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GM, your loan has been approved...


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Just GM and Chrysler. Ford has been doing so-so. If GM and Chrysler had not been bailed out though it would have eventually been a domino effect on Ford and other foreign car makers.


I dunno though because if GM and Chrysler go away, less competition for everyone, especially Ford.


Chrysler shouldnt get a dime, they have been sucking for years. GM shouldn't either but at least they make vettes, opel and a couple of other decent cars.

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I dunno though because if GM and Chrysler go away, less competition for everyone, especially Ford.


True, but it would murder the economy. Not only here, but in other countries. I heard on NPR the other day that 1 in every 9 jobs in the US were automotive jobs. I would be willing to bet that a decent chunk of those jobs are within GM and Chrysler.


Chrysler shouldnt get a dime, they have been sucking for years. GM shouldn't either but at least they make vettes, opel and a couple of other decent cars.


I agree. I am a huge MoPar fan, but lately Chrysler's stuff has not been up-to-par in comparison with what it was in the 60s and 70s. Very sad. I hope GM and Chrysler are able to restructure and adapt to the current WORLD economy. They need to take a page out of Toyota's book IMO.

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If you read, the deal is if they can't show being a "viable" company in 90 days, March 31, 2009 the loan is canceled and all 13.4 Billion will be returned to the treasury and bye bye company. I can live with this plan, GM can't change so they are doomed. I still feel it needs to go under and dissolve the UAW. Fuck the UAW. Greedy Unions have no place in the 21st century. We need to bring back non skilled jobs to the US with out a Union. Only so many can work at McDonalds and Landscaping companies. If it comes back I think Crime would dip and maybe prisons wouldn't be as crowded. More people would be working.
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If you read, the deal is if they can't show being a "viable" company in 90 days, March 31, 2009 the loan is canceled and all 13.4 Billion will be returned to the treasury and bye bye company. I can live with this plan, GM can't change so they are doomed. I still feel it needs to go under and dissolve the UAW. Fuck the UAW. Greedy Unions have no place in the 21st century. We need to bring back non skilled jobs to the US with out a Union. Only so many can work at McDonalds and Landscaping companies. If it comes back I think Crime would dip and maybe prisons wouldn't be as crowded. More people would be working.



your worldly veiw is a happy one (so you have got to be high)

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If you read, the deal is if they can't show being a "viable" company in 90 days, March 31, 2009 the loan is canceled and all 13.4 Billion will be returned to the treasury and bye bye company. I can live with this plan, GM can't change so they are doomed. I still feel it needs to go under and dissolve the UAW. Fuck the UAW. Greedy Unions have no place in the 21st century. We need to bring back non skilled jobs to the US with out a Union. Only so many can work at McDonalds and Landscaping companies. If it comes back I think Crime would dip and maybe prisons wouldn't be as crowded. More people would be working.


That's a lot of hate for American car companies.


Remember, Chrysler looked pathetic in was it ...83? Turned around pretty well for awhile.


Anyone been comparing the terms of the loan to the financial industry bailout yet? I'm curious to see the differences.

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If you read, the deal is if they can't show being a "viable" company in 90 days, March 31, 2009 the loan is canceled and all 13.4 Billion will be returned to the treasury and bye bye company. I can live with this plan, GM can't change so they are doomed. I still feel it needs to go under and dissolve the UAW. Fuck the UAW. Greedy Unions have no place in the 21st century. We need to bring back non skilled jobs to the US with out a Union. Only so many can work at McDonalds and Landscaping companies. If it comes back I think Crime would dip and maybe prisons wouldn't be as crowded. More people would be working.



yeah ur right. fuck the union. close the doors and open up non-union and hire all those forgeign fuck faces who work under the same ss#, live in one house and send there money back to mexico. good call dipshit......... i'm not saying the union is 100% correct and they should have worked a little with the first bailout but on the first bail out, the government wanted them to take a 50% pay cut for everyone. Do you think that you could have a family, house and car payment, make 60,000$/year and then go to making 30,000#/year?????


You think the banks are in trouble now, make all those workers take that big a pay cut and there will be a SHIT ton of cars takin, and MORE house on the market. yeah smart move there.



And as for them hiring foreign people. take buckeye "aka" columbus steel. Was a union company for YEARS. the company wanted them to take a pay cut b/c the profits where not as high as they wanted and the union said no and they closed doors. guess what, opened up non-union, hired people to do the SAME work for 8-12$/hr and 85% of the people worker there dont speak english and cant drive. Real smart move there wasn't it. Just close all union shops and hire everyone in non-union and pay them 50% less and no benifits and help the owners make there profit and fuck everyone else..........

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yeah ur right. fuck the union. close the doors and open up non-union and hire all those forgeign fuck faces who work under the same ss#, live in one house and send there money back to mexico. good call dipshit......... i'm not saying the union is 100% correct and they should have worked a little with the first bailout but on the first bail out, the government wanted them to take a 50% pay cut for everyone. Do you think that you could have a family, house and car payment, make 60,000$/year and then go to making 30,000#/year?????


You think the banks are in trouble now, make all those workers take that big a pay cut and there will be a SHIT ton of cars takin, and MORE house on the market. yeah smart move there.



And as for them hiring foreign people. take buckeye "aka" columbus steel. Was a union company for YEARS. the company wanted them to take a pay cut b/c the profits where not as high as they wanted and the union said no and they closed doors. guess what, opened up non-union, hired people to do the SAME work for 8-12$/hr and 85% of the people worker there dont speak english and cant drive. Real smart move there wasn't it. Just close all union shops and hire everyone in non-union and pay them 50% less and no benifits and help the owners make there profit and fuck everyone else..........


Damn I don't see anywhere where I stated to hire illegal immigrants. Way to just put words in someone's mouth.

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