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This guys balls > yours


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Lol He seemed like that wasn't the first time he stood in that spot.


I agree....it's like he knew how far to go back....but damn that was about as close as you get. I surprised he didn't get glass and rock in his eyes. Hell, he didn't even seem to flinch one bit. :eek:

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Thats what walls are for, you just get behind it. And I doubt thered be glass from a rally car, I doubt anything except the bumper came off that car


maybe, but you can clearly see the windshield shatter and split and at the end, the drivers door and entire front end are obliterated. The A-pliller is vertical.

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It just amazes me how many people actually walk out on the track :eek::confused:


It also is crazy how many seem to think standing on the outside of the turns is a good idea.....actually getting up on the edge too :nono:

It's people like that who make it nearly impossible to insure Stage Rally in the US. That stupid woman who nearly stepped out in front of that car probably would have sued in the US.. :mad:


Luckily NASA and RallyAmerica have managed to find a way to run in the US.

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