


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A little exaggeration on THE BEST, but for close quarters in my home threats I would go to this first. It is quick, easy to use, easy to aim, and would pack a punch. Also as stated this weapon would buy me time while grasping for another and I am not going to kill my neighbor if I miss the aggressor.



.410 00 only penetrates 4.5"


I would grab something else, or load it all 5 shots with .45 LC

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