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What do you do for back pain?


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Since i was about 13 i have been doing a lot of hard labor. It wasnt until about a year ago that i was at my breaking point with hard labor. My back was going out on my every year at least once.


I would wear a workout belt under my uniform for work and or a brace. Only seemed to help moderately. Kind of sucked that i would need to pop some vicodin in order to get through my day. I would stretch before i started my day and try to loosen myself up to limit my muscles from over stretching.


So what do you do for back pain? I have tried a desk job but it just doesnt come with the satisfaction you get from a good day of hard labor.

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I threw out my back once in 05 and have done so annually it seems.


You could go to the chiropractor, but I really didnt care for it, nor did I think going 2-3 times a week for 6 months at $20/visit was very practical for me.


But to tell you what really works for me. lifting the core muscles to strengthen that area up. I threw out my back earlier this year doing deadlifts, I waited two months till it stopped hurting and started doing very light back and ab workouts. I'm to the point now where I can once again do moderately weighted deadlifts.


So if you currently arent injured I would do some ab work, some light lower back lifting, and some trunk twists (these help alot for me).

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  Twistedrx7 said:
Since i was about 13 i have been doing a lot of hard labor. It wasnt until about a year ago that i was at my breaking point with hard labor. My back was going out on my every year at least once.


I would wear a workout belt under my uniform for work and or a brace. Only seemed to help moderately. Kind of sucked that i would need to pop some vicodin in order to get through my day. I would stretch before i started my day and try to loosen myself up to limit my muscles from over stretching.


So what do you do for back pain? I have tried a desk job but it just doesnt come with the satisfaction you get from a good day of hard labor.


See a doctor to find out what's really going on. Not poking fun at you...but seriously...call Dr. Rick and have him set up a look see at the x-rays at least. Like Chiro's or not, see him. You need to figure out what's broken in order to fix it. Drugs are just going to mask the problem. At the very least you get a reasonably priced look-see and opinion on what is wrong or can be done.


Before anyone chimes in with remarks...I've used both Chiro's and MD's. I have two of each in my family and have been through a lumpectomy back in my days too. Have been fine since.

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I have seen a few doctors but not a specialty doctor. I threw out my lower back and my upper back. I had a few x-rays done and they didnt see anything wrong with my discs or spine at all. They said it was muscle related.


I used to do about 1000 crunches a day and 600-700 pushups, my back didnt really bother me then, but i wasnt doing any hard labor.

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Best thing I have ever found is Foam Exercise rollers:


http://www.basportsmedicine.com/prodinfo.asp?number=ELGN-FR <-- This place is in the same shopping center as Micro Center on Bethel near 315... They sell them for around $10.


You can lay on one of these and roll up and down without letting your butt touch the ground and it will straighten out whatever the problem is.

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I was busy today and did not see this thread until now.


My first bit of advice is to get rid of the back belt. They will cause you to have more problems in the long term due to a decrease in muscle mass.


Go get someone to look at the spine. Structure is important.


Here are some before and after. Improper curve/alignment weaken the structual integrity, leading to pain.

Before Care-------------------After Care


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ive got pain from a bulging disc. doctor im seeing originally gave me some exercises to do, which helped a little, but this was before we found out the disc was messed up. ice will also help.


but holy shit, 1000 crunches and 700 pushups a day? i thought i was moderately in shape, and 150 crunches and 30-40 pushups after my work out and im pretty beat.

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I just found out today I have a fracture on my L5.... I take advil if it gets too unbearable. but I have lived with back pain for about 10 yrs now. just decided to get it checked out. guess I am going to a back spec.


my advice would be to go to a chiro get xrays, get straight, then do stretches and exercises to maintain. good luck!



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  99ta said:
I just found out today I have a fracture on my L5.... I take advil if it gets too unbearable. but I have lived with back pain for about 10 yrs now. just decided to get it checked out. guess I am going to a back spec.


my advice would be to go to a chiro get xrays, get straight, then do stretches and exercises to maintain. good luck!




What kind of fracture? How did you do that?

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  V8KILR said:
What kind of fracture? How did you do that?


i'd bet money its a spondylolysis.


original poster, its time to see a physician who specializes in treating back pain. you will obviously need x-rays, and probably an MRI. you can see a chiro if you want, but i'd start with a referral to a physician specialist. could be a disc, could be spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis, could be scoliosis--fuck, it could be a tumor, they often are discovered in this manner--you'll never know unless you get it checked out.


and if you smoke cigarettes, its time to stop now.

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  kirks5oh said:
i'd bet money its a spondylolysis.

That is generally a congenital separation of the Pars and not a fracture.



  kirks5oh said:

original poster, its time to see a physician who specializes in treating back pain. you will obviously need x-rays, and probably an MRI. you can see a chiro if you want, but i'd start with a referral to a physician specialist. could be a disc, could be spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis, could be scoliosis--fuck, it could be a tumor, they often are discovered in this manner--you'll never know unless you get it checked out.


and if you smoke cigarettes, its time to stop now.

