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Whats odd about yourself


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x2 on teh mod everything, and when i cant afford to mod, i rebuild everything and try and make it better


i cannot sleep in socks, however if im not wearing them in the day i feel strange.


im scared shitless of police, the nicest, happiest police officer in the world could say hi to me and id be shaking like hell


im probably the most relaxed person in the world half the time, but the other half im the most spastic person anyone will ever meet.


i have to know how everything works, im really bad about seeing if a door will open from the inside if its locked


and im almost too knowledgable about cars, just how everything works, i cant stand people that think they know shit and are dumb as hell


i cant sleep without noise like an air conditioner either, i cant sleep wiht music either because i pay too much attention to it.

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Wow, and I thought I was the only weirdo that hated phones and think all this extra BS that cellphones do is mostly useless.


And I'm FAR from a luddite. I love my high tech toys. :)


Hmm.. Weirdness...


At least once a month, when I'm in the shower, I'll wash my hair, rinse, and then completely forget I washed my hair in a matter of seconds.


Car radios with numerical volume levels need to be either always even or always odd. I'm not sure what determines which it will be, but once I start using odd or even volume levels, thats the way it'll be for as long as I own the car. For some reason, odd levels on an even radio never sound right, or vice versa.


...Unless it's talk radio (i.e. Stern). Then it doesn't matter.

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x2 on teh mod everything, and when i cant afford to mod, i rebuild everything and try and make it better

Gotta personalize everything. But I don't think it's a quirk.


i cannot sleep in socks, however if im not wearing them in the day i feel strange.

Same. Sleeping in socks is just weird.


im scared shitless of police, the nicest, happiest police officer in the world could say hi to me and id be shaking like hell

Again, same here. I think it's the knowledge that if the cop is having a bad day, he can ruin my life forever. It'd be his word against mine, and who'd believe some guy over an officer?


i cant stand people that think they know shit and are dumb as hell

I think this is universal..

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I completely agree with the eating foods completely in order of least favorite to favorite, no exceptions. Ill actually try one bite of everything before I start eating just so I know which order to go in.


I also agree with the stereo volume, except for me its always got to be even. No exceptions.


And I am secretly the absolutely coolest guy alive.


There are plenty more but, much too in depth to be discussing with you fuckers.


Oh and, my girlfriends boobs are really warm and they feel really nice. Im also kinda obsessed with them. In a creepy kind of way.

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Ok. Get ready for super comment time.:p


Is there anything that is surprising or weird about you others may not know?


I will start. I absolutely hate talking on the phone. If phones were banned tomorrow, I would be thrilled.

I totally agree and kinda did this when I first moved from Vegas to Texas. I killed my phone and pager and refused to get a home phone for the longest fucking time.


I can't sleep in sleeping bags, they freak me the fuck out. I have to be able to move around, if i can't i start to panic.

I used to be like this as a child. Not really problem, now, though I did freak out a bit the other day when I couldn't get my jacket off. (zipper stuck all the way up.)


I hate eating with silverware. If my tooth slightly grinds on it my face scrunches up and I flip out.

Napkins on my teeth, especially after taking a drink; worse if it was cold. It's like the chalkboard thing to some people, I guess.


I dont like confrontations with strangers but there is a point I reach where I truley feel I am in control. My rage gets to the point where nothing matters absolutely nothing, right wrong, going to jail for the rest of my life nothing.

Lack of control. You can learn to control it yourself (and age will make it easier) or you can goto jail a couple times for assualt and battery, tons of anger management classes, cal trans (hard labor), community service, fines and a record that follows you. I'd go for door #1. ;)


I cannot watch, and have not watched, more than 60 seconds of the show Seinfeld. I find it inane, insulting to the intelligence of a 5 year old, and abrasive.

I don't like Seinfeld, either.


When I eat I have to finish everything on my plate regardless if I like it or not or if I am full or not. It hurt a couple of weeks ago when I ordered 5 Atomic Wings at QS&L. My ass was a 5 alarm fire the next day.

It's taken me alot to learn to control this same thing. I'm sure it's due to my mother always forcing me to eat everydamnthing. Even when I tell myself that, it's still a struggle at times.


As for myself, I am OCD. It used to be to the point of debilitation as a child. My mother thought I could use therapy, but we were pretty broke growing up and that never happened. I've learned to hide it pretty well, unless you know me. I won't bother with the list of things I'm crazy OCD about. It would take up quite a lot of space. It does pretty much have an affect on every facet of my life, even the tiniest, most mundane things.


I have a serious sleepwalking problem. I mean leaving the house at night kinda problem. I don't get night terrors much anymore, but do occasionally. I have something really strange to add to this, but I'll wait till the end.


I've slept on average about 4hrs a night for about 17yrs now. Quite often, it's less than that, occasionally a little more, sometimes not at all. None of my gf's, ex wife, good friends, understand how I function as well as I do on such little sleep.


I've had a lot of dreams where I've found myself either being surrounded by tornadoes everywhere the eye could see; pandemonium, people running, etc. and huge tidal waves, sometimes multiple, sometimes almost as high as you can see, same things, panic, etc.