:lol: and when he is done with that he will come to my office and finally get better. I love how people spend 10k on a $500 problem... It is on now Kirk j/k

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  V8KILR said:
That is generally a congenital separation of the Pars and not a fracture.




:lol: and when he is done with that he will come to my office and finally get better. I love how people spend 10k on a $500 problem... It is on now Kirk j/k



Where is your office at? What tests would you end up running?

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  V8KILR said:
What kind of fracture? How did you do that?


well, I fell off a deck when I was six and broke my arm. My mom stated I hurt my back but it wasn't treated due to being in traction for 6weeks. so I think it happened then.


and kurt your right. when I first had it checked about 8 yrs ago it was spondylolisthesis. but my dr seems to think its worse than that now? I don't know. I don't know the difference if there is one. but he called it a fracture, so I don't know.


sorry about the hijack......

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  V8KILR said:
What kind of fracture? How did you do that?



  kirks5oh said:
i'd bet money its a spondylolysis.



  V8KILR said:
That is generally a congenital separation of the Pars and not a fracture.




  99ta said:

and kurt your right. when I first had it checked about 8 yrs ago it was spondylolisthesis. but my dr seems to think its worse than that now? I don't know. I don't know the difference if there is one. but he called it a fracture, so I don't know.





don't listen to rick--spondylolysis is most commonly a stress fracture in your pars (a portion of one of your vertebrae). it can (rarely) be congenital (as he proudly mentioned), but most commonly arises from repetitive back extension (think gymnasts, and football linemen). its a VERY common source of back pain in young people. it can be caused by trauma (like in 99 ta's case), or tumors. usually treated non-operatively, most heal with time. when the vertebrae slip past one another, it becomes a spondylolisthesis, like 99ta has. these also rarely require surgery unless the vertebrae slip over 50% past one another.


feel free to go to a chiropracter--when their bullshit back massages don't work, you'll be ready for surgery. there's a reason why back specialists go through 4 years of medical school, 5-6 years of surgical/orthopedic training, and then 1-2 years of a fellowship. if i could make people's pain go away with 'smoke and mirrors', it wouldn't have been necessary for me to waste 12 years of my life--i could have just gotten a college degree, and then whatever online coursework is necessary to become a chiro.


your turn rick, show me more articles about how physicians kill more people per year than smoking.

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  kirks5oh said:


don't listen to rick--spondylolysis is most commonly a stress fracture in your pars (a portion of one of your vertebrae). it can (rarely) be congenital (as he proudly mentioned), but most commonly arises from repetitive back extension (think gymnasts, and football linemen). its a VERY common source of back pain in young people.



Let be real here the VAST majority of spondylos do not create pain. About 20% of the spondylos are dysplastic spondylolisthesis. That is the majority of all the causes. Dont sit here and try to make me out as someone who does not know what I am doing with spines. I guarantee I have seen more spines in my my office that you have. Over 90% of the people that come to my office get better from whatever spine condition they walk in with. Do you have that sucess rate? No! Take your arrogance somewhere else.

  kirks5oh said:

it can be caused by trauma (like in 99 ta's case), or tumors. usually treated non-operatively, most heal with time.

That is blatanly false and you know it. Sponylos that have slipped do not heal. The treatment is based on managing the spondylo unless it is a high-grade then surgical intervention may be an option.

  kirks5oh said:

feel free to go to a chiropracter--when their bullshit back massages don't work, you'll be ready for surgery. there's a reason why back specialists go through 4 years of medical school, 5-6 years of surgical/orthopedic training, and then 1-2 years of a fellowship. if i could make people's pain go away with 'smoke and mirrors', it wouldn't have been necessary for me to waste 12 years of my life--i could have just gotten a college degree, and then whatever online coursework is necessary to become a chiro.


your turn rick, show me more articles about how physicians kill more people per year than smoking.

Trust the advice from someone that cant spell CHIROPRACTOR.:D Just because you made it through med school does not mean you are a good Dr or Gods gift to the rest of us. Remember you have to put your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us and your stool still stinks.

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  V8KILR said:


About 20% of the spondylos are dysplastic spondylolisthesis. ..


this problem is not a congenital problem--it is one that develops with time, and is due to mechanical factors/stresses. a pars defect has only been discovered ONCE in a newborn---spondylolysis has NEVER been reported in an adult that has never walked. the most common cause of spondylolysis and resultant listhesis is from mechanical factors. the incidence in the general population is about 5-6%, depending on what medical literature you read. but studies have found over 11% incidence in gymnasts---its a mechanical phenomenon.


  V8KILR said:
That is blatanly false and you know it. Sponylos that have slipped do not heal. ..


i was referring to spondylolysis, and not listhesis. and unilateral defects heal, and do so without slippage


  V8KILR said:
Trust the advice from someone that cant spell CHIROPRACTOR.:D .



that must be the whole first semester of chiro school


  V8KILR said:
Just because you made it through med school does not mean you are a good Dr. Remember you have to put you pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us and your stool stinks.


i shit gold

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