I used to pick a subject, hit the library (love the internet for this, now), and learn every damn thing I could on the subject, from whatever point of view it came from. (I like broad input and opinion.) It helped me alot with my nighterrors growin up, among other thigns. In this case, I'm talking about learning ot recognize and control my dreams. I was able to accomplish this with a suprising amount success by the time I was in junior high. You won't believe how much this helped me with the nightmares, etc. Now, I hardly remember my dreams as I'm generally so mentally exhausted by the time I sleep. Out of practice, it's become very hard to do on the offchance I get to.


Last two super weird things:

On my mother's father's side, we have family that were condemned as witches during the trials in Massachusetts.


Last but not lease:

My mother, father, aunt and ex-wife all claimed they've heard me speak what sounds like old latin in my sleep. Very clearly. They've all reported this seperately, on their own, without prior knowledge. My step dad always wanted to get a little recorder to see if he could catch me at it, but never did. It, of course, has freaked out a few people in my life and to be honest, kinda freaks me out a bit, too. I'd love to hear it myself. I dunno.

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I have to sleep with the radio on every night it has to be music playing, so I listen to my ipod, if not i just lay there thinking all night, I'm scared of large spiders, and all snakes, and for some reason I can't go to bed before 1am either Edited by SinisterSS
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Oh, On the subject of police, Im actually the opposite. For some reason whenever I see one, I always feel the need to do something stupid, regardless of how minor it is. Typically while driving, I always pipe check them just to see if they even give a shit. If Im in public, I try to use ridiculously foul language just to see what will happen. And other times I just stare with a kinda fucked up look on my face because I just cant help it. Im not sure if its even a really big deal or not but, I always have a severe compulsion to do something, even if its just flicking a cigarette (sometimes drink container) on the ground somewhere where they can obviously see me do it.
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My brother and I constantly have deja vou. I hate it, as I feel like someday it will be like final destination, and I will have to decide between the disaster, or running from death.


Im deathly afraid of spiders, and being buried alive. Particularly if we are still somewhat alive after we die, and we just have to lay in a box, or the alternative, feel ourselves being burnt.


Guess Im not as normal as I thought.

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I'm on Valium right now because I haven't slept in two nights and I know I won't tonight unless I take it. Once a month, every month, I have a three day period where I can't sleep.


I make my living with computers. I enjoy technology. But it also scares the hell out of me - what most people don't know or understand is terrifying.

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I'm OCD about mixing my food, I eat one thing at a time in a meal before moving on to the next item.


Everything has a place and has to be symmetrical. If it's out of these tolerances, it drives me nuts and I'm compelled to fix the placement.


I have hyper-sensitive hearing and everyday noises drive me nuts. I sometimes have a hard time filtering out specific sounds because I hear EVERYTHING, and have to have fans running when I sleep otherwise I can hear my own heartbeat and everything going on in the house and around the neighborhood. People ask me if I'm deaf because I crank the TV volume up, but I do it because it drowns out the other sounds in the area otherwise they interfere with what I'm watching.

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and im almost too knowledgable about cars, just how everything works, i cant stand people that think they know shit and are dumb as hell


too knowledgable? how do you know that they don't know what are talking about and your the wrong one?


Oh and, my girlfriends boobs are really warm and they feel really nice.


maybe i should back up this statement:D

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I'm OCD about mixing my food, I eat one thing at a time in a meal before moving on to the next item.


Everything has a place and has to be symmetrical. If it's out of these tolerances, it drives me nuts and I'm compelled to fix the placement.


I have hyper-sensitive hearing and everyday noises drive me nuts. I sometimes have a hard time filtering out specific sounds because I hear EVERYTHING, and have to have fans running when I sleep otherwise I can hear my own heartbeat and everything going on in the house and around the neighborhood. People ask me if I'm deaf because I crank the TV volume up, but I do it because it drowns out the other sounds in the area otherwise they interfere with what I'm watching.


yeah I turn the tv up too, its hard masterbaiting when the other people in the room are talking can't concentrate at all :D I keed I keed!!

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As long as I'm not in the shower or swiming or something of that nature, I have to have a pair of socks on. Growing up my feet would dry out and the skin would crack really bad. I had to put vasaline or lotion on my feet and wear socks to bed. I can't seem to go without them now.





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i cant sleep unless the TV is on. when my g/f started staying over and eventually moved in, she would get up and turn it off in the middle of the night, and i would wake up and turn it right back on and go back to sleep


x2 especially the history channel or something I enjoy watching, it seems the more informative it is to me the faster Ill fall asleep, the more boring the longer I stay up. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because I cant fall back asleep watching infomercials and lifetime movies, I'll watch the whole damn thing.

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I have some germ phobia's. Things have to be fairly clean. Especially before I cook.


I love dipping french fries in ice cream.


I can't stand spiders. Little ones I am starting to tolerate though, if they are several feet away. And they dont move.


I'm sure I do a lot of weird things.

